My apologies for the unneccessary sarcasm.
I guess I would hope that you're not too blind to see that different people have different sensitivities. It doesn't mean that they "have a stick up their ass", it means their sensitivities are different than yours. If Person A made a joke that referenced rape, gaybashing, or the Holocaust "in the right context" and Person B stated they were offended, would that mean that Person B had a stick up their ass?
As for my own personal views, I'm pro-choice. I want abortions to be safe, legal, and increasingly rare. While the pro-lifers are hellbent on the unreastic notion of making abortion nonexistent, the other side isn't focused enough on the "increasingly rare" part of the equation.
Yeah that kind of abortion is even funnier. hahahaha
Resorting to a coathanger or a back alley when one is unable to have one performed in the safe confines of a doctor's office is more unfortunate.
P.S. Anything can be funny if given the proper context. Get the stick out of your ass (or the hanger out of your vagina).