930 Forums
=> GENERAL DISCUSSION => Topic started by: stevewizzle on July 15, 2013, 07:57:00 am
in an effort not to ruin other discussions and threads, please take your troll sightings and/or grievances out here.
so basically, if you want to reply to atomicfront (which i do not condone), this thread is for you.
an example, in the usually harmless rollcall thread:
bearman was also up on stage.
B&S were indeed wonderful. i can't believe that anyone can walk away from one of their shows without a big stupid smile on their face. stuart was indeed in rare form. i slightly prefer their last show at DAR, but not by a lot.
YLT oscillated between ok and annoying. they had some really nice moments in the first half of their set, but the second half was littered with self-indulgence. kaplan's attempts at guitar-god antics during those 5-minute noise-solos just bugged. it wasn't technically impressive - i can play that shit. if the show was in a small club packed with their faithful i can see them getting away with that... but it wasn't. for me, it was 20 minutes of good music stretched out over an hour.
spent the evening in the company of the boardee formerly known as julian. his version of america lives on. while hanging in the pit we engaged in a hardy game of "spot the non-caucasian"... we both lost. he sends his greetings to miss p, vansmack and walkonby.
once again, got in and out of MPP with zero hassles.
YLT are one of the worst bands I have ever heard. The guitar solos are indeed pathetic. If they removed that guy from the band they would improve. I heard this song on the radio the other day that was an obvious "Monster Mash" tune rip-off. I was like I guess this vocalist is so bad that they would never sell enough copies of their song to be worth to sue. Than I heard it was YLT and it all made sense. Worst guitarist and worst vocalist in one person.
I wonder why great bands like Belle and Sebastian and Beach House have YLT open for them.
Totally feeding the troll, I know but...go fuck yourself.
Oh, and it was very nice meeting you Bearman.
also, beware, trolls sometimes reverse the accusation of trolling. do not be baited twice!
a typical response of an experienced troll may go something like this...
"how am i trolling? you're the one trolling - how could anyone possibly like <insert topic at hand>".
also, beware, trolls sometimes reverse the accusation of trolling. do not be baited twice!
a typical response of an experienced troll may go something like this...
"how am i trolling? you're the one trolling - how could anyone possibly like <insert topic at hand>".
Aren't you trolling a troll by creating this thread?
... or am I now trolling?
also, beware, trolls sometimes reverse the accusation of trolling. do not be baited twice!
a typical response of an experienced troll may go something like this...
"how am i trolling? you're the one trolling - how could anyone possibly like <insert topic at hand>".
You know I wasn't trolling as I was agreeing with another poster. Trolling isn't having an opinion different than yours. What are you five?
in an effort not to ruin other discussions and threads, please take your troll sightings and/or grievances out here.
so basically, if you want to reply to atomicfront (which i do not condone), this thread is for you.
Like I am going to read your stupid posts in this thread. James Ford is a troll. He does stuff like claim Vermont is a better beer vacation than Munich when he knows I am going to Munich. Obvisouly no one could be stupid enough to actually think that. Vermont has nothing. I have been there and it has nothing related to beer. I have been to Munich and it is all about beer. So it is an obvious troll.
It is not trolling to say an awful band is awful and to agree with another poster in doing so. I wouldn't have mentioned how awful Yo Lo Tengo was unless someone else brought it up. Shitty band. Obviously only reason they have gotten critical attention is that the guy was a former critic for the Village Voice and from the NYC area. Saying he can't sing is obvious as well. I say Bob Dylan has a terrible voice as well but at least he can write songs.
also, beware, trolls sometimes reverse the accusation of trolling. do not be baited twice!
a typical response of an experienced troll may go something like this...
"how am i trolling? you're the one trolling - how could anyone possibly like <insert topic at hand>".
Aren't you trolling a troll by creating this thread?
... or am I now trolling?
Why is this a thread? There's an entire thread for atmoicfront. This is getting fucking ridiculous!
Why is this a thread? There's an entire thread for atmoicfront. This is getting fucking ridiculous!
Exactly. If you want to create one for James Ford he doesn't have a thread and he is king of the trolls.
Why is this a thread? There's an entire thread for atmoicfront. This is getting fucking ridiculous!
because people are oblivious to the fact that atomicpants has two bachelor degrees and is out-smarting them by crafting baseless counterpoints just to aggrevate the masses.
it's getting old.
