they don't need to pay the cops to be there. the police do that on their own.
if the shellac show happened, then it would have been considered special circumstances and *maybe* would have had to foot the bill for park police.
in interest of full disclosure, this is beth b.
i booked the shows 2002-2005, now i do the permit/t shirt screening/admin end of things.
we don't have a special deal with park service or police. we do make an effort for them to realize we are responsible folks with great (generally) audiences.
it wasn't "extortion money" that we were trying to raise last season. the fact was we replaced *every* piece of plywood last summer (24 sheets at $75 a sheet) and it took about 13 hours to tear it all up and put new stuff back down, so excuse me if i was fucking pissed that someone burned a hole through a board.
luckily, we used pressure treated wood last year which translates into only having to replace 2 or 3 boards this year. (which by the way, we're doing on the 10th. i count that i will see you with a prybar and a paint roller, yes?)
we also haven't had a benefit show since the last time Run For Cover benefited the Fort, so we're honored and thankful that they're going to throw a little cash our way, because after 3 years without a benefit and a full stage overhaul, the pockets are a little sparse.
seriously, if you have questions, ask. we'll tell you.
speculation isn't good for anyone.
and i've heard through the grape vine that the kid who was arrested last year with weed on him has been arrested another three times. With pot and also lewd activity in a park.
i guess some people don't learn.
that said, i'm more excited for this summer than i have been in a long time. if you have questions or concerns about how fort reno happens? ask me. i am nice when you're not burning my playground down, mkay?
beth b.