Author Topic: 2011 NHL Playoffs  (Read 29922 times)


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Re: 2011 NHL Playoffs
« Reply #30 on: May 02, 2011, 11:24:03 am »
Thanks for makes me feel better. I don't have whatever obscure cable channel they're putting the games on. And the local papers down here is basically YANKEES SPORT REPORT, even though we have the Marlins, not to mention the Heat if netball is your thing.

except for a few games on the weekend on NBC, most games are on Versus.  i thought Versus was pretty much a standard cable channel.  what are all those snowbirds watching?!?

y'all also have the Panthers, not that they really count as a hockey team...


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Re: 2011 NHL Playoffs
« Reply #31 on: May 02, 2011, 11:46:17 am »
especially because comcast is everywhere

i thought that tb soundly outplayed the caps in the third last night. tying goal was a little bit of good fortune too


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Re: 2011 NHL Playoffs
« Reply #32 on: May 03, 2011, 09:52:12 am »
And the 2 TB goals that bounced off our players weren't? There's always luck in hockey, I feel like TB has been on the better side of that the first 2 games. Hopefully we turn that around tonight.


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Re: 2011 NHL Playoffs
« Reply #33 on: May 03, 2011, 10:01:30 am »
my bad, i was too vague. i mean the caps had some good luck on the tying goal like tb did on the second, though i think lecavalier puts it in if green doesnt

dont get me wrong, both games were very evenly played. i think the caps can still win this. but based on what i've seen tb is winning because their stars are better and they dont have mike green screwing things up. caps could turn both around


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Re: 2011 NHL Playoffs
« Reply #34 on: May 03, 2011, 03:58:02 pm »
Green's playing better this series than last year against the Canadiens. He's playing a lot better, 1 mistake doesn't negate his great play in the post season so far.


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Re: 2011 NHL Playoffs
« Reply #35 on: May 03, 2011, 04:24:25 pm »
-2, no points in the series. plus that awful penalty on stamkos. guess that's an improvement  :D


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Re: 2011 NHL Playoffs
« Reply #36 on: May 03, 2011, 04:49:40 pm »
It's not always in the stats, he does get into plays and shoots when he has to.

Thousand Made-Up Loves

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Re: 2011 NHL Playoffs
« Reply #37 on: May 03, 2011, 07:05:32 pm »
Fuck the NHL. Who starts a playoff game on a weeknight before 7? Oh yeah, the NHL.


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Re: 2011 NHL Playoffs
« Reply #38 on: May 04, 2011, 09:41:07 am »
Thuroughly outplayed last night. Not even mad, frustrated, or disappointed. Just plain sad. They look exactly how they did last year. Deflated, defeated, and just beat. This team lacks fire and discipline. They panic too quickly. You could see the wind come out of their sails after TB scored their first goal. Neuvy's done just about everything to keep us in game and we've hung him out to dry. The only person I see out there for the entire game is Ovi. Everyone else just gets shoved around. Just a shame. I've been optimistic up until the end of last night's game. Now I think we're just in time for the collapse.


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Re: 2011 NHL Playoffs
« Reply #39 on: May 04, 2011, 10:34:59 am »
which TV channel carried the game last night?  Comcast?

i set up my DVR to record the game on Versus, but i came home to "best of the NHL special" - AKA the filler they put on for in-market games.  while the special was entertaining to watch for a while, i was pissed that i wasn't able to watch the caps game.  then again, maybe it was for the better.

anyhoo, i'm hoping to figure this out so i can record tonight's game.


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Re: 2011 NHL Playoffs
« Reply #40 on: May 04, 2011, 10:49:43 am »
It was on CSN, should be on CSN tonight too becuase the NHL Network is broadcasting is nationally [except in the 2 local markets]

I have my fingers crossed, but I'm not holding my breath. The Caps can barely come back in a game let alone a series. Chalk it up to another tough lesson learned.


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Re: 2011 NHL Playoffs
« Reply #41 on: May 04, 2011, 11:44:24 am »

It's not over yet.  But this has been dissapointing to say the least.

I moved on mon/tues so have not been able to watch much of this series.

I think it was in period 2 game 2, they were camping out BIG time in front of the net.  They got no goals for their efforts, but after seeing that i was feeling pretty good.  Then they lose the game in OT on a nice goal that resulted from a slow lazy line shift.

Didn't see enough last night to say one way or the other about what's going on.  Except that this series is almost over.
« Last Edit: May 04, 2011, 11:46:39 am by chaz »


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Re: 2011 NHL Playoffs
« Reply #42 on: May 04, 2011, 11:52:33 am »
They had played good enough in game 1 and 2 to merit lots of hope and optimism, but they came out flat. They didn't come out like a team that NEEDED to win, a team that knows what the disappointment feels like and doesn't want to repeat that, the number 1 seed 2 fucking years running. They don't look like the team that turned it around after the 8 game losing streak. They looked undisciplined and frustrated and beat. I can usually watch when we're down, but this was just umbearable. TB tied it 3-3 and took the lead 4-3 in the blink of an eye and that's when I knew it was over. We held the lead for 3 minutes, I counted hahahaha


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Re: 2011 NHL Playoffs
« Reply #43 on: May 04, 2011, 12:32:47 pm »
which TV channel carried the game last night?  Comcast?

i set up my DVR to record the game on Versus, but i came home to "best of the NHL special" - AKA the filler they put on for in-market games. 


Thousand Made-Up Loves

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Re: 2011 NHL Playoffs
« Reply #44 on: May 04, 2011, 12:34:31 pm »
Two players who need to be traded immediately when the season is over is Alexander Semin and Nick Backstrom. Two Marian Gaborik-style overpaid, content sacks of shit who would rather float around the ice and wait to shoot the puck than do what it takes to win playoff hockey games, i.e. get in front of the net and the corners and get the shit kicked out of them for the sake of the team. There are only four players on this team with even a fucking idea of what grinding entails: Ovechkin, Knuble, Chimera and Arnott. Everyone else is skating around like they've never played playoff hockey before.

Also, our defensemen are fucking pathetic. Erskine and Shultz are god awful, Mike Green needs to be dealt while he still has decent value (his next concussion will probably be his last).

How predictable to see the Caps blow a 3-2 lead in a matter of 30 seconds. This whole "converting to a defensive system" during midseason was a bunch of fucking garbage. This team's defense is AWFUL! AWFUL! You can't teach an old dog new tricks. You can't get a bunch of overpaid lazy piles of shit like Backstrom and Semin to play defense and grind. Even more than Bruce, McPhee needs to have his feet held to the fire for this shiftless, offensive lineup full of LAZY PUSSIES.

Lazy fucking pussies.