Why is this a thread? There's an entire thread for atmoicfront. This is getting fucking ridiculous!
because people are oblivious to the fact that atomicpants has two bachelor degrees and is out-smarting them by crafting baseless counterpoints just to aggrevate the masses.
it's getting old.
Two bachelor degree isn't all that impressive in itself. I just put that down to show that I had a diverse background. And I am not trying to annoy anyone. My opinion is different than yours. That is not trolling. Posting something I don't believe in to annoy others is trolling. I do believe that Yo Lo Tengo is even worse than Wilco and now is the worst band of all time. If I actually thought Yo Lo Tengo was a decent band and I posted it that it would be trolling. If I just randomly came into the this week's roll call and started bashing Yo Lo Tengo that would be trolling. I came in to agree with someone.
Trolling is posting that Vermont is a better beer vacation than Munich because A) James Ford doesn't believe this is true and B) James Ford only posted it because he knew I was going to Munich.
Geez I have to teach people about the definition of trolling.
Oh and this thread is trolling.
My opinion is different than yours.
FYI, your opinion is different FROM his. Guess neither BA is in English.
(Sorry, I could not resist, I have no opinion on trolling or atomfront...I let James Ford bait me years ago, but I've grown and matured and largely left the board for other pursuits, though I love this place and many of the folks here/who were here...)
^ Sorry, forgot how to do the quoting format. See, it has been a long time.
Yeah English was always my worst subject. I waited until my first semester of my senior year to take English 100. I had to take it the first semester as one of my majors had a second writing course which required English 100 as a prerequisite.
My opinion is different than yours.
FYI, your opinion is different FROM his. Guess neither BA is in English.
(Sorry, I could not resist, I have no opinion on trolling or atomfront...I let James Ford bait me years ago, but I've grown and matured and largely left the board for other pursuits, though I love this place and many of the folks here/who were here...)
The Alchemist, Hill Farmstead, and Lawson's make better been than any of the brewers located in Munich proper. Yo La Tengo makes better music than 99% of the other bands in the world. Though their live show is hit and miss.
There you have my opinions. In Atomicfront's world, my stating this makes me a troll.
Survivor 930 Forum edition:
Atomicfront vs James Ford
too bad Rat Bastard is not around...
I just entered the Baltimore Marathon slated in October.
I challenge Atomicfront to a 26.2 mile race. If I win, he never posts again in the Beer Thread. If he wins, I never post again in his thread. Deal?
I make that post admitting that he has longer legs (six inch height advantage), superior genes (he said so), and Samson like hair (which I don't).
I just entered the Baltimore Marathon slated in October.
I challenge Atomicfront to a 26.2 mile race. If I win, he never posts again in the Beer Thread. If he wins, I never post again in his thread. Deal?
I make that post admitting that he has longer legs (six inch height advantage), superior genes (he said so), and Samson like hair (which I don't).
You pick the one thing you are actually are better at than me to challenge me? Plus I would never do that kind of damage to my body that a 26.2 mile run would cause. I don't care if you post in my thread. You make the beer thread bad not me. How about a game of basketball or see who is better? You should be in better shape which would more than make-up for the height differential.
The Alchemist, Hill Farmstead, and Lawson's make better been than any of the brewers located in Munich proper. Yo La Tengo makes better music than 99% of the other bands in the world. Though their live show is hit and miss.
There you have my opinions. In Atomicfront's world, my stating this makes me a troll.
My mom says Augustiner makes the best beer in the world. I would trust her opinion more than your as she has been drinking good beer long before either of us was born and she doesn't have to read about it on a website.
I just entered the Baltimore Marathon slated in October.
I challenge Atomicfront to a 26.2 mile race. If I win, he never posts again in the Beer Thread. If he wins, I never post again in his thread. Deal?
I make that post admitting that he has longer legs (six inch height advantage), superior genes (he said so), and Samson like hair (which I don't).
You pick the one thing you are actually are better at than me to challenge me? I don't care if you post in my thread. You make the beer thread bad not me. How about a game of basketball or see who is better? You should be in better shape which would more than make-up for the height differential.
I just entered the Baltimore Marathon slated in October.
I challenge Atomicfront to a 26.2 mile race. If I win, he never posts again in the Beer Thread. If he wins, I never post again in his thread. Deal?
