Author Topic: Just Announced  (Read 10611260 times)

Julian, Alleged Computer F**kface

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Re: Just Announced
« Reply #18015 on: July 24, 2009, 06:38:01 pm »
but thats different from shows being booked close to DC and then NOT BOOKING THEM IN DC even though they'd do just fine just to get DC people to show up...
The walking, narcissism-fueled contradictions you drop blow my mind. To Hutch, Richmond is "close" to DC, so close that Richmond promoters book on the fact that DC people will buy all the tickets to their events, but also to Hutch, Richmond is "too far" from DC for DC residents to tolerate the drive. Instead, they should boycott until no one but DC gets any concerts.

The real problem with Hutch, ladies and gentleman, is he's a narcissistic loon who's divorced from reality. Take just two wild conjectures he's thrown out: (a) that Richmond shows depend on DC people showing up and that (b) Richmond gets a bunch of Cracker and GWAR type bands typically. Really? I was unaware alot of DC people traveled for bands of caliber. Doesn't seem to make much sense, considering those same bands tour constantly and come to DC with near similar frequency. But I guess everyone in DC is seeing them in DC, then driving down here to double-dip. Sure.

Let me school you all on a few facts: Richmond almost never gets a "perfect storm" concert where the band hits RVA but hasn't placed DC in forever and a day. Almost never. In the last few years, I can think of two: Denali and MBV. No, the decent shows that come to Richmond (Rilo Kiley, Dino Jr, Conor Oberst, Broken Social Scene, The Faint, Daniel Johnston, The National, etc etc just as examples) usually fall into one of two categories: bands playing 60+ city tours that hit both metro-DC and Richmond, or bands playing a smaller-market tour within 3-4 months of hitting major-markets such as DC. In neither case is DC being denied a show. And in neither case is there going to be a mass exodus of DC residents funneling their concert dollars into Richmond nightclubs. Only the most hardcore DC fans of an act are going to even consider driving 2 hours down here to see a band they saw in their own city either the night before or 3 months before.

On the other hand, DC gets alot of bands (particularly European acts) that will never, ever, ever play Richmond. The Bloc Party's, YYY's, Sigur Ros, Arctic Monkey's, etc's of the world are never going to tour this country extensively enough to fall into one of those two categories (again, to refresh everyone's memory: 60+ city tours, or a minor-market tour after a major-market tour) to book a show in Richmond. So what do the nearly 1.2 million people living in the Greater Richmond MSA do if they want to see such a show? That's right, we drive to DC and see it there. FAR, FAR more money is pumped into DC venues by Richmond MSA residents than DC residents pump into Richmond venues, despite having a much larger population to pull from.

Ask Seth, I'm sure he'd agree with me. He knows he's going to get some people from my area. He probably even, to use a Hutch word, "books shows knowing it." It's not a bad thing, it's business and it's the way things are. No one begrudges that fact. But what's annoying is when a narcissistic child having a tantrum throws a fit about the one time he's ever had to make a drive that millions of people make regularly without complaint and act like as a resident of DC it is his birthright to have every concert he'd ever want to see happen within walking distance of himself.

You never see Richmond or Baltimore people on here act like that. People might say, "Oh, man, I wish that show was coming here," or "I'd see them if they came to my town, but I don't like them enough to make the drive." And those are fine, sane, logical statements that sound like they're coming from relative adults. But to have someone who lives in a town that gets virtually every tour that comes down the pike complain about the 5 or so a year that hit Baltimore or Richmond and not their fair city, and to do it with such childish, egocentric bluster as to call for boycotts of all venues not in DC and drop verbal diarrhea like "natural DC shows" really takes the cake.

And again, I'm Julian. When Julian tells you you're being a spoiled, egocentric, entitled douchebag who's divorced from reality, good Lord, you are REALLY being a spoiled, egocentric, entitled douchebag who's divorced from reality. It's like Hitler telling you you're a hatemonger or George W. Bush telling you you're a poor public speaker. It should really give you pause.


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Re: Just Announced
« Reply #18016 on: July 24, 2009, 08:27:42 pm »

kosmo vinyl

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Re: Just Announced
« Reply #18017 on: July 24, 2009, 09:34:41 pm »
Please go discuss this entitlement whatever BS in another thread.  This is JUST ANNOUNCED.  There's a commentary thread out there you can use, I promise.

I back this statement up 100%! Please don't make me  create another stickie....
« Last Edit: July 24, 2009, 09:36:13 pm by kosmo vinyl »


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Re: Just Announced
« Reply #18018 on: July 25, 2009, 12:10:55 am »
I'm sick and tired of all these Baltimore shows. I live in DC. Jeez..WTF is going on in this town???

