Author Topic: Dropping Like Flies  (Read 2701305 times)


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Re: Dropping Like Flies
« Reply #2985 on: April 17, 2014, 10:51:59 am »
An Important Announcement For Our Fans:

Hey everyone, so this is a little long in coming, but I felt I had to reach out to you all, so you know what the deal is.

In a nutshell, Arbouretum is on hiatus right now, and I can't tell you exactly when we'll pick it back up.

There's no bad blood or hard feelings or anything like that, not even the oft-mentioned "creative differences" that have plagued so many bands in the past.

It's just a matter of different lifestyle/logistical factors- two of us are owners of small businesses that need focusing on right now. One of us has another band that is currently in an active cycle. One of us is figuring out how to live a sober lifestyle for the first time in many years.

And for me, I've written two complete songs in the past year, both of which were on commission. Why is this? Well, I think it's because I kind of let the idea of what Arbouretum is all about, or supposed to be all about, get away from me, and so the muse hasn't really been around, at least not where I've been able to see/feel it.

So, I've been focusing on other things. Working on songs that don't sound like Arbouretum songs. Learning folk songs in the British Isles traditions. Getting back into Tai Chi after years of being away from practicing it. And also getting ready for a production project coming up soon, involving an album by a really talented songwriter named Fern.

I have a couple shows planned for the very near future. One is in Chapel Hill this coming Friday at the Night Light. The other is in Baltimore, at Club K on May 11. I'll be sharing those events here in a bit.

I'll be working on getting some new songs ready to go from these strands that are emerging in the dim light of my daydreams and putting them down in a format like a record, maybe even two records. Then shows, and so on. There's really no way I feel like I can stop doing music, but sometimes you have to find new ways of doing things when the ways you've been doing things run into some changes.

The idea of "Arbouretum" has been so tied into the identity of the four of us that have been working on it since 2009, that I don't think it would be appropriate to use the same name for a new project. I'll be doing stuff under my own name, and get some new internet presences that reflect that. I'll be posting these here at first, so you know where to find me.

I really hope you all stick around for this new cycle. You all have been really important to us, and without your support and encouragement, none of it would have been possible at all.

Arbouretum will be back around when the time is right, however long it takes. I love these guys, and am extremely grateful for all the hard work everyone has put into it over the years. You just can't ignore that sort of thing, and I sure am not.

Anyway, just wanted to update you all with the truth of the moment, as completely as I can relate it to you. I feel I owe you that, at least.

Dave Heumann

I never saw them for some reason or another.    But could we keep this thread to deaths and not bands taking a break.


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Re: Dropping Like Flies
« Reply #2986 on: April 17, 2014, 10:56:32 am »
Would you prefer people talking about their hurt backs?  I see you were part of that (multi page) discussion, and didn't say that they were off topic.  So basically, I am not going to listen to someone who is off topic and selective with their criticism.


« Last Edit: April 17, 2014, 10:59:00 am by Hexenjagd »


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Re: Dropping Like Flies
« Reply #2987 on: April 17, 2014, 11:10:11 am »
Would you prefer people talking about their hurt backs?  I see you were part of that (multi page) discussion, and didn't say that they were off topic.  So basically, I am not going to listen to someone who is off topic and selective with their criticism.



Well I am responding to stuff on here not creating off-topic posts.  I responded to yours as well.  Why argue? Put your post in an appropiate thread. First AC/DC and now Arbotreum.  Unless a member of a band dies they shouldn't be in here.


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Re: Dropping Like Flies
« Reply #2988 on: April 17, 2014, 11:13:44 am »
You also didn't say anything about people asking about earplugs.


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    • Wait, the entire rest of the internet exists and you CHOOSE to post here? Who hurt you?
Re: Dropping Like Flies
« Reply #2989 on: April 17, 2014, 11:15:25 am »


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Re: Dropping Like Flies
« Reply #2990 on: April 17, 2014, 11:17:14 am »
You also didn't say anything about people asking about earplugs.

Well this is not just to you it is also about the AC/DC posting and all the replies to that one including the ear-plugs. 