I make that post admitting that he has longer legs (six inch height advantage), superior genes (he said so), and Samson like hair (which I don't).
You pick the one thing you are actually are better at than me to challenge me? I don't care if you post in my thread. You make the beer thread bad not me. How about a game of basketball or see who is better? You should be in better shape which would more than make-up for the height differential.
I do have Blonde hair , does James Ford have a mustache?
I do have Blonde hair , does James Ford have a mustache?
I think it's more likely that he has a mustache tatooed on his index finger.
My opinion is different than yours.
FYI, your opinion is different FROM his. Guess neither BA is in English.
(Sorry, I could not resist, I have no opinion on trolling or atomfront...I let James Ford bait me years ago, but I've grown and matured and largely left the board for other pursuits, though I love this place and many of the folks here/who were here...)
English is for faggots.
So I guess James Ford doesn't want to play me in basketball. How about boxing?
How about an SAT test?
So I guess James Ford doesn't want to play me in basketball. How about boxing?
I wish this board had a polling feature.
How about an SAT test?
So I guess James Ford doesn't want to play me in basketball. How about boxing?
How about Wonderlic? I think that would be better judge of intelligence.
I actually just figured out a script to block all of atomicfront's posts. If anyone wants the download information, let me know.
It makes the board a bit easier to read without his nonsense.
oh please share.
I actually just figured out a script to block all of atomicfront's posts. If anyone wants the download information, let me know.
It makes the board a bit easier to read without his nonsense.
You sure seem fascinated with my posts to want to block them. Isn't there just a block feature?
This board has seen many trolls, but atomicfront is without a doubt the most universally disliked poster that I can remember here.
I'd imagine this makes him very happy.
This board has seen many trolls, but atomicfront is without a doubt the most universally disliked poster that I can remember here.
I'd imagine this makes him very happy.
No I want to be loved. I don't get the hatred. I think it is just because I am different than you guys. And you seem to like only people like yourself. It is a shame that you are all so narrow-minded. I don't hate you guys for being stuck in the past. Anyway there are like 25 guys on this board. And 2 women. To tell the truth I can't really tell the difference between a lot of you. Like SweetCell, Chaz, Yada, Steve Wizzle, Death From Above, Vas Deferens etc. I don't know one from the other as you all act exactly alike. I think you are all the same person.
Kosmo Vinyl I know because he has the worst musical taste known to mankind. Killsally seems like a nice guy and he provides useful information. Hutch is ok and he is democrat. James Ford is a troll all the time yet some people don't seem to notice. He is the guy I would most like to punch in the face. Azghal whatever he likes bands no one has ever heard of to be different. Vansmack has some intersing posts once in a while... Walk on By is amusing. Rat Bastard is insane.
I just come here to see what bands are playing when. Like I got Neutral Milk Hotel tickets and Paul McCartney tickets because of you guys. Most of you are truely annoying. Because you hate new popular rock bands but you like boring older ones like Pearl Jam and Queens of Stone Age, Alice in Chains. Really pathetic older bands. I guess you guys are mostly stuck in the past.
And you like to argue. I post about beers I like and you guys attack them. What kind of loser does that? It is really quite bizarre. I have posted on other music boards in beer threads and everyone never has insulted anyone in them. I feel like a lot of you guys are losers in life. Probably single digit for girls you hooked up with in your life. Probably nerdy but not in hipster sort of way. Doesn't sound like you guys have been to many parties where fun happens. Probably don't play sports like Kickball or Softball. Probably buy cheap clothes. Probably drive a Toyota. Probably live in the suburbs. Probably never got wasted at Munich Beirgarten.
How about an SAT test?
So I guess James Ford doesn't want to play me in basketball. How about boxing?
How about Wonderlic? I think that would be better judge of intelligence.
Quit being pussies. Duel or GTFO.
This board has seen many trolls, but atomicfront is without a doubt the most universally disliked poster that I can remember here.
I'd imagine this makes him very happy.
No I want to be loved. I don't get the hatred. I think it is just because I am different than you guys. And you seem to like only people like yourself. It is a shame that you are all so narrow-minded. I don't hate you guys for being stuck in the past. Anyway there are like 25 guys on this board. And 2 women. To tell the truth I can't really tell the difference between a lot of you. Like SweetCell, Chaz, Yada, Steve Wizzle, Death From Above, Vas Deferens etc. I don't know one from the other as you all act exactly alike. I think you are all the same person.
