Originally posted by Rob_Gee_a.k.a _Guiny:
. Hangin' burnt from a bridge just doesn't do it for me.
It does not do it for me either, and it shouldn't "do it" for anyone who respects human life. But don't forget one of the triggers of this reaction by the Iraqi's, the deathtoll of more than 15k CIVILIANS according to estimates...
and that's the crying shame, that people talk about war as if it were a strictly military A against military B engagement... had we been sharing borders in Iraq and 15k civilian americans had been killed, do you really think a similar response would've been an impossible thing?? they've dragged people on pick-ups for being gay and burned people for being black... I wouldn't be surprised if that reaction would've happened here if we were in their shoes... we went to them, to occupy, they didn't come to us, and as it has been proven they didn't force it upon them... how laughable that former "Sadaam generals" may now be once again heading the Iraqi army imposed by us..the "liberators"..