old and easily confused I am at times, but i did remember they weren't many at that show and I knew a handful who were there...
If I remember correctly, the crowd consisted of Poorlulu, Markie, Jadetree, maybe Thirsty Moore,* Celeste**, myself, my friend Scott, and another female friend I was trying to set up with Scott***. And of course, the many hundreds of other people who claimed to be there.****
*Thirsty Moore, I think, was NKOTB's college roommate. He later married, moved to Michigan, and had kids. Poorlulu and Markie were already married. They later move to Massachusetts and had twins. Jadetree later moved to Portland, Oregon. Marital status unknown, but he became the godfather of Markie and Lulu's kids (I think,)
**Celeste was my girlfriend at the time, now wife
***It didn't work out. I wish it had, as my friend Scott would still be with us if it had. We did successfully set up another pair of mutual friends, who went on to marry and have three kids.
*** *In fairness, there were probably a few people there that night who I didn't know. But like Kosmo said, not the vast amount who claimed to be.