Kosmo Vinyl I know because he has the worst musical taste known to mankind. Killsally seems like a nice guy and he provides useful information. Hutch is ok and he is democrat. James Ford is a troll all the time yet some people don't seem to notice. He is the guy I would most like to punch in the face. Azghal whatever he likes bands no one has ever heard of to be different. Vansmack has some intersing posts once in a while... Walk on By is amusing. Rat Bastard is insane.
I just come here to see what bands are playing when. Like I got Neutral Milk Hotel tickets and Paul McCartney tickets because of you guys. Most of you are truely annoying. Because you hate new popular rock bands but you like boring older ones like Pearl Jam and Queens of Stone Age, Alice in Chains. Really pathetic older bands. I guess you guys are mostly stuck in the past.
And you like to argue. I post about beers I like and you guys attack them. What kind of loser does that? It is really quite bizarre. I have posted on other music boards in beer threads and everyone never has insulted anyone in them. I feel like a lot of you guys are losers in life. Probably single digit for girls you hooked up with in your life. Probably nerdy but not in hipster sort of way. Doesn't sound like you guys have been to many parties where fun happens. Probably don't play sports like Kickball or Softball. Probably buy cheap clothes. Probably drive a Toyota. Probably live in the suburbs. Probably never got wasted at Munich Beirgarten.
This board has seen many trolls, but atomicfront is without a doubt the most universally disliked poster that I can remember here.
I'd imagine this makes him very happy.
No I want to be loved. I don't get the hatred. I think it is just because I am different than you guys. And you seem to like only people like yourself. It is a shame that you are all so narrow-minded. I don't hate you guys for being stuck in the past. Anyway there are like 25 guys on this board. And 2 women. To tell the truth I can't really tell the difference between a lot of you. Like SweetCell, Chaz, Yada, Steve Wizzle, Death From Above, Vas Deferens etc. I don't know one from the other as you all act exactly alike. I think you are all the same person.
Kosmo Vinyl I know because he has the worst musical taste known to mankind. Killsally seems like a nice guy and he provides useful information. Hutch is ok and he is democrat. James Ford is a troll all the time yet some people don't seem to notice. He is the guy I would most like to punch in the face. Azghal whatever he likes bands no one has ever heard of to be different. Vansmack has some intersing posts once in a while... Walk on By is amusing. Rat Bastard is insane.
I just come here to see what bands are playing when. Like I got Neutral Milk Hotel tickets and Paul McCartney tickets because of you guys. Most of you are truely annoying. Because you hate new popular rock bands but you like boring older ones like Pearl Jam and Queens of Stone Age, Alice in Chains. Really pathetic older bands. I guess you guys are mostly stuck in the past.
And you like to argue. I post about beers I like and you guys attack them. What kind of loser does that? It is really quite bizarre. I have posted on other music boards in beer threads and everyone never has insulted anyone in them. I feel like a lot of you guys are losers in life. Probably single digit for girls you hooked up with in your life. Probably nerdy but not in hipster sort of way. Doesn't sound like you guys have been to many parties where fun happens. Probably don't play sports like Kickball or Softball. Probably buy cheap clothes. Probably drive a Toyota. Probably live in the suburbs. Probably never got wasted at Munich Beirgarten.
Your script must not be working.
Probably never got wasted at Munich Beirgarten.
FYI, it's called the Hofbräuhaus (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hofbr%C3%A4uhaus)
Probably never got wasted at Munich Beirgarten.
FYI, it's called the Hofbräuhaus (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hofbr%C3%A4uhaus)
Hofbrauhaus is not a Beirgarten. But I am sure I will get wasted there as well.
Probably never got wasted at Munich Beirgarten.
FYI, it's called the Hofbräuhaus (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hofbr%C3%A4uhaus)
Hofbrauhaus is not a Beirgarten. But I am sure I will get wasted there as well.
at least someone still gets wasted..yay!
Anyway there are like 25 guys on this board. And 2 women. To tell the truth I can't really tell the difference between a lot of you. Like SweetCell, Chaz, Yada, Steve Wizzle, Death From Above, Vas Deferens etc. I don't know one from the other as you all act exactly alike. I think you are all the same person.
