The internet is a vehicle for supporting the Web. If you want to be perceived as having arguments that have an ounce of merit, at least learn the basics of your subject.
......and? Just what were you implying with "Tim Berners-Lee used one to write the first web server and the first web browser. The first server node on the World Wide Web was a NeXT box.
In other words, your idiotic douche rantings may have been limited to a My Chemical Romance xeroxed fanzine if it weren't for Jobs."
If it weren't for Steve Jobs we wouldn't have the World Wide Web? That no one would have ever come up with the.... Your point is so stupid, it exhausts me. Enlighten me here. What WERE you trying to say?
I've never owned an Apple product. My mommy and daddy didn't pay for my schooling, either. I "THINK DIFFERENT"-LY. What am I missing out on? "Angry Birds?" Mp3's sound so shitty anyhow. I'd much rather see a live show or hear a record.