Author Topic: Dropping Like Flies  (Read 2697054 times)


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Re: Dropping Like Flies
« Reply #3510 on: February 12, 2015, 02:14:18 pm »
Elton John is a good bet - His foundation is a donor to the Clinton Global Initiative.

Alternatively, they could go with Bill Conti's Gonna Fly Now

Although I'm pretty sure Sly's a Republican.


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Re: Dropping Like Flies
« Reply #3511 on: February 12, 2015, 06:15:25 pm »
Steve Strange, Visage lead singer, dies aged 55


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Re: Dropping Like Flies
« Reply #3512 on: February 12, 2015, 08:58:19 pm »


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Re: Dropping Like Flies
« Reply #3513 on: February 13, 2015, 12:09:44 am »
Bad week to be a journalist or NCAA hoops coach.

David Carr, Media Columnist for The Times, Is Dead at 58

David Carr, who wrote about media as it intersects with business, culture and government in his Media Equation column for The New York Times, collapsed at the office and died at St. Luke?s-Roosevelt Hospital on Thursday. He was 58.

For the past 25 years, Mr. Carr wrote about media. He joined The Times in 2002 as a business reporter covering the magazine publishing industry. His column appeared in the Monday business section and focused on media issues, including print, digital, film, radio and television.

Before joining the Times, Mr. Carr was a contributing writer for The Atlantic Monthly and New York magazine. In 2000, he was the media writer for, a website focusing on the business of entertainment and publishing.

Before coming to New York, he served for five years as editor of Washington City Paper, an alternative weekly in Washington, D.C.


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Re: Dropping Like Flies
« Reply #3514 on: February 13, 2015, 12:23:28 am »
This just happened a few hours ago! Very surreal.
« Last Edit: February 13, 2015, 12:41:01 am by azaghal1981 »


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Re: Dropping Like Flies
« Reply #3515 on: February 13, 2015, 08:52:49 am »
I'm saying it here...I'm a lefty liberal and I don't like Hillary
new blood please

could you elaborate please?

"lefty liberal"?? let me guess? you voted for Nader? "lefty liberal" is kind of like saying loser.....

I really don't get it... Hillary is about as liberal as this country is ever going to get, is a woman (when is the US going to have a woman President???), and actually has incredible amount of experience (Senator, Secretary of State, White House First Lady)... yet we are told by lefty liberals to considIer Elizabeth Warren who has what? Two years of experience in congress???? or Sanders?  I mean I may like Sanders but the idea that the American people are going to vote for a Socialist is beyond ridiculous

Who else is there??? Biden? Come on now....

I thought gender didn't matter.  People who vote based on asinine and irrelevant factors such as gender, race, height, weight, eye color, state of birth, model of car owned, high school sports record, etc are the people who have no business being allowed to vote. 

of course it matters.. when a country where more than half the people are female has never had a female president in over 200 years it matters a lot....

almost every other industrialized country has had a female head of the executive by now....heck even banana republics like Argentina...places like Chile

and the point is not to elect a woman for the sake of electing a woman.. the point is to avoid NOT electing a woman because she is a woman and in the case of Hillary Clinton it would be hard to avoid any other conclusion if she were to run again and not be elected...

1) Your entire argument is invalid.  It does not matter at all.  We should vote for the person we each truly think is the better candidate.  No of those irrelevant parameters should ever come into play.

2) I would never vote for HC.  The very fact alone that she made her 'what difference does it make' comment about American citizens who died under her watch as Secretary of State 100% disqualifies her form ever getting my vote.  Being a citizen of this country and a veteran, I would never ever has one ounce of respect for anyone who had that attitude.  The list goes on form there why I could not vote for her and whether she has indoor or outdoor plumbing has nothing to do with it.

3) I fail to see anything that HC has done that makes her a worthy candidate in the first place.  The mere fact that someone has held whatever combination of offices that he has is not what leads to qualification, it is more what they have actually accomplished and what they did while in those roles.  I am not at all impressed by her record.

3) My greatest wish is that for once we actually get two good candidates to pick form.  Neither party put up anyone who I would have otherwise voted for in several elections.



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Re: Dropping Like Flies
« Reply #3516 on: February 13, 2015, 09:24:41 am »
my greatest wish is so much lesser...that you learn to count...


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Re: Dropping Like Flies
« Reply #3517 on: February 13, 2015, 09:54:53 am »
I'm sorry but its too early in the political season for me to get too worked about it... we know Hillary haters ain't going to go for her......and we know the arguments.. the woman has been vilified by certain people since she became first lady close to a quarter century ago!!!!!!!!!!

If she runs, and she may not given her age and potential health issues that can arise at that age, I'm going to give it 100% on her behalf... just like I did for Obama....


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Re: Dropping Like Flies
« Reply #3518 on: February 13, 2015, 09:57:27 am »
Can we continue to honor the fallen in this here thread instead of turning into a political thread?


