I got there at just after 10 and they were already on, so I wondered if they'd gone on earlier than 10 because the main set was over so quickly.
I'm not sure which song you mean (2-3 songs before Baba) but if it was the one that started out kind of slow and then proceeded to just explode, THAT was the song that won over the crowd. Before that, I think maybe people were just overly pummeled by the volume and sheer rockingness, so they slowed it down, brought everyone up gradually, exploded into the stratosphere, and then metal-pedaled it through the rest of the set. It really worked.
And as I left, thinking "man that was so great, but short", I'd probably have to say it's a good thing to have people wanting more than thinking "ok, I've had it" and leaving early. Because these guys now seem to play here once or twice a year, which means I will go see them every single time they even sniff DC.