EpiQ weekend in the hills of Vermont... I haven't been in a few years (since Alchemist stopped selling Heady direct) and snagging beer around the area was much easier than expected. Sip of Sunshine surprisingly was sitting on shelves in almost all stores. Heady was a bit tougher but easily scored a few cases.
The Waterbury trifecta of Prohibition Pig, Blackback, and The Reservoir is about as good as it gets in terms of bars/restaurants. The weather was also damn near perfect.
Came home with shit loads of everything I wanted an probably then some (an entire HF box not shown as well as some other regional goodies).
The renovations at Hill Farmstead are pretty incredible and led to a less than 20 minute wait for growler fills on a Friday afternoon.
Civil Disobedience #13 was probably the beer of the weekend followed by Mutual Admiration and Society and Solitude #5 and my first time trying Focal Banger. Side note that I'm sure stevewizzle will appreciate, I somehow made it through an entire weekend without even drinking a Heady Topper.