Author Topic: Post Show Banter >>>>  (Read 1850844 times)

Re: Post Show Banter >>>>
« Reply #1200 on: February 25, 2015, 04:38:09 pm »

thing about philly is you have to go to philly and be in philly with people from philly....
that is really the biggest bummer about philly  ;D
they do make a mean meat and cheese sandwich there tho...

Vas Deferens

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Re: Post Show Banter >>>>
« Reply #1202 on: February 26, 2015, 09:37:40 am »
A ha -- validation, this is exactly what I felt on Tuesday:

"Sleater-Kinney?s most loyal comrades will always be down on the dance floor, but there didn?t seem to be much of a personal spark between the group and its flock Tuesday night."

Re: Post Show Banter >>>>
« Reply #1203 on: February 26, 2015, 09:44:59 am »
^was totally going to say this guy must have been standing next to Bags ;)


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Re: Post Show Banter >>>>
« Reply #1204 on: February 26, 2015, 09:48:57 am »
A ha -- validation, this is exactly what I felt on Tuesday:

"Sleater-Kinney?s most loyal comrades will always be down on the dance floor, but there didn?t seem to be much of a personal spark between the group and its flock Tuesday night."

not sure about that but obviously the flock may have changed.. i mean its been like 10 years since they last played... a whole new group of people knows about them through Portlandia.....DC itself has changed so much in the last 10 years.. a lot of people got married, had kids........their audience had been changing even when they broke up... are we going to say their audience during their last two tours was the same as the black cat one of the mid 90s? come on! in the early days there was a much more lesbian vibe to the crowd.. much more political/leftist...much more of a "this band matters" the same time the band members have changed... corin has kids....carrie is a star with much more of a glamour vibe...even janet was dressed with more glitz...   

I felt the show was as good as any I've seen them put on... and I learned long ago not to expect anything from a DC crowd so I'm never looking for that connection....when I see it, its a surprise

to me the review seems kind of retarded.. kind of like a pitchfork review.... instead of talking about the concert and music its about vague hard to pin down issues the writer seems to think exist even though he can't quite put his finger on it... "something seemed off..."... nobody can recapture your youth for you chris....or stay stuck in a particular point in time

so to me, as usual, its just about the music.. and on that front the wildly succeeded...
« Last Edit: February 26, 2015, 09:54:58 am by hutch »


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Re: Post Show Banter >>>>
« Reply #1205 on: February 26, 2015, 09:52:41 am »
pretty spot on response from Mr. Hutch!


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Re: Post Show Banter >>>>
« Reply #1206 on: February 26, 2015, 09:54:09 am »
I don't know Hutch, part of a concert is the feel of the thing.  It's an experience, not just what and how the band performs.  So I appreciate the attention to the whole event.  For me, the crowd issue did not inhibit my enjoyment and appreciation of the band.  But it was quizzical, and I did notice it during the show.

I've had other concert experiences highly diminished and heightened based on a sucky or great audience.  But this does not imply that I assume or need super high energy craziness and adoration at all times.

Re: Post Show Banter >>>>
« Reply #1207 on: February 26, 2015, 09:54:38 am » only gripe was they didn't play One more hour the first night....

kate ‏@makeitloud 10h10 hours ago Washington, DC

Made it til the end. Then they played One More Hour. Cue all the tears. #SleaterKinney



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Re: Post Show Banter >>>>
« Reply #1208 on: February 26, 2015, 09:55:30 am »
i kept revising my post fyi

Re: Post Show Banter >>>>
« Reply #1209 on: February 26, 2015, 10:02:55 am »
Bags...Hope you weren't near this guy

Jacob Wilson @Giacobim  ·  23h 23 hours ago

Great show: ? Just wish the guy in front of me wasn't farting and furiously masturbating* the entire time.


