league's-bitch-of-the-week award goes to We Are Both Carls. he scored the second-most points so only one team could beat him... unfortunately, that was his opponent (T-Bars). so he's in 6th place, with over twice as many points as the person in 5th.
matt forte racks up 30 points, aka a fifth of what he got all season last year?!? and who is this arian foster kid? he puts up 41 points - when he only scored 47 all season long in 2009?!? it's official, folks. bookerT either has very, very powerful friends or has made a deal with the devil (same thing, i suppose).
on my team, i was sorely disappointed that Sims-Walker and Harvin combined for a 1 point. nice work guys. had they pulled their own weight, We Are Both Carls probably wouldn't be feeling so bad right now

interesting that this week, #1 plays #3 and #2 plays #4.
(latest rumor: this year's SB half-time show = black eyed peas. i see some half-time grilling in my future...)