Kosmo Vinyl I know because he has the worst musical taste known to mankind. Killsally seems like a nice guy and he provides useful information. Hutch is ok and he is democrat. James Ford is a troll all the time yet some people don't seem to notice. He is the guy I would most like to punch in the face. Azghal whatever he likes bands no one has ever heard of to be different. Vansmack has some intersing posts once in a while... Walk on By is amusing. Rat Bastard is insane.
good material...
there's some truth there..you gotta admit
I find it interesting that everyone is gone by 5 PM.
Still Winning!
I think the fact that you can't tell those people you listed apart probably offers proof that you're much more interested in having your opinions heard than hearing the opinions of others.
This board has seen many trolls, but atomicfront is without a doubt the most universally disliked poster that I can remember here.
I'd imagine this makes him very happy.
No I want to be loved. I don't get the hatred. I think it is just because I am different than you guys. And you seem to like only people like yourself. It is a shame that you are all so narrow-minded. I don't hate you guys for being stuck in the past. Anyway there are like 25 guys on this board. And 2 women. To tell the truth I can't really tell the difference between a lot of you. Like SweetCell, Chaz, Yada, Steve Wizzle, Death From Above, Vas Deferens etc. I don't know one from the other as you all act exactly alike. I think you are all the same person.
Kosmo Vinyl I know because he has the worst musical taste known to mankind. Killsally seems like a nice guy and he provides useful information. Hutch is ok and he is democrat. James Ford is a troll all the time yet some people don't seem to notice. He is the guy I would most like to punch in the face. Azghal whatever he likes bands no one has ever heard of to be different. Vansmack has some intersing posts once in a while... Walk on By is amusing. Rat Bastard is insane.
I just come here to see what bands are playing when. Like I got Neutral Milk Hotel tickets and Paul McCartney tickets because of you guys. Most of you are truely annoying. Because you hate new popular rock bands but you like boring older ones like Pearl Jam and Queens of Stone Age, Alice in Chains. Really pathetic older bands. I guess you guys are mostly stuck in the past.
And you like to argue. I post about beers I like and you guys attack them. What kind of loser does that? It is really quite bizarre. I have posted on other music boards in beer threads and everyone never has insulted anyone in them. I feel like a lot of you guys are losers in life. Probably single digit for girls you hooked up with in your life. Probably nerdy but not in hipster sort of way. Doesn't sound like you guys have been to many parties where fun happens. Probably don't play sports like Kickball or Softball. Probably buy cheap clothes. Probably drive a Toyota. Probably live in the suburbs. Probably never got wasted at Munich Beirgarten.
Best Day Ever!
I think the fact that you can't tell those people you listed apart probably offers proof that you're much more interested in having your opinions heard than hearing the opinions of others.
This board has seen many trolls, but atomicfront is without a doubt the most universally disliked poster that I can remember here.
I'd imagine this makes him very happy.
No I want to be loved. I don't get the hatred. I think it is just because I am different than you guys. And you seem to like only people like yourself. It is a shame that you are all so narrow-minded. I don't hate you guys for being stuck in the past. Anyway there are like 25 guys on this board. And 2 women. To tell the truth I can't really tell the difference between a lot of you. Like SweetCell, Chaz, Yada, Steve Wizzle, Death From Above, Vas Deferens etc. I don't know one from the other as you all act exactly alike. I think you are all the same person.
Kosmo Vinyl I know because he has the worst musical taste known to mankind. Killsally seems like a nice guy and he provides useful information. Hutch is ok and he is democrat. James Ford is a troll all the time yet some people don't seem to notice. He is the guy I would most like to punch in the face. Azghal whatever he likes bands no one has ever heard of to be different. Vansmack has some intersing posts once in a while... Walk on By is amusing. Rat Bastard is insane.
I just come here to see what bands are playing when. Like I got Neutral Milk Hotel tickets and Paul McCartney tickets because of you guys. Most of you are truely annoying. Because you hate new popular rock bands but you like boring older ones like Pearl Jam and Queens of Stone Age, Alice in Chains. Really pathetic older bands. I guess you guys are mostly stuck in the past.
And you like to argue. I post about beers I like and you guys attack them. What kind of loser does that? It is really quite bizarre. I have posted on other music boards in beer threads and everyone never has insulted anyone in them. I feel like a lot of you guys are losers in life. Probably single digit for girls you hooked up with in your life. Probably nerdy but not in hipster sort of way. Doesn't sound like you guys have been to many parties where fun happens. Probably don't play sports like Kickball or Softball. Probably buy cheap clothes. Probably drive a Toyota. Probably live in the suburbs. Probably never got wasted at Munich Beirgarten.