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Re: Dropping Like Flies
« Reply #2991 on: April 17, 2014, 11:18:26 am »
Then why did you not say something to them? 

James Ford

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Re: Dropping Like Flies
« Reply #2992 on: April 17, 2014, 12:53:38 pm »
Close to 47, but you are right. I did a bone density scan for osteoporosis and I'm normal.

Second broken bone in 16 months, as I fractured a rib in 2012 when I flipped over my mountain bike going too fast on a downhill after hitting a tree root. That one hurt more but recovery was quicker.

Bottom line i think is i shouldn't be doing activities that could cause hard falls at my age.

Sledding with my kid. I was taking a solo run and went over a snowhill some kids had made ( didn't see it until it was too late). Got airborne and landed awkwardly on my skinny white ass. Heard something crunch and pop and immediately knew i was fucked. Probably wouldn't have bothered a kids bones, but mine are too old for that shit.

I'm 12 weeks into a compression fracture of a vertebrae and the pain just won't let up. Every time it  really hurts, I tell myself Hutch has it much, much worse.

The doctor is suggesting a kyphoplasty would cure my ills. Fucking insurance won't pay for it, but I'm thinking it might still be out of pocket money well spent.

Anybody have a medical opinion to share?

I suppose this is the right thread. I feel like my 46 year old body has aged 20 years this year. Atomic will be thrilled to learn I lost a half inch in height.

How did this happen? 

At least you have a good story to tell about how it happened.  I had a lot of broken bones as a kid so it is probably not your age. You are only 45. 

James Ford

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Re: Dropping Like Flies
« Reply #2993 on: April 17, 2014, 12:55:00 pm »
Something I can afford.

My concerns are with the long terms consequences and risks of choosing to do something or not do something.

What would the procedure cost you?

James Ford

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Re: Dropping Like Flies
« Reply #2994 on: April 17, 2014, 12:57:41 pm »


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Re: Dropping Like Flies
« Reply #2995 on: April 17, 2014, 01:06:51 pm »
When's your birthday, James?


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Re: Dropping Like Flies
« Reply #2996 on: April 17, 2014, 01:10:51 pm »
Back on topic, glad this guy is dead.

Villegas, a former cook, dishwasher and laborer, was free on bond for a sexual assault charge and was supposed to go on trial the day of the killings for an incident in which a woman said he punched her in the face.
Following his conviction for capital murder, Villegas was convicted of two counts of indecency with a child related to the daughter of the woman he was accused of punching in the face prior to the slayings. Relatives have said Salazar's mother had urged her daughter to break up with Villegas when she learned of the sex charges against him.
Villegas also had convictions for making terroristic threats to kill women, burglary and possessing inhalants.

Sounds like a real winner. 


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Re: Dropping Like Flies
« Reply #2997 on: April 17, 2014, 01:18:15 pm »
Something I can afford.

My concerns are with the long terms consequences and risks of choosing to do something or not do something.

What would the procedure cost you?

James Ford

getting back off you know i'm clueless bout your issue but here's what i "think"

I spoke with rehab therapist today at my appt ...she's really anti any procedure unless absolutely necessay... exhaust all other avenues... she admits to being conservative about these things though...

personally i think you should try acupuncture with deb earley...go visit her or give her a call..she has a snazzzy practice in dupont circle with a nice website... your insurance may cover it.. otherwise the first visit is $190...half that afterwards...i mean it sounds like your main issue is PAIN.... you are able to walk and move right? also don't chiropractors tend to fix this stuff? or rehabilitation therapy (which is covered by health insurance)

my partner had real back pain for a while... and one day it just went away..

i have a few fractured vertebrae and they don't cause me any pain..not sure why...that info turned up recently at the hospital when they did a million xrays, mri etc.... i have four of them and its not been much of an issue..


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Re: Dropping Like Flies
« Reply #2998 on: April 17, 2014, 04:46:33 pm »
Sad day for Latin culture.
Salsa star José ?Cheo? Feliciano dies in car accident.
Then Gabriel García Márquez this afternoon.


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Re: Dropping Like Flies
« Reply #2999 on: April 17, 2014, 04:51:39 pm »
Then Gabriel García Márquez this afternoon.
