Good points there, folks. It's not as bad as it could be, you should see some of the other war atrocities, they tortured our troops -- yeah, let's torture them just a little less, let's commit atrocities that just aren't the worst....
We are NOT a nation of an eye for an eye ('cept of course in death penalty-crazed Texas -- see a pattern?). We are supposed to be civilized and seeking freedom for the world's citizens (why we are somehow blessed by [our] god to do so still eludes me, but that's what we do...).
I don't care if the torture makes the Iraqis hate us more, but what about the rest of the world? Oh yeah, we already told them to fuck off. Then what about ourselves?
If you don't think we should be holding ourselves to the highest standard, I'm even more afraid of where we're headed as a nation and a people than I thought I was.
All that said, I can't say that I see a reason at this point to blame this on the Bush administration per se. Sure, they're mostly all neo-con war mongers, but they weren't there and may not have known what's going on in particular facilities. The soldiers involved have violated international law, and there should be proceedings to deal with those violations.