Maybe they don't have personalities or opinions that are their own.. I don't usually have trouble telling people apart.
Well maybe that's the problem. Until you start seeing people as individuals rather than merely as your audience, then people are going to keep disliking you.
Here, i'll help you out.
Sweetcell: married, 40ish, no kids but two in the oven. Originally from Canada. Lives in MD suburbs. Homebrewer. Likes Radiohead and electronic sounding music. Dislikes Americana.
Chaz: married, two kids, adores his wife and kids, 40ish. Lives in Arlington (I think). Likes vintage punk rock. Had good taste in beer when he drank, but doesn't drink beer anymore.
Yada: no married, no kids, has girlfriend. 30's. Lives in suburban MD, originally from PA. Likes Dr. Dog, Phish, and hoppy beer.
Vas Deferens: gay, partnered, 30's, Fillipino. Originally from SF. Lives in the MD boonies. Very broad taste in music. Not a beer fan, but will drink a cider.
Steve Wizzle: 20's, has a girlfriend, lives in DC. Eclectic taste in music from indie rock to indie hip hop. Homebrewer and beer fan. Just went to China. Baseball/Nats fan.
DeathfromAbove: 30ish, single, maybe has a girlfriend, but an assman regardless. Likes hard rock, hip hop, electronic music. Doesn't care for Americana. Drinks beer but not really a craft beer guy like some of the above guys. Huge Nats fan.
I think the fact that you can't tell those people you listed apart probably offers proof that you're much more interested in having your opinions heard than hearing the opinions of others.
This board has seen many trolls, but atomicfront is without a doubt the most universally disliked poster that I can remember here.
I'd imagine this makes him very happy.
No I want to be loved. I don't get the hatred. I think it is just because I am different than you guys. And you seem to like only people like yourself. It is a shame that you are all so narrow-minded. I don't hate you guys for being stuck in the past. Anyway there are like 25 guys on this board. And 2 women. To tell the truth I can't really tell the difference between a lot of you. Like SweetCell, Chaz, Yada, Steve Wizzle, Death From Above, Vas Deferens etc. I don't know one from the other as you all act exactly alike. I think you are all the same person.
Kosmo Vinyl I know because he has the worst musical taste known to mankind. Killsally seems like a nice guy and he provides useful information. Hutch is ok and he is democrat. James Ford is a troll all the time yet some people don't seem to notice. He is the guy I would most like to punch in the face. Azghal whatever he likes bands no one has ever heard of to be different. Vansmack has some intersing posts once in a while... Walk on By is amusing. Rat Bastard is insane.
I just come here to see what bands are playing when. Like I got Neutral Milk Hotel tickets and Paul McCartney tickets because of you guys. Most of you are truely annoying. Because you hate new popular rock bands but you like boring older ones like Pearl Jam and Queens of Stone Age, Alice in Chains. Really pathetic older bands. I guess you guys are mostly stuck in the past.
And you like to argue. I post about beers I like and you guys attack them. What kind of loser does that? It is really quite bizarre. I have posted on other music boards in beer threads and everyone never has insulted anyone in them. I feel like a lot of you guys are losers in life. Probably single digit for girls you hooked up with in your life. Probably nerdy but not in hipster sort of way. Doesn't sound like you guys have been to many parties where fun happens. Probably don't play sports like Kickball or Softball. Probably buy cheap clothes. Probably drive a Toyota. Probably live in the suburbs. Probably never got wasted at Munich Beirgarten.
Maybe they don't have personalities or opinions that are their own.. I don't usually have trouble telling people apart.
i learn something new, everyday.
So do I. I can't tell if its a good or bad thing my name hasn't been mentioned in this thread yet.
I'm going to go with good.
James Ford: likes to attend Broken Social Scene concerts.
James Ford: likes to attend Broken Social Scene concerts.
we have a winnner!
Sweetcell: Dislikes Americana.
everyone has their shortcomings, perhaps you lose your "eclectic" status. ;)
Sweetcell: Dislikes Americana.
I'll be taking notes on you now.
You've flown under my radar because you don't post as much as those others, haven't been around forever, and have a rather undistinctive screen name.
So do I. I can't tell if its a good or bad thing my name hasn't been mentioned in this thread yet.
