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^ master level headline
I can’t believe Canada will become a state before DC
GENERAL DISCUSSION / Re: Dad joke, thread
« Last post by grateful on December 18, 2024, 11:09:16 pm »
Gary Numan is 13 days older than Gary Oldman
GENERAL DISCUSSION / Re: Dow Jones 50,000 official prediction date thread
« Last post by notme on December 18, 2024, 09:20:00 pm »
please tell me when i should start buying again. i think i will put some money in tomorrow.
GENERAL DISCUSSION / Re: Dropping Like Flies
« Last post by hutch on December 18, 2024, 07:48:07 pm »
Slim Dunlap
GENERAL DISCUSSION / Re: Hurricane Poster Project...
« Last post by sweetcell on December 18, 2024, 06:41:15 pm »

Surprised that Delmarva has no hurricane strikes, but I presume that the cartographer didn't include tropical storms.

"All due to geography! VA/MD/DE are somewhat “sheltered” by the coastline. Virginia has had hurricanes pass through the state, but they all made landfall in NC first."
smart money would be sitting on the sidelines and buying if it goes under 40K
I doubt it will go that low, but stranger things have happened

even with this weeks's up 12.3% YTD
and we are back to where we were on 11/5
GENERAL DISCUSSION / Re: Dow Jones 50,000 official prediction date thread
« Last post by Space Freely on December 18, 2024, 05:46:47 pm »
Do we need a different thread to predict when it goes back under 40K?
Perfect Fit Content

aka how Shitify continues to screw over musicians

there is much to digest in that article but this appears to be one of the more salient points regarding ghost artists, etc  i expect a full report on my desk ASAP.

 Artists had been sold the idea that streaming was the ultimate meritocracy—that the best would rise to the top because users voted by listening. But the PFC program undermined all this. PFC was not the only way in which Spotify deliberately and covertly manipulated programming to favor content that improved its margins, but it was the most immediately galling. Nor was the problem simply a matter of “authenticity” in music. It was a matter of survival for actual artists, of musicians having the ability to earn a living on one of the largest platforms for music. PFC was irrefutable proof that Spotify rigged its system against musicians who knew their worth.
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