Okay, let me try to explain myself a little better.
The Olympics should be about the games first and foremost. Of course emphasis in this country should be on the Americans competing, but not the only focus.....I really don't give a rats arse if the American athlete competing in the polevault was potty trained at age 2, or prefers peanut butter and marmalade to peanut butter and jam. Just show the fucker jumping over the bar...as well as the other polevaulters jumping too. And if the doodle is eliminated during the heats, then continue showing the event through to the medal round for crying out loud.....this attitude by NBC has now bitten them in the arse. Case in point. The swimmer Phelps was all hyped up to win 8 golds and therefore beat Spitz record. He lost in his second race so that is now not possible. Because of the way they marketed this poor bloke he now looks like a total loser and nobody cares what the fuck he does from this point on.
How would the tour de Frog have been covered if NBC had done it? The last 5 minutes of the odd stage when Armstrong was in the lead?
That's my point...show all the games, even if America isn't the strongest in a particular event.
If Britain was like that sports would never be on the friggin telly over there.
oh, one more thing. The olympics should be for amature athletes only....no professional athletes should be allowed to compete.