Originally posted by BadSushi:
Finally, pay no attention to the mean assholes who post here. They try to drive away "newbies" by flaming everything you say and the groups you like...be strong. Eventually, you won't be the newest kid on the playground, and the bullies will get tired of picking on you, and focus on their next target.
There are some "mean assholes", but by far it's not the majority of the people on the board. Really, I truly believe message boards are a microcosm of real life....some assholes, some decent people, some morons, some interesting people. And just like real life, the bad gets more attention than the good. Newspapers wouldn't exist if they didn't give the headlines to the bad shit. NASCAR wouldn't have such high TV ratings if it weren't for the anticipation of the crashes. Is there an epidemic of white, young, attractive blond girls getting abducted and killed in this country? No. But geez, it sure makes for good television. If we gave credence to that, you'd almost believe some young, hot chick was getting abducted every 5 minutes.
This board has good and bad. People who are morons and are mean love the attention. Ignore them (like you said in your post, pay no attention to them).
It's a message board for christsakes, like every other message board I've participated in since the late '90s. People flex their "cool" or "bully" muscles anonymously online. Big deal. Ignore them. Or laugh at them. Or give it right back to them. It ain't gonna change.
Freddy, this is the message board for one of the most popular music clubs in the country. You might not have known that being a Canuck, but we know who UB40 is (are?). When you post on a message board as a new person (I think the approved technical terms are n00b or newbie), it is sort of protocol to check it out first, catch the vibe, etc. Your post was innocuous, but could have been more specific.
If you do come to DC, hope you enjoy the show and the club. If there's anything else you want to know, ask a question and many people here will be happy to help.