im in! i saw them last night - and ill add my review that i posted elsewhere. no clue about any 3 hour set, but last night was 2 hours! and i have no voice thanks to it. oh apparently ive seen the other opener dead combo. a friend reminded me that they opened for the raveonettes, but since i have no memory of seeing them, ill assume it was mostly forgettable. and dont forget BRING YOUR EARPLUGS!
Well I have no voice anymore thanks to the lovely lads of BRMC.
Started out meeting some friends at a pub for some pints. Twas good, until I realized that we'd be missing the opener, whom I really wanted to see. Ah well. I hadn't eaten anything in awhile, so the buzz was fast approaching.
Anyway, caught the tail end of The Cobbs. I liked their stuff and they were sounding great live. No complaints. Much better than the songs I had heard online.
Around 9:10 or so, BRMC hits the stage. "Took out a Loan" is the first song. Guitars fill the room, with a big big sound. This is how I had wished the JAMC were. It was so f'ing loud with such energy. Robert and Peter are excellent on guitars and vocals. Each song would blend into the next with almost no breaks in between songs. Long drawn out spacey guitar jams were the absolute highlights of the show.
The set was near 2 hours long, with almost no breaks. One hell of an encore that included songs they had never before played live. With almost no talking between songs during their set, the encore had lots of chatter. Peter asked for requests which had 5 zillion songs being yelled out. They played Rifle along with a bunch of others.
The acoustic songs were nice and although Im not a fan of Howl, it was a great addition to their set.
New York proved to be a great audience. A sold-out show with fans who adore them. We were clearly there for the kind of show that they delivered.
Now the question is - can DC fans deliver and give them what they need. I'm afraid not, but some friends and i will be in the very front having a blast. so if youre in dc and coming to the show, dont be a stranger and come by and say hello.
and i recommend everyone to get out there if you can. as i said its not sold out, and they are expected on at 11:30.