I'm going to go with good.
HoyaSaxa: Lawyer, but I'll try not to hold it against him, since he generally has good taste in music.
James Ford: likes to attend Broken Social Scene concerts.
It should be noted that having eclectic music tastes around here is a no-no
I didn't mean it as an insult, truly.
It should be noted that having eclectic music tastes around here is a no-no
Yes but you and I aren't setting the rules around here...
James Ford: Short guy in his early 50's and married with a daughter. Drives a 1973 Pinto with a cassette deck. Cheapest guy any of you know. Pompous beer snob that thinks he is better than others becuase he always consults Beer Snob Blog before thinking about drinking a beer. Musical taste is as dated as his car. Works at a government job where they don't let him do anything because he will mess it up. Clothing style is described as early Walmart as he hasn't bought anything new in the last two decades.
smart, but dont all smart people think they are smart, so are they really. tall, but not too tall, just tall enough to seem like he must love basketball without coming across as some horror film freak. angry a lot, and it comes from growing up gay and putting up with small town americans hatred toward gay people. he was bullied and picked on and always told to grit your teeth and deal with it. now he is always trying to succeed, always trying to be perfect, as if to make up for something or some life lost. it will kill him one day and he will die of a heart attack, trying to do so much. he is now slowing down on drugs and alcohol, because deep down inside he knows they are bad and will kill you. he listens to music all the time and cant figure out why he seems to always need it. he fights the good fight everyday of trying not to think that everybody else around you is not as qualified to be doing what you are. sometimes he wishes he could master his meditation and ignore other people for the rest of this life. a path is a path to walk on, not walk on by one.
I'm not sure why you hate on me so much. As your fellow board troll, i'm actually occasionally slightly amused by your trolling, though I think my trolling is twice as clever and only half as self-absorbed as yours is.
It's some of the other people on the board who truly dislike you.
James Ford: Short guy in his early 50's and married with a daughter. Drives a 1973 Pinto with a cassette deck. Cheapest guy any of you know. Pompous beer snob that thinks he is better than others becuase he always consults Beer Snob Blog before thinking about drinking a beer. Musical taste is as dated as his car. Works at a government job where they don't let him do anything because he will mess it up. Clothing style is described as early Walmart as he hasn't bought anything new in the last two decades.
smart, but dont all smart people think they are smart, so are they really. tall, but not too tall, just tall enough to seem like he must love basketball without coming across as some horror film freak. angry a lot, and it comes from growing up gay and putting up with small town americans hatred toward gay people. he was bullied and picked on and always told to grit your teeth and deal with it. now he is always trying to succeed, always trying to be perfect, as if to make up for something or some life lost. it will kill him one day and he will die of a heart attack, trying to do so much. he is now slowing down on drugs and alcohol, because deep down inside he knows they are bad and will kill you. he listens to music all the time and cant figure out why he seems to always need it. he fights the good fight everyday of trying not to think that everybody else around you is not as qualified to be doing what you are. sometimes he wishes he could master his meditation and ignore other people for the rest of this life. a path is a path to walk on, not walk on by one.
We should have an introductions thread. Where people describe themselves. Photo optional. I don't think James Ford profiles based on whether someone likes Americana and their taste in beer is all that informative.
I unfortunately don't have the time to troll... but man if I did... I used to be one of the best.
Yada: no married, no kids, has girlfriend. 30's. Lives in suburban MD, originally from PA. Likes Dr. Dog, Phish, and hoppy beer.
Pretty spot on... I am married to my partner and have a baby on the way! (doing my duty to ruin this world and bring more people into it)
I actually know more about some of the people I described (as well as some that i didn't). But I didn't want to say anything too personal about anybody.
It helps if you're willing to meet people offline, which you have repeatedly stated that you're not!
smart, but dont all smart people think they are smart, so are they really. tall, but not too tall, just tall enough to seem like he must love basketball without coming across as some horror film freak. angry a lot, and it comes from growing up gay and putting up with small town americans hatred toward gay people. he was bullied and picked on and always told to grit your teeth and deal with it. now he is always trying to succeed, always trying to be perfect, as if to make up for something or some life lost. it will kill him one day and he will die of a heart attack, trying to do so much. he is now slowing down on drugs and alcohol, because deep down inside he knows they are bad and will kill you. he listens to music all the time and cant figure out why he seems to always need it. he fights the good fight everyday of trying not to think that everybody else around you is not as qualified to be doing what you are. sometimes he wishes he could master his meditation and ignore other people for the rest of this life. a path is a path to walk on, not walk on by one.