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Re: Dropping Like Flies
« Reply #3519 on: February 13, 2015, 10:02:02 am »
Can we continue to honor the fallen in this here thread instead of turning into a political thread?

yes of course Yada...


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Re: Dropping Like Flies
« Reply #3520 on: February 13, 2015, 10:04:32 am »
Actually after my last post I did get to wondering how we diverted like that and was going to make the same suggestion.  I hadn't realized what thread we were in.  You know how us old fuckers can get...


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Re: Dropping Like Flies
« Reply #3521 on: February 13, 2015, 12:35:30 pm »
wait, what?

David Pajo, guitarist and founding member of post-rock luminaries Slint (official), has reportedly survived a suicide attempt.

Julian, Authenticated CAUDILLO

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Re: Dropping Like Flies
« Reply #3522 on: February 13, 2015, 12:40:03 pm »
wait, what?

David Pajo, guitarist and founding member of post-rock luminaries Slint (official), has reportedly survived a suicide attempt.
Holy shit. Where are you getting this from? I'm assuming facebook from the "Slint (official)" thing, but I'm seeing nothing on any music facebook pages I subscribe to.


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Re: Dropping Like Flies
« Reply #3523 on: February 13, 2015, 12:42:57 pm »

Julian, Authenticated CAUDILLO

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Re: Dropping Like Flies
« Reply #3524 on: February 13, 2015, 12:43:27 pm »
David posted his suicide note on his site. Major cry for help.


This is where my story ends.

Leila, out of respect for the memory of me, please find the time to sit down, by yourself, and read our WhatsApp exchanges- starting from around August 3rd to the end.

At the beginning, we are both gentle, playful, and understanding. Then by August 8, the day after you first slept with Babak, your tone changes and I immediately sense it. You're in love with Babak. But I won?t know this for another half a year.

The lies flow immediately, endlessly, and without remorse. Note that I'm still kind and validating, as best I can, but I am clearly confused, deeply saddened, and falling quickly into misery. Also note that you are mostly concerned with arranging more trips- so you can see Babak.

For six months I endured this. Absolute loneliness, wretched depression and the notion that suicide is the only relief from my pain and confusion. So many times I asked if there was someone else. So many times you got angry and denied it. From August 8th 2014 to February 8th 2015 this went on.

You have no idea what torture you put me through because you never cared. Your only concern was your love for Babak, your fear of losing him. That fear will never go away.

I cry and cry and moan the obvious question: Why didn't you just tell me. Why didn't you just tell me as soon as it happened? I can handle the truth, I can live with the facts. I told you things will only improve if we are completely transparent with each other, that it will be the hardest thing to do, but worth it. But you chose to betray me, for 186 days. Endless days and nights of me not knowing and looking for answers or evidence in everything.

Why didn't you just tell me?

I made a card and painting for you this Valentine?s Day. I also got you some wind chimes in a beautiful 5 note Tibetan scale for your birthday (I did this before I found out about you and Babak, if you?re wondering). You will find them in the backpack I will be wearing at my time of death. There are also letters for Alina and Lucas- only they are allowed to open them. You or Alina can read my letter to Luc but only he can open it.

Striking you was an awful mistake and there is absolutely no justification for it. You have no idea how much I regret that. It was a thoughtless knee-jerk reaction fueled by the shock of the affair and escalating rage based on the sexual details of the affair. I am so sorry. No matter what led up to it, it does not make it okay.

However I don?t appreciate the way you played up the victim role and dramatized it so that you could leverage yourself against me. It took attention away from your affair, your betrayal, your infidelity and the deep pain you inflicted upon me day after day. You used it as proof that you need freedom from the evil person that I am.

I hope my death exposes the truth. I was searching for answers and literally going insane trying to find the truth about you. When I finally found out, the shock was immense and all-consuming.

I am beyond any kind of help now. You have taken away the people I love more than anything else in the world. You can invent many reasons and justifications, but the truth is: you took my kids away from me. Alina and Lucas.

You shattered my life, stabbed me in the heart, took my kids, and made me the awful villain.

I know you are in love and I know you two are perfect for each other. I truly feel that way. He?s your age, Persian, handsome, business savvy, wealthy, pseudo-Buddhist, charming socialite, surfer, wine-r and dine-r, and good in the sack to boot. He's everything you ever wanted from a husband and who I could never be. I, however, am the same person you chose to marry and have children with, at one point of your life. A loner arty dude.

Like you, he is in love with himself first and foremost.

In your sorrow and guilt, he will comfort you and use your vulnerable state to gain points as the good guy, the rescuing knight beside you, offering solace, money, shelter. So compassionate is Prince Charming.

I spent a decade of my life with you and I know you better than anyone else. You will wallow in the sympathy and attention garnished generously by your friends and family and Babak. You will play the victim role to the hilt, as always, for you need love as we all do.

