Author Topic: For All You Caps Fans  (Read 107301 times)


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Re: For All You Caps Fans
« Reply #465 on: March 13, 2013, 09:53:54 am »
So, what is the entertainment and the best possible outcome of sports? Solid effort? A team who busts their ass and never wins a championship? Not winning is failing. You're totally fine with watching failure so long as there is effort? And you choose that over a championship?

If the Caps backed into the playoffs because 9 other teams lost, and they went to 7 games in all of their series and went into triple overtime and WON the championship, I would enjoy it way more than watching them win the presidents cup and nothing else. You're an insane person if you choose ANYTHING else in sports over a championship. There is NOTHING you can say that TRUMPS WINNING A CHAMPIONSHIP IN ANY SPORT. Nothing. Not one. Nothing. NOTHING. The only thing better, is winning another one, and then more. That's it.

well that is if you can stand watching the season and still be a fan.  If championships are so important why doesn't DC united have a ton of fans they have won 4 championships and the capitals zero.  Why do you even watch them as they have never won the one thing that is important to you.   My favorite capital season was Bruce's first with the team.  They didn't even win a playoff series but it was still the best season.  And why do you tell me what the best thing is?  It is my opinion. I pay money to be entertained.  You can spend your money on whatever stupid thing you want. 
No one cares about the MLS, that's why.

I'll spend my money on the Redskins and see them win a Super Bowl every year, Nationals with the Pennant every year, Capitals win the Cup every year, and the Wziards win a championship every year and be happy rather than seeing them go to the first round of the playoffs and not win shit and spend money and be happy. That's fucking stupid. You're stupid. Your opinion is flaming with stupidity. BUT, you're entitled to it, and that is totally fine. Even if I think it is the flagship of stupidity.

You are the one that is stupid.  Thinking every year that the Wizards or Landover Football team have a chance of winning a championship.  How dumb can one person be.  And you think I should be just as stupid as you.  Here is a hint for you ...neither of these teams will win a championship in the next decade.  You should stop watching them.  And why doesn't anyone care about the MLS?  Could it be that it is boring???

BTW my Ravens won the championship this year.  Feels great.. I guess you don't know what winning a championship in a real sport feels like.  But I have enjoyed all the Ravenes seasons when they didn't win a championship. Last seasons Orioles season was awesome even though they didn't win a championship.  I feel sorry for you.  Not only are you so pathetic that you watch teams that can never give you any pleasure you are angry at someone else because they actually enjoy watching teams that you watch. 

Pathetic I guess would describe you.  And you spend money on 4 sports team a year?  I guess that doesn't leave you much money too actually do things in life.  All you do is sit around crying that your team didn't win a championship.   When is the last time these teams won a championship:  Capitals: Never.  Wizards: 1978.  Nationals: never, Redskins: 1991?  So you haven't gotten any enjoyment for any of the money you spent in 22 years.  Totally pathetic.


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Re: For All You Caps Fans
« Reply #466 on: March 13, 2013, 12:55:01 pm »
What are the odds that you missed the point of my arguement, you ignorant cunt. I won't fuel this troll flame. So fuck off.

How about them Caps? Losing 3 straight by 3 goals? How awesome are they.


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Re: For All You Caps Fans
« Reply #467 on: March 13, 2013, 01:04:41 pm »
What are the odds that you missed the point of my arguement, you ignorant cunt. I won't fuel this troll flame. So fuck off.

How about them Caps? Losing 3 straight by 3 goals? How awesome are they.

Yeah are the one trolling.  I don't think stupidly like you.  So i must be the stupid one.  I said that they would be awful this season.  Lack of talent.  Get a good pick and then get the guys from europe.  ANd fire mcphee.  Strategy for success. And by success i mean having a chance to make the playoffs.  Which you have to do if you want to win the cup.  I guess you aren't bright enough to figure that one out.


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Re: For All You Caps Fans
« Reply #468 on: March 13, 2013, 01:33:09 pm »
You both look like idiots.  It's a draw.


