Wow, the Ziplock Gang is at it hard and strong, just like the religious fundaMENTALists that you all are! You all ought to move to Baltimore where you can rightfully chant and display your favorite bumper sticker 'Believe'. That's your mantra. Believe. Believe. Believe... because that's all you've got. Believe. Believe the total bullshit party lines they feed you without facts or legitimate reason. Hey, why bother with facts? To you guys, they just get in the way of belief! None of you have any proof. Not one of you! I've presented many facts but you all prefer to pretend that the government lies supercede science and documentation. What I've presented is only a slight scratching of the surface.
Hey, Hoya? Where's the money? Seems you are the sole individual on this planet who doesn't suspect that it was stolen. Although Rhett might be with you as we all know that if it's not happening in his backyard, than it's not happening.
Et tu Brian? Don't worry, I won't embarrass you with my degrees. Besides, there are many, many of other ways of learning besides official government sanctioned educational warehouses. Some of which are better than others, of course. As much as I love learning and have no regrets about any of my degrees, I also know that it's a real insult to those without a degree to assume that the only way of learning anything is to pay big bucks to some institution in return for a piece of sheep skin. Though they would love for you to believe it, they are not the exclusive means of information and training. Oh, btw Brian, there are hundreds of degreed professionals and experts who are on my side. But, if you don't bother to do any real research, you probably won't find out about them. So, I guess, in your mind, because you haven't bothered to do any real investigation, I guess they don't exist.
Oh, and don't bother trying to peg me on the left/right scale. As usual, that's where most of you totally lose it when you try to accuse me of being a follower of any specific candidate, theory or preference. I see right through the 2 party paradigm and how it's essentially the very same thing with nothing but a change of clothing, so to speak. Sure, a few different issues to keep up apparances but both have the same masters pulling their strings. Besides, once you get fully invested in any one party, you tend to lose sight of the issues for the sake of the religion and ideology of the party.
What I find very strange is how many of the Ziplock Gang are hardcore Democratic Party believers and extreme leftists (yes, you are!) yet insist on defending some of the main people involved in 9/11 who happen to be hardcore Neo-Cons. Then again, it does make perfect sense since both parties now pretty much stick together on issues of war, banking and big business. Shame on you!