I think what makes Rhett (that's who James Ford is, right?) a douche is that he actually thinks it's interesting to people that he lives near a Starbucks, in an ethnic diverse neighborhood, where he could walk places if he chose.
He's also a douche for making huge assumptions about other people based entirely on his prejudices.
He's also kind of a douche for habitually walking out of shows before they're over. Sure, on one hand who cares what other people are doing... on the other hand, the DC metro area is the only place in the country where people do that en masse, and it's part of the reason for our overblown reputation as a region of aholes. The best shows depend on positive feedback between an audience and a band, and it can't be good for the musicians to see 1/4 of the audience leaving in the last half of the set.
Plus at a sold out show Rhett's wasting a ticket that someone who actually enjoys the music and isn't just there to check a box could've used.