from the beer advocate boards:
TapeDeck said: ↑
I blame myself for not getting KBS, as I got there at 6:30. I assumed that would be early enough (4.5 hours early)
I was right. It would have been, we're I one of the other 6:30 groups... We were at the doors when they ran out. We were in the first 10 to fail.
Lot's of line jumping.
That's life. That's a bummer.
I am totally done with Founders. That will save me hundreds.
They wait until 15 minutes before open, to hand out tickets.
This is intentional. They had guys coming and checking out the line.
They could have saved a few hundred people a whole day of standing out in freezing weather and whipping wind by handing out the tickets once the line reached an obvious capacity.
At 6:30, we were in front of the brewery, and the line wrapped all the way around. By 7 it had overlapped.
We could see this. They could see this. We waited 4 hours because we road tripped 4 hours to get there. When they passed out tickets (over 600) we were about 20 behind the last ticket.
Again, missing out is our fault, not theirs.
But they knew they couldn't support the demand, and they let people stand out there without a heads up for at least 5 hours before giving out any word.
By that time, we decided we were pot committed, and waited it out.
We wouldn't have made the road trip for 3 4 packs.
We wouldn't wait outside overnight for this beer (it's great. But there are plenty of great bbl options right now, and a few I like more.)
It's not laziness to try to make a considered decision on when to arrive for a beer. And again, not Founders fault that we missed it.
But for cutting the allotment (more or less invalidating the purpose of the trip... If I want to add $100 in gas to the cost of the beer, I know I can get 3 4 packs) and for watching from the rooftop (literally) and walking the grounds, knowing that most of these folks are screwed... And saying NOTHING...
THAT makes it one less craft brew for me. Yay, more for you guys. Enjoy the hype train.
kbs release makes some beer fans hate founders brewery.