Unfortunately, I am also human so I also need love.

But make no mistake- you are forever guilty. Guilty of cheating on me. Guilty of lying to me. Guilty of betraying me. Guilty of breaking up the family. Guilty of taking the kids away from their father. Guilty of destroying my life as well as theirs. Guilty of torturing me to the point that I saw no other way out but to hang myself.

They will hug you and tell you not to blame yourself for my actions. As if you had nothing to do with it.

I believe you will live with Babak, have the big, fancy wedding you always dreamed of, have a child with him, and live happily ever after. He will be a father figure to the kids and I will be a distant memory rarely mentioned.

But my parents lost another son. My brother lost another brother. My friends lost another friend. Your children lost their father. And I lost a future that still held so much potential and so many dreams I wanted so badly to realize.

All because of your actions at the wedding. All because of your affair. All because of your selfish lack of concern for me and the kids. All because of this charming man in a fancy car (who will in time- mark my words- break your heart too. If he can have a discrete affair with a married woman now, he will have one later as well).

I hope Babak is worth the misery you have spewed into the universe.

So this is where my story ends.

I have truly had enough of this life. You have buried me into a hole too deep for me to get out of. The only future I have left is to never see my kids and to never have your love. What kind of future is that? I have nothing now. The three of you were all I ever had and all I ever wanted. And not one of you is in my life.

I cannot live without my precious children. I truly cannot live without the love and affection from you, my beloved wife. I would have done anything for you and the kids and you know this to be true in your heart.

Suicide is the only way out of this mess. This legal mess, this financial mess, this emotional mess. I welcome an exit, a chance to start anew.

I have letters for the kids and my family. But this letter- this is for you, Leila. And for the world to see and understand.

You created all this tragedy. You destroyed my life, emotionally, financially, legally, and now physically. The damage is beyond repair. My life is totaled. There is only one way out of this burning car.

But I forgive you, Leila. I forgive you for the torture, the affair, and the lack of concern for what I went through. I forgive you because I truly love you and always have.

I cannot forgive you for taking the kids away from me. I miss them with such intensity that I weep as soon as I imagine holding Alina's little hand or kissing Luc's soft cheek. I think about them constantly so I weep constantly. I am going to miss them and they are going to miss me. I am not going to miss the person you became. You became someone I never met.

All the legal maneuvering you are doing (going on the advice of Babak, your attorney, and your father) you keep pushing me around like a pawn in a chess game. You've won. You've painted me into a corner I can?t escape.

I just can?t take it anymore.

When I finally found out the truth, an unbearable weight was lifted from me. All the confusion was gone, finally, and it all made complete sense: the weight loss, the lingerie, the gym addiction, the facials, the waxing, the Persian cookbook, the love poem you claimed was for me, the Neruda poems, the Buddhist book you claimed was from an ex boyfriend, the What Successful People Do Before Breakfast book, all those trips to LA, the secret meetings in NYC and staying overnight in Philly. Finally, all the pieces fit into place and all my suspicions and intuitive insights were legitimized.

One massive weight was lifted and instantly replaced with another. I can no longer eat, I?ve lost 10 lbs in 4 days. I cannot sleep. I can't even watch TV because romantic love is everywhere and all I can see is you and Babak together. I think only of the two of you together, deceiving me for six months, deceiving me right this very moment. All desire or motivation to do anything, even to breathe, is depleted.

You are in love. I understand love. Why didn?t you just tell me that? You should have told me the truth on Aug 8 2014 and onwards. If you had, I might still be here, co-parenting with you, you could still have Babak, and our beautiful children could still have their father.

You wanted me out of your life and now I am out of your way. You got everything you wanted. You are free.

Somehow, my love for you still burns as strong as ever. When I think of you, just you alone, how you used to be, my heart swells with love. My love burns now, it will burn tomorrow, and every day thereafter. I loved you with all my heart and I still love you so very much, even as I type these words. I would do, and did, everything and anything for you. I never cheated on you the entire decade we were together. I truly hope you find loyalty like that again.

You, Alina and Lucas were all I ever wanted. And for a moment, in a group hug, all my dreams came into fruition. I am so thankful for that moment. I will always have that. I will carry it with me where I am going.

Goodbye Leila
My one and only valentine
Forever and ever


PS: I know you?ll deny and cite a million other reasons, but you know this to be the truth: Don?t relocate to LA just because you are afraid of losing Babak. If Babak truly loves you, he will wait. If you need your family, they will come to you. Let the children live and thrive in Haddonfield. They will grow up to be wise and loving here. Always put what?s best for the kids before anything else- your love relationship, your career, your friends, your family, everything. They are untouched and pure as the winter breeze, don?t make this harder on them than it already is. They need stability right now. Their Daddy is gone forever. To uproot them and take them to the other side of the country is foolish.


Please send love and compassion to my parents:
If you wish to attend the funeral or show support please contact my brother: