Author Topic: metro is a PIECE o' SHIT  (Read 9226 times)


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Re: metro is a PIECE o' SHIT
« Reply #15 on: September 07, 2007, 12:17:00 pm »
I hate the shape of those big ugly hoodie things they built to cover the entrances


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Re: metro is a PIECE o' SHIT
« Reply #16 on: September 07, 2007, 12:24:00 pm »
I thought Metro was a private company, not a government service?
 Originally posted by yinzer:
it's a basic government service on its way to being totally broken and you seem to support that brand of infrastructure negligence. that is of a piece with your fairly regularly spouted nonsense.
wikipedia states, "The Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority (WMATA) is a tri-jurisdictional government agency authorized by Congress, that operates transit service in the Washington, D.C. metropolitan area, including the Metrorail. WMATA is jointly funded by the District of Columbia, Virginia, and Maryland."  
 assuming that info is correct and the wmata website appears to support that - it seems that they can indeed be held accountable as a government sponsored entity if nothing else.  wmata receives its revenue from taxpayers, riders, and ads.  maybe they need to splash divorce and personal injury lawyer ads all over the place a la nyc to get the fucking thing running properly.


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Re: metro is a PIECE o' SHIT
« Reply #17 on: September 07, 2007, 12:32:00 pm »
Originally posted by Charlie Nakatestes,Japanese Golfer:
  Here's my list of whining:
 1.Underground stations are hot as hell Put the fucking ac on.
 2. Too many trains delays because of "sick passengers" Which is odd, though I've been delayed a million times because some other train having a sick passenger, I've never actually been on a train that itself had a sick passenger.
 3. It's expensive if you're on a longer ride. Make it a flat rate like in NYC or Chicago.
 4. Too many goons blasting their ipods or talking to loudly on their cells or putting their feet or bags oin the adjacent seat so that they are taking up two seats.
RE #3: i'm actually in favor that.  maybe the differential is too high, but it makes sense that those who use the metro more should pay a little more.  metro would be cheaper if it paired back the system to the higher-use core.  plus, it's a tradeoff: to get the perks of living in the burbs - more house for the dollar, backyard with lawn, etc - you pay in other ways, like commute time and commute price.  airfare to rome is more expensive than airfare to NYC.  
 RE #4, people taking up extra seats: can't blame metro for that, it's the fault of inconsiderate people.  for once, it's hate the player not the game.
 a very minor esthetic complaint that i have of DC's metro: all the stations look the same (at least the downtown ones) i.e. grey ciment fallout bunker.  talk about dehumanizing.  i love the fact that in NYC i know (or can get an idea of) what station i'm at just by looking out the window and seeing the tile colors.  very very minor gripe.


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Re: metro is a PIECE o' SHIT
« Reply #18 on: September 07, 2007, 12:42:00 pm »
Originally posted by Charlie Nakatestes,Japanese Golfer:
  I do. And they usually do.  
Originally posted by SalParadise:
    you don't just ask them to move/move their shit?


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Re: metro is a PIECE o' SHIT
« Reply #19 on: September 07, 2007, 12:43:00 pm »
Originally posted by xneverwherex:
Originally posted by SalParadise:
Originally posted by Charlie Nakatestes,Japanese Golfer:
  putting their feet or bags oin the adjacent seat so that they are taking up two seats.
you don't just ask them to move/move their shit? [/b]
cleary he doesnt ride the subway in nyc. everyone asks people to move to sit down, or tells them to move their stuff. and must say the nyc subway is much more convenient than DC. dont know about you brian_wallace - but clearly you dont use public transpo in NYC. its much more efficient, runs 24/7, flat rate, and trains running much more frequently. granted they might not be as clean, and its hot as hell during the summer underground, but usually the ac is functioning on the trains. ill take the convenience of 24/7 trains anytime. and $2 anywhere, its a sweet deal. a train from the city to coney island and only $2. thats a sweet deal.
 my longest wait is usually on the L from williamsburg to the city. major pain in the arse once you pass 12am, but the wait of 10-20 mins i should be used to, as i swear i was always waiting for the metro. [/b]
NYC sucks.


