I sometimes wonder if maybe I'm speaking a foriegn language that you dumb fucks don't understand going by your responses. Or maybe it's just your tiny liberal brain-washed minds program you to offer the same response to anyone who happens to have a differing opinion of yourself.
So having an opinion that hip hop is just crap somehow translates into 'I'm afraid of hip hop and blacks'?(not that my initial comment made any reference to hip hop or black people for that matter, but you're welcome to throw your tired old race card in at will, and you do....at every opportunity)
In fact....I don't think my post said I'm afraid of anything, nor did it say I believe countries shouldn't change. England has changed and I don't like the changes, but I've accpeted them and stayed the fuck out because of them. There's world of difference from say a French family moving to Britain and living in harmony within the (now dead) British culture and a muslim family moving in and slaughtering their daughter because she had the audacity to date an English boy, then call it an 'honor killing'. Or get a job at a restaurant and refusing to touch ham, or going to an English school and demanding the school change their menu to suit them....I just ask myself why on earth did they move from their country of origin if that's how they want to live in the first place? You don't see me jumping up and down and screaming because I want to drive my car on the left side of the road do you? All they've done is give up sunny weather for pissing rain if you ask me.
And for the record, I came in this country legally, although I wish I was an illegal sometimes so I could get away without paying taxes, get a drivers license but never have to insure my car and get free medical benefits. NOw that's living the American dream!!!
I say welcome to my country, this is how we live and this is the language we speak. If you like it great, if not FUCK OFF HOME