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Re: For All You Caps Fans
« Reply #469 on: March 13, 2013, 04:11:20 pm »
I'm pretty bummed out their goalie has record both his career shut outs against the Caps. How depressing. I hope he doesn't start tomorrow. GAH.


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Re: For All You Caps Fans
« Reply #470 on: March 25, 2013, 01:46:04 pm »

Haven't people been complaining for years about the 2nd line center? Or since Federov left? Ribiero has been on FIRE this year.

How bout them Caps? 2 points out of the final playoff spot...


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Re: For All You Caps Fans
« Reply #471 on: April 03, 2013, 06:04:37 pm »
Caps make an awful trade.  Now the farm system is officially bare. 


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Re: For All You Caps Fans
« Reply #472 on: April 04, 2013, 09:55:38 am »
Trading 1 guy makes it bare? If you only have 1 guy, I feel like that's pretty bare.

We'll see. There HAS to be a reason to trade a guy you drafted last year who you were reluctant to get as he dropped so far.... I don't know. The Caps need to win now, they're 2 points out of the division lead.....


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Re: For All You Caps Fans
« Reply #473 on: April 04, 2013, 01:42:36 pm »
I wouldn't call Tom Wilson, Phillip Grubauer, Stanislav Galiev and Yevgeni Kuznetsov 'bare'.


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Re: For All You Caps Fans
« Reply #474 on: April 04, 2013, 01:46:05 pm »
I wouldn't call Tom Wilson, Phillip Grubauer, Stanislav Galiev and Yevgeni Kuznetsov 'bare'.

Galiev isn't even good enough to play in the AHL.  He is in the ECHL like he has been all season.  I will believe Kuzenetsov will ever play in the NHL when he signs a contract.   


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Re: For All You Caps Fans
« Reply #475 on: April 05, 2013, 04:37:43 pm »
lol: An Updated Guide To An NHL Rink: Presented By r/hockey!


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Re: For All You Caps Fans
« Reply #476 on: April 08, 2013, 10:59:18 am »
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ lol

Anyone excited about this team? 4 in a row? 8-1-1 in the last 10? Ovi tied for the league lead in goals? Leads the league in PP goals? On pace for a 53 goal season over 82 games? No? Anyone?


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Re: For All You Caps Fans
« Reply #477 on: April 08, 2013, 11:26:47 am »
Yep, looking pretty good.  I had season tickets for 5 years and this is my first year without them.  I went last night and had a good time.

Ovie is good, but I have a hard time saying he is great.  When he is on, he is unstoppable.  That's the guy you see on the ice 52% of the time.  The rest of the time, he's lazy and a waste.  When you go to a Caps game, or watch on TV, you have no idea which Ovie you are going to see that night until 5 or 6 minutes into the game.  Lately, this team is living up to their potential and I REALLY hope that it continues.   

I miss the years of Bradley, Stecks and Gordon.  That was a seriously great team out there on the ice.  I'm hoping for the best!


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Re: For All You Caps Fans
« Reply #478 on: April 08, 2013, 11:42:20 am »

I miss the years of Bradley, Stecks and Gordon.  That was a seriously great team out there on the ice.  I'm hoping for the best!
Bradley getting his face mashed in? Steckel being useless? Boyd Gordon being scratched?

I think Ovi has been inconsistent because last year Hunter didn't trust him and Bruce was trying a new system. This year there's WAY more emphasis on the offense [not hard after Hunter's time here] and Ovi switched fromleft to right and was moved away from Nicki. Now they're back together and Nicki and Ovi are comfortable with him being on that right side and if you don't believe that then you aren't watching. I believe Oates trust in Ovi is now paying off and so is having decent goal tending. How many times has Holtby made it into the 3rd without allowing a goal? The kid is in a zone. I feel like I say that every year about SOME young goalie between the pipes for the Caps, but with Holtby it's game after game for long stretches. I dig it.


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Re: For All You Caps Fans
« Reply #479 on: April 08, 2013, 12:04:07 pm »
There's no question that goaltending has improved.  When I heard the rumors of Ryan Miller coming to DC at the trade deadline, I was praying it was false.  Woo!