We should have an introductions thread. Where people describe themselves. Photo optional. I don't think James Ford profiles based on whether someone likes Americana and their taste in beer is all that informative.
Congratulations on the little one on the way!
Your use of the word "partner" threw me though i did know your partner was opposite sex (unless he isn't). I forget that married people use that term as well.
Yada: no married, no kids, has girlfriend. 30's. Lives in suburban MD, originally from PA. Likes Dr. Dog, Phish, and hoppy beer.
Pretty spot on... I am married to my partner and have a baby on the way! (doing my duty to ruin this world and bring more people into it)
Congratulations on the little one on the way!
Your use of the word "partner" threw me though i did know your partner was opposite sex (unless he isn't). I forget that married people use that term as well.
Yada: no married, no kids, has girlfriend. 30's. Lives in suburban MD, originally from PA. Likes Dr. Dog, Phish, and hoppy beer.
Pretty spot on... I am married to my partner and have a baby on the way! (doing my duty to ruin this world and bring more people into it)
I only use the term partner on this board... because walky does.
Swettcell trolling the introduction thread.
Congratulations on the little one on the way!
Your use of the word "partner" threw me though i did know your partner was opposite sex (unless he isn't). I forget that married people use that term as well.
Yada: no married, no kids, has girlfriend. 30's. Lives in suburban MD, originally from PA. Likes Dr. Dog, Phish, and hoppy beer.
Pretty spot on... I am married to my partner and have a baby on the way! (doing my duty to ruin this world and bring more people into it)
I only use the term partner on this board... because walky does.
soon i wont have to anymore. i love the word, husband, more.
i used to be bitter. bitter tastes better with "before" and "been there" rather than with "belong." give up bitter and say fuck it. you know, being happy . . . is worth it.
DeathfromAbove: 30ish, single, maybe has a girlfriend, but an assman regardless. Likes hard rock, hip hop, electronic music. Doesn't care for Americana. Drinks beer but not really a craft beer guy like some of the above guys. Huge Nats fan.
I just want to reiterate, I am most certainly an ass man.
This board has seen many trolls, but atomicfront is without a doubt the most universally disliked poster that I can remember here.
I'd imagine this makes him very happy.
I think Dupek was a pretty good troll back in the day
This board has seen many trolls, but atomicfront is without a doubt the most universally disliked poster that I can remember here.
I'd imagine this makes him very happy.
I think Dupek was a pretty good troll back in the day
he's still here.
everyone has their shortcomings, perhaps you lose your "eclectic" status. ;)Sweetcell: Dislikes Americana.
i thought that was generous.
Swettcell trolling the introduction thread.
nice use of the troll sighting thread.
poor execution of spelling.
We were in Chicago for the day a couple days before Christmas. My wife was dropping me off at Old Irving Brewing in Irving Park so she and my daughter could go have some girl time.
We passed this scruffy looking guy who looked remotely like a thinner version of Jeff Tweedy. My wife rolls down the window and yells "Hey Jeff!" The guy looks up.
Since then I've learned that Jeff Tweedy lives in Irving Park and looks like he's lost a fair share of weight.
Ha ha…maybe!
Very similar story — had some friends in college who used to drive around and yell at groups of women, “home wreckers!”
You’d be stunned how many of these women admitted they were in affairs with their response.
Very similar story — had some friends in college who used to drive around and yell at groups of women, “home wreckers!”
You’d be stunned how many of these women admitted they were in affairs with their response.
Jeff thread is over there >
We were in Chicago for the day a couple days before Christmas. My wife was dropping me off at Old Irving Brewing in Irving Park so she and my daughter could go have some girl time.
We passed this scruffy looking guy who looked remotely like a thinner version of Jeff Tweedy. My wife rolls down the window and yells "Hey Jeff!" The guy looks up.
Since then I've learned that Jeff Tweedy lives in Irving Park and looks like he's lost a fair share of weight.
Since then I've learned that Jeff Tweedy lives in Irving Park and looks like he's lost a fair share of weight.
this tracks with reality
pics from the GGs he's looking more svelte
last few years he looked like he'd put on 50 pounds
I guess he got on ozempic