re: Hollaback
I want to comment on that on here because I don't remember seeing us discuss it yet. What I find most irksome about this is just the intellectual dishonesty of the entire thing. It says in the ending she got over 100 cases of verbal abuse from "people of all backgrounds."
Horseshit. Pure, unadulterated horseshit. She was not harassed by people of all backgrounds; she was harassed by poorly educated, lowest-quintile minority males. College professors were not whistling at her. White men with Master's Degrees were not yelling "bless you, mami!" No captain of industry stuck his head out of his limousine as it passed by and yelled "hey toots, nice cans!"
This is not a "men are pigs" issue. It's a "3% of men -- who all come from the exact same 'hood' background -- are pigs issue." But hey, don't let facts get in the way of your insane narrative.