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Re: metro is a PIECE o' SHIT
« Reply #20 on: September 07, 2007, 06:01:00 pm »
Originally posted by Charlie Nakatestes,Japanese Golfer:
  I do. And they usually do. Sometimes they refuse. The point is, their shit really shouldn't be there to the point where I'd have to ask. They didn't pay for two seats.
Originally posted by SalParadise:
Originally posted by Charlie Nakatestes,Japanese Golfer:
  putting their feet or bags oin the adjacent seat so that they are taking up two seats.
you don't just ask them to move/move their shit? [/b]
That's true in pretty much any public place. Go to a bar during happy hour. Go to an airport. Go pretty much anywhere there is a place to sit, and someone will put their bag on it. That gripe isn't unique to Metro. Not Metro's fault that people have no manners any more.


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Re: metro is a PIECE o' SHIT
« Reply #21 on: September 07, 2007, 06:12:00 pm »
2 words:
 Fuck traffic.


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Re: metro is a PIECE o' SHIT
« Reply #22 on: September 07, 2007, 07:22:00 pm »
I park at Rhode Island Ave and take it to Farragut's awesome, because I'm only on there for like 10-15 minutes.


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Re: metro is a PIECE o' SHIT
« Reply #23 on: September 07, 2007, 07:24:00 pm »
I work three miles from home, so I usually bike.
 Sorry, just rubbing it in.


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Re: metro is a PIECE o' SHIT
« Reply #24 on: September 08, 2007, 12:14:00 am »
Metro is great....unless you are rushing or they are not on time.
 You can tell when the games are on because it is crowded and you know 99% of those people don't take Metro on a regular bases and definitely not to Stadium-Armory.
 Metro is very simple and if you have gone on other train systems they are basically the same.
 You have to learn the ins and outs.....then you will enjoy!!!


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Re: metro is a PIECE o' SHIT
« Reply #25 on: September 08, 2007, 05:42:00 pm »
I have no real complaints taking Metro to and from work M-F (take both bus and rail each day) and have only had to exit a train for mechanical issues maybe 2-3 times in over 2.5 years so I don't have much to complain about.  But yeah I don't fuck with it after hours, once traffic has died down by 7-8-ish it's FAR more convenient for me to drive into DC from VA to get where I need to go that night.


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Re: metro is a PIECE o' SHIT
« Reply #26 on: September 08, 2007, 07:21:00 pm »
And the complaints posted here are pretty much the same with any major city subway system. The last three times I have been in London, there've been massive problems or delays on certain Underground lines during rush hour, and lots and lots of line closures on the weekends. You may complain about the trains coming slowly on the weekends but how much worse would it be if you couldn't take, say, the green line at ALL for an entire weekend? London has a world-class subway system and they have some of the exact same problems as Metro. Including high fares (even worse for us tourists when the exchange rate is down), smelly people, people who don't share the seat, cell phone yakkers, etc etc.


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Re: metro is a PIECE o' SHIT
« Reply #27 on: September 08, 2007, 08:18:00 pm »

you be betty

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Re: metro is a PIECE o' SHIT
« Reply #28 on: September 08, 2007, 09:33:00 pm »
sorry, but you guys need to stop fucking whining.  it's public transportation.  what do you expect, solid gold toilets?
 i do enjoy the flat rate system in new york very much, and yes metro here gets expensive, but deal with it.  also, the trains in new york are a LOT HOTTER right now than the trains here.
 the bottom line is, metro gets stuck at the most inconvenient times, can be unreliable, and can be overly crowded and a pain in the ass.  but in most other cities, they don't even have the luxury of convenient public transportation sites like we do.  the public transportation here, in comparison to many other cities, kicks ass.  so stop whining and be grateful that we've got what we've got.


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Re: metro is a PIECE o' SHIT
« Reply #29 on: September 08, 2007, 09:51:00 pm »
Originally posted by Brian Wallace:
  Whenever I come down south to DC, I always use the Metro and think it's great.  Have you ever seen the mass transportation in other cities?  You don't know how good you have it down there.
 Geez, what a bunch of whining babies you all are!  It COSTS TOO MUCH!  I may have to look at someone who's DIRTY!  Ah, the complaints of the iPod generation...
I love how this guy comes into a thread and takes potshots at it's basic premise, never to return.