If DC people didn't go to this Baltimore shows they'd never be booked in the first place... Lets get them in DC. Now we also have natural DC shows being booked in Richmond.

We know the costs are cheaper to the north and south of us but come on.
Wow. What an asinine sense of entitlement you have -- all of us B'Morians and Richmanders should feel its our duty to drive to DC for every concert, but you have to do the opposite once or twice and you flip the fuck out. And "natural DC shows??" I suppose you're going to drop a line next about how Obama is stealing a "natural white male job" next, huh, plutocrat? Sweet Jesus, go use to a mirror to find your penis, sever it with a spoon, then choke on it, k?
Julian you are such an asshole. seriously dude. go fuck yourself. I don't believe I addressed you so spare me your crap. And if you must post your hate spewed shit why don't you do it in "Julians Crapmerica" ok?

Sense of entitlement? I live in DC buddy and this is the 930 - last time I checked a DC venue- board! These shows are being booked north and south counting on me going. If it wasn't for me driving up there or down to that hellhole shit town you live in (in which I lived for four years so believe me I know what a shit town you live in.. and it is a shit town) you wouldn't be getting diddley. Maybe the ocasional Gwar show or Cracker reunion. thats about it .

I have no problem with Baltimore and Richmond getting their shows but when they get shows with the express purpose of having me drive up or down there to make them profitable then I do have a problem. Because I happen to live in DC and would rather see them here.

And Bearman: I do believe yes I do that we've asked Seth to book MBV a million times so come on man.. you're better than that!

I seriously doubt ANY promoter or venue owner has ever taken you into account during any negotiations to book a show, let alone do so expressly with the intent of you doing a damn thing.

You have a point, the city itself sucks, but alas AFAIK many parts of DC suffer the same situation.

Both of you really should step back and chill out.  The bottom line is, if you want to go see a show that is at any venue in any city then go,  If not then don't.  None of us 'own' any particular show or artist.


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Re: Just Announced
« Reply #18019 on: July 25, 2009, 12:53:15 am »
I'm sick and tired of all these Baltimore shows. I live in DC. Jeez..WTF is going on in this town???

If DC people didn't go to this Baltimore shows they'd never be booked in the first place... Lets get them in DC. Now we also have natural DC shows being booked in Richmond.

We know the costs are cheaper to the north and south of us but come on.
Wow. What an asinine sense of entitlement you have -- all of us B'Morians and Richmanders should feel its our duty to drive to DC for every concert, but you have to do the opposite once or twice and you flip the fuck out. And "natural DC shows??" I suppose you're going to drop a line next about how Obama is stealing a "natural white male job" next, huh, plutocrat? Sweet Jesus, go use to a mirror to find your penis, sever it with a spoon, then choke on it, k?
Julian you are such an asshole. seriously dude. go fuck yourself. I don't believe I addressed you so spare me your crap. And if you must post your hate spewed shit why don't you do it in "Julians Crapmerica" ok?

Sense of entitlement? I live in DC buddy and this is the 930 - last time I checked a DC venue- board! These shows are being booked north and south counting on me going. If it wasn't for me driving up there or down to that hellhole shit town you live in (in which I lived for four years so believe me I know what a shit town you live in.. and it is a shit town) you wouldn't be getting diddley. Maybe the ocasional Gwar show or Cracker reunion. thats about it .

I have no problem with Baltimore and Richmond getting their shows but when they get shows with the express purpose of having me drive up or down there to make them profitable then I do have a problem. Because I happen to live in DC and would rather see them here.

And Bearman: I do believe yes I do that we've asked Seth to book MBV a million times so come on man.. you're better than that!

I seriously doubt ANY promoter or venue owner has ever taken you into account during any negotiations to book a show, let alone do so expressly with the intent of you doing a damn thing.

You have a point, the city itself sucks, but alas AFAIK many parts of DC suffer the same situation.

Both of you really should step back and chill out.  The bottom line is, if you want to go see a show that is at any venue in any city then go,  If not then don't.  None of us 'own' any particular show or artist.

Well you may seriously doubt it could be wrong...OR you could be right...

I complained about a show being in Baltimore and not having it in DC much like people go "YAY!" when a show is announced on this thread... Does not seem that crazy on a DC music board! For Pete's sake. Look at my original post. .Did it warrant this gem: "go use to a mirror to find your penis, sever it with a spoon, then choke on it, K?" (grammatical problem Jilians)

No I'm sorry. He can go fuck himself. Yeah I'm talking to you Jilian.

Julian, Alleged Computer F**kface

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Re: Just Announced
« Reply #18020 on: July 25, 2009, 11:34:17 am »
No I'm sorry. He can go fuck himself. Yeah I'm talking to you Jilian.
Actually you were talking to RatBastard ABOUT me, not to me. However, neither of us live in DC, so I'm sure by proxy we're the same person and our entire lives and livelihoods are propped up by folks such as yourself.


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Re: Just Announced
« Reply #18021 on: July 25, 2009, 11:52:46 am »
Anyone know the on sale date?

Verizon Center
November 2

Wasn't he, like...just here?


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Re: Just Announced
« Reply #18022 on: July 25, 2009, 01:13:54 pm »
I'm sick and tired of all these Baltimore shows. I live in DC. Jeez..WTF is going on in this town???

If DC people didn't go to this Baltimore shows they'd never be booked in the first place... Lets get them in DC. Now we also have natural DC shows being booked in Richmond.

We know the costs are cheaper to the north and south of us but come on.
Wow. What an asinine sense of entitlement you have -- all of us B'Morians and Richmanders should feel its our duty to drive to DC for every concert, but you have to do the opposite once or twice and you flip the fuck out. And "natural DC shows??" I suppose you're going to drop a line next about how Obama is stealing a "natural white male job" next, huh, plutocrat? Sweet Jesus, go use to a mirror to find your penis, sever it with a spoon, then choke on it, k?
Julian you are such an asshole. seriously dude. go fuck yourself. I don't believe I addressed you so spare me your crap. And if you must post your hate spewed shit why don't you do it in "Julians Crapmerica" ok?

Sense of entitlement? I live in DC buddy and this is the 930 - last time I checked a DC venue- board! These shows are being booked north and south counting on me going. If it wasn't for me driving up there or down to that hellhole shit town you live in (in which I lived for four years so believe me I know what a shit town you live in.. and it is a shit town) you wouldn't be getting diddley. Maybe the ocasional Gwar show or Cracker reunion. thats about it .

I have no problem with Baltimore and Richmond getting their shows but when they get shows with the express purpose of having me drive up or down there to make them profitable then I do have a problem. Because I happen to live in DC and would rather see them here.

And Bearman: I do believe yes I do that we've asked Seth to book MBV a million times so come on man.. you're better than that!

I seriously doubt ANY promoter or venue owner has ever taken you into account during any negotiations to book a show, let alone do so expressly with the intent of you doing a damn thing.

You have a point, the city itself sucks, but alas AFAIK many parts of DC suffer the same situation.

Both of you really should step back and chill out.  The bottom line is, if you want to go see a show that is at any venue in any city then go,  If not then don't.  None of us 'own' any particular show or artist.

Well you may seriously doubt it could be wrong...OR you could be right...

I complained about a show being in Baltimore and not having it in DC much like people go "YAY!" when a show is announced on this thread... Does not seem that crazy on a DC music board! For Pete's sake. Look at my original post. .Did it warrant this gem: "go use to a mirror to find your penis, sever it with a spoon, then choke on it, K?" (grammatical problem Jilians)

No I'm sorry. He can go fuck himself. Yeah I'm talking to you Jilian.

Hutch I don't think you deserved a reply of any type other than what I said.  I've had my say on the issue and I'll be done with it so the thread can get back to the topic at hand.


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Re: Just Announced
« Reply #18023 on: July 25, 2009, 02:32:53 pm »
Ray LaMontagne 10/15 Strathmore


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Re: Just Announced
« Reply #18024 on: July 25, 2009, 03:07:24 pm »
OMG a show announcement!


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Re: Just Announced
« Reply #18025 on: July 25, 2009, 03:34:57 pm »
OMG a show announcement!

Hey!  Wait a minute...  Was that sarcasm?

Cock Van Der Palm

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Re: Just Announced
« Reply #18026 on: July 25, 2009, 06:32:34 pm »
Not announced yet.

Anyone know the on sale date?

Verizon Center
November 2

Wasn't he, like...just here?


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Re: Just Announced
« Reply #18027 on: July 25, 2009, 07:06:16 pm »
No, it was just a breath of fresh air to see one after the bs of the last couple pages.

OMG a show announcement!

Hey!  Wait a minute...  Was that sarcasm?

This just popped up on
Betty  9:30 Club Sunday, 9/20/09 6:00PM EDT
« Last Edit: July 25, 2009, 08:47:42 pm by azaghal1981 »


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Re: Just Announced
« Reply #18028 on: July 27, 2009, 04:00:58 am »
Tue Sept 22- SHE WANTS REVENGE, KILL HANNAH $20 Mainstage 8:00


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Re: Just Announced
« Reply #18029 on: July 27, 2009, 09:58:26 am »
Decibully, Early Day Miners