You should really go see Becoming Zeppelin, in imax if possible.
I’m not gonna say this again.
can confirm.
snuck out on the family and caught it in imax tonight. this zep-head loved it. despite being very familiar with the band's history, i learned plenty. what i enjoyed the most was hearing the band's account of their rise to success. they used some really slick editing to ensure that today's attention-deficit-afflicted watcher isn't incombered with a 12-minute "moby dick" drum solo.
only complaint: as a member of the "i picked up the guitar because of jimmy page" club, i had issues with the sync'ing of the audio and the video. too many instances of the audio being a searing lead, clearly in the upper frets; while the video showed page playing cowboy chords (aka at the top of the neck). or vice-versa. happened with the drums too, but not surprisingly they always got robert & the vocals aligned with the video. hey production team: invite a guitar player into the editing suite next time. will work for beer.
I'm in for the sequel if they ever make it.
same. i'm more of a mid-period zeppelin guy, so if the next in the series covers anything between III and Presence, i'll be a happy camper.
The imax audio was stellar.
hearing zep in that theater vividly reminded me that i lack a
proper stereo system at home and need to remedy that ASAP.