Author Topic: hot girl with mohawk @ Social D  (Read 9025 times)

Julian, Alleged Computer F**kface

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Re: hot girl with mohawk @ Social D
« Reply #15 on: November 01, 2005, 05:19:00 pm »
Originally posted by thatguy:
  the confidence required to make choices that make you stand out is hot.  choosing to blend in rarely is.  that's all i'm sayin'.  
 isn't that the case for most people?  you don't pick a mate that blends in the best.  you pick the one that stands out to you for some reason or another.      
 exception granted for penguins.  i have much respect for any individual creature that can look out at a sea of other individuals that look exactly the same and point at one out of the group and say, "that's my baby!"  that's love right there.
I understand what you're saying, but you have to look at it sort of objectively. It takes courage for a young lady to "stand out from everyone else" by tattooing a giant bloody penis on her forehead and letting her teeth rot out of her mouth, but I doubt you'd find that attractive.
 If you happen to like the particular look of a mohawk on a woman, then more power to you, good sir, but don't act appalled when most of us do not.    :)


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Re: hot girl with mohawk @ Social D
« Reply #16 on: November 01, 2005, 05:40:00 pm »
Originally posted by Etan de Balzac, Footie Ball Player:
  Isn't choosing a "punk rock" look just another way of conforming at this point in the game? Especially in an area as urbane and liberal as Washington, DC?
i'm pretty sure that everyone here is intelligent enough to realize that a simple mohawk, while the spark for the discussion, is not what we're talking about now.  i'm talking about non-standard appearances in general.  
 let's use me as an example.  a lot of people describe me as having a "punk rock" look.  would you consider my choices as conformist?  if so, to what am i confoming?


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Re: hot girl with mohawk @ Social D
« Reply #17 on: November 01, 2005, 05:47:00 pm »
Originally posted by [username edited by p.c. moderator]:
  I understand what you're saying, but you have to look at it sort of objectively. It takes courage for a young lady to "stand out from everyone else" by tattooing a giant bloody penis on her forehead and letting her teeth rot out of her mouth, but I doubt you'd find that attractive.
i respect the confidence required to buck the standard definition of beauty, but that confidence alone is not enough to make someone attractive.  i may not personally enjoy what they choose to do with that confidence, but i repsect the chutzpah.  if i say i think blondes are hot, it doesn't mean that i'm going to find every blonde hot.  if i say i find the confidence to stand out hot, it doesn't mean that i'm going to find every girl with a mohawk hot.  
If you happen to like the particular look of a mohawk on a woman, then more power to you, good sir, but don't act appalled when most of us do not.     :)  
i'm not appalled at the fact that people have different tastes.  i'm disturbed by the judgements made (that the girl in question needs to grow up and stop mooching off of her parents) based on something as silly as a haircut, especially when the person making that judgement didnt even see the girl.


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Re: hot girl with mohawk @ Social D
« Reply #18 on: November 01, 2005, 05:48:00 pm »
Some people prefer to spend their time living and doing things rather than focusing efforts on their appearance as a means by which to differentiate themselves from the masses. That's why you have to get to know people.

Re: hot girl with mohawk @ Social D
« Reply #19 on: November 01, 2005, 05:52:00 pm »
Well you look a whole lot more like someone who would work the door at a rock club than a nerdy guy like me does.
 You're conforming to the trendy "alternative nation" piercings and tattoos crowd. Or perhaps you are a trendsetter, rather than a mere conformist.
 But that's cool. Everyone wants to fit in in some way.
Originally posted by thatguy:
Originally posted by Etan de Balzac, Footie Ball Player:
  Isn't choosing a "punk rock" look just another way of conforming at this point in the game? Especially in an area as urbane and liberal as Washington, DC?
i'm pretty sure that everyone here is intelligent enough to realize that a simple mohawk, while the spark for the discussion, is not what we're talking about now.  i'm talking about non-standard appearances in general.  
 let's use me as an example.  a lot of people describe me as having a "punk rock" look.  would you consider my choices as conformist?  if so, to what am i confoming? [/b]


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Re: hot girl with mohawk @ Social D
« Reply #20 on: November 01, 2005, 05:56:00 pm »
Originally posted by Celeste:
  Some people prefer to spend their time living and doing things rather than focusing efforts on their appearance as a means by which to differentiate themselves from the masses. That's why you have to get to know people.
that's why you have to get to know people.  exactly my point.  if you pass judgement on someone based solely on their appearance, you don't ever get to know them.


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Re: hot girl with mohawk @ Social D
« Reply #21 on: November 01, 2005, 06:08:00 pm »
Originally posted by Etan de Balzac, Footie Ball Player:
  Well you look a whole lot more like someone who would work the door at a rock club than a nerdy guy like me does.
have you ever looked at the staph at the club?  it's quite a diverse group, and i'd say that very few of us look like someone who would work the door at a rock club.  we even have some nerdy guys.  i don't think there's anyone else at the club that looks like me.  sure, some folk have tattoos, and some are pierced, but i wouldn't put anyone else in the same category as me based on societal standards.

 You're conforming to the trendy "alternative nation" piercings and tattoos crowd. Or perhaps you are a trendsetter, rather than a mere conformist.
i get stared at at tattoo conventions.  in piercing shops.  by pierced and tattooed people.  i don't think i'm conforming to any "alternative nation" if those people are as taken aback by my choices as anyone else.  
 i don't claim to be setting any trends either.  
 i do what i do for myself, and nobody else.  

 But that's cool. Everyone wants to fit in in some way.
i disagree.

Re: hot girl with mohawk @ Social D
« Reply #22 on: November 01, 2005, 06:09:00 pm »
Most "punks", at least when I was growing up, were spoiled upper middle class white kids.
 Perhaps that has changed since punk went to the mall.
 That was the basis of my jokey "grow up and stop mooching off of mom and dad" comment. I guess i shouldn't be surprised you took it so seriously, not given the proper context,


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Re: hot girl with mohawk @ Social D
« Reply #23 on: November 01, 2005, 06:21:00 pm »
Originally posted by thatguy:
Originally posted by [username edited by p.c. moderator]:
  Point of order: "hot" and "girl with mohawk" do not belong in the same sentence.
you just keep thinking that.  more for the rest of us that way.  a girl with the confidence to pull off a non-standard look can be absolutely gorgeous. [/b]
I bet it was Maggie and yes she is hot with her mohawk  :)
 Mindless Faith
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Re: hot girl with mohawk @ Social D
« Reply #24 on: November 01, 2005, 06:28:00 pm »
Isn't any musical trend likely to attract a bunch of posers? You can see it in grunge, in punk, emo, whatever. The fact of the matter is that some folks stay true to themselves and their look is very much a part of who they are because it reflects what's on the inside. The ones that are going along for the ride to "look cool" can be spotted by the ones who are the real deal.
 Personally, I think Thatguy (for example) is totally the real deal. And I would venture to say that most people don't understand that some people ask themselves all the right questions to find their identity and to find the things that separate them from all the other clones. I'm not just talking about a physical look...I'm talking about what is beneath the surface as well. Sure, we can find others that share some traits or dress the way we do...but frankly, I'm most comfortable not conforming and doing my own thing. Or at least keeping things in perspective and laughing about what a joke it is to see punk rock posers or someone who takes something so literal that it becomes a blueprint for their life. I would guess most people can't get beyond the physical appearance of someone. Their opinion is already made and that's that.


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Re: hot girl with mohawk @ Social D
« Reply #25 on: November 02, 2005, 12:05:00 pm »
Originally posted by thatguy:
Originally posted by Etan de Balzac, Footie Ball Player:
  Well you look a whole lot more like someone who would work the door at a rock club than a nerdy guy like me does.
have you ever looked at the staph at the club?  it's quite a diverse group, and i'd say that very few of us look like someone who would work the door at a rock club.  we even have some nerdy guys.  i don't think there's anyone else at the club that looks like me.  sure, some folk have tattoos, and some are pierced, but i wouldn't put anyone else in the same category as me based on societal standards.

 You're conforming to the trendy "alternative nation" piercings and tattoos crowd. Or perhaps you are a trendsetter, rather than a mere conformist.
i get stared at at tattoo conventions.  in piercing shops.  by pierced and tattooed people.  i don't think i'm conforming to any "alternative nation" if those people are as taken aback by my choices as anyone else.  
 i don't claim to be setting any trends either.  
 i do what i do for myself, and nobody else.  

 But that's cool. Everyone wants to fit in in some way.
i disagree. [/b]
I admit it.  I am a nerd.  And I like penguins.
 Though I don't agree with saying he conforms to the trendy "alternative nation."  That's a statement that clearly proves to point of getting to know someone.  Just because someone has tattoos or piercings doesn't mean they're conforming to that part of society.  Many people do not see the other artistic or religious (whatever religion you may by privvy or not privvy too) side of tattoos or piercings or even the personal meaning behind said body modifications.  Yes, some people do it for the fad purposes, but many do not.  A person true to him/herself is a characteristic that I find the most attractive.  And I disagree too that everyone wants to fit in.


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Re: hot girl with mohawk @ Social D
« Reply #26 on: November 02, 2005, 01:25:00 pm »
It's what's inside that counts.

Frank Gallagher

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Re: hot girl with mohawk @ Social D
« Reply #27 on: November 02, 2005, 01:29:00 pm »
Originally posted by vansmack:
  It's what's inside that counts.
....and they're all pink!  :)


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Re: hot girl with mohawk @ Social D
« Reply #28 on: November 02, 2005, 03:05:00 pm »
figure i'll add to this post rather than making my own for the same type deal..
 anyone go to spooky that knows who a guy wearing goggles ontop of his head and a high-collered button up trenchcoat might have been? i didn't even get his name but ah he was beautiful.

Re: hot girl with mohawk @ Social D
« Reply #29 on: November 02, 2005, 03:07:00 pm »
Welcome to the community. What is your native language?
Originally posted by pungen:
  figure i'll add to this post rather than making my own for the same type deal..
 anyone go to spooky that knows who a guy wearing goggles ontop of his head and a high-collered button up trenchcoat might have been? i didn't even get his name but ah he was beautiful.