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Re: Post Show Banter >>>>
« Reply #1210 on: February 26, 2015, 10:09:03 am »
Not sure how Wednesday's show compares to Tuesday, but I think there was a definite "spark" between band and audience last night, and I stood in the back. I thought it was a pretty top notch show, as good as I've seen them. Hutch, I saw S-K in San Francisco at the Warfield when they came out with "The Woods" and it was a total lesbian-heavy it is interesting to see crowd demographics city to city. It seemed like there was a pretty decent older contingent representing at last night's show. A lot of grey scruff. But I didn't think it was a lame or disengaged audience. I thought there was a lot of enthusiasm and folks had a great time. Nice mix-ups in the setlist. We also got the tour debut of "Let's Call It Love", which is one of my favorite songs to watch Janet's drumming on. Not quite Keith Moon, but she brings it.

Re: Post Show Banter >>>>
« Reply #1211 on: February 26, 2015, 10:09:37 am » more as this is a cool pic



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Re: Post Show Banter >>>>
« Reply #1212 on: February 26, 2015, 10:14:12 am »
Its just not possible to time machine back to 2005 or whenever their last shows were.....not for the band or the "flock"....or 1995

for me, the 930 shows i saw (the one for $10 that started really early) and the one before the final tour never had that energy or connection with the crowd that the shows at the old black cat had (those were tiny shows for a pretty dedicated crowd of lesbos/leftists/punks/hipsters)....i can remember thinking "wow corin is actually putting on makeup and beginning to look hot!".... it just wasn't how they started could it be?

Carrie is now doing AMEX ads .. think about that....

so at the end I do think all you're left with is the music.....and if somebody said "they kept messing up the songs" i'd think about it and might agree on it being a valid criticism if it were so for me (which it wasn't).... somebody on another board said he felt they were still finding their sea legs... i don't know...maybe its just not enough for people to accept they are just another rock band..perhaps the best one we got....but when greil marcus says you're the best band in America and you got that hype sticker on your newly purchased vinyl its a bit different.. there is nothing dangerous about greil marcus...he's as establishment as you get... its hard to see him relating at all to early sleater kinney yet here he is giving them his stamp of approval and they're using it...

my guess is sleater kinney would like to take it to another level on this reunion....and if they can't they'll break up again....


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Re: Post Show Banter >>>>
« Reply #1213 on: February 26, 2015, 10:23:12 am »
I mean if I were going to focus on anything about the show it would be that all the songs sounded of a piece... I didn't feel the new songs stuck out....that they could pick up, play a show full of new songs and come out on top after a decade me..seems remarkable...

almost all reunion shows are just nostalgia fests were all you get or care about are old classics... think of something like Jesus and Mary Chain...this was not one of them which to me makes it a success

Re: Post Show Banter >>>>
« Reply #1214 on: February 26, 2015, 10:37:33 am »
I do agree, that they put on a strong show and not a nostalgia/oldies we are going to play the hits show
And to have half the set be from the new album also is impressive
I will say again...from my vantage the crowd (thanks again Seth!) on stage left were singing along to almost all the songs new and old

It is also nice to see they mixed up the set list between the two night
Not that big of a dif (and I'm still bitter about not getting one more hour)

Set list 2/24/15
        Price Tag
        Start Together
        Surface Envy
        Get Up
        No Anthems
        Youth Decay
        What's Mine Is Yours
        A New Wave
        No Cities to Love
        One Beat
        Words and Guitar
        Bury Our Friends
        Gimme Love
        Little Babies
        Turn It On
        Modern Girl
        Dig Me Out

Set list 2/25/15
Price Tag
Get Up
The End of You
Turn It On
No Anthems
Surface Envy
Little Babies
No Cities to Love
Hey Darling
Light Rail Coyote
Bury Our Friends
One Beat
A New Wave
Youth Decay
Words and Guitar
Good Things
Dig Me Out

Gimme Love
Call the Doctor
Let's Call It Love
Modern Girl
One More Hour
« Last Edit: February 26, 2015, 10:39:08 am by Sidehatch »