Author Topic: Post Show Banter >>>>  (Read 2105441 times)


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Re: Post Show Banter >>>>
« Reply #1770 on: November 11, 2015, 08:40:54 am »
How was PiL?

I learned an important lesson last night: the moment you're walking out the door is not a good time to look for tickets ordered three months ago. So instead of rockin out, I watched the gop debate


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Re: Post Show Banter >>>>
« Reply #1771 on: November 11, 2015, 09:05:40 am »
I hope they were better than the Sex Pistols reunion, which was my worst show ever.


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Re: Post Show Banter >>>>
« Reply #1772 on: November 11, 2015, 10:23:48 am »
How was PiL?

I learned an important lesson last night: the moment you're walking out the door is not a good time to look for tickets ordered three months ago. So instead of rockin out, I watched the gop debate


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Re: Post Show Banter >>>>
« Reply #1773 on: November 11, 2015, 10:30:17 am »
Why you gotta make me hurt even more? When I cut, I bleed, Darren.


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Re: Post Show Banter >>>>
« Reply #1774 on: November 11, 2015, 11:12:11 am »
I thought the show was AWESOME>.  I got a lot out of it.. whereas when I saw PIL a few years ago at the 930 (last time they were in town) I did not think it was all that and a bag of chips

U ST HALL was perfect.....crowd was into it... Lydon really seemed to be having fun and dug the crowd/place

they played 15 songs.. so one more than most recent shows...for me the highlight was religion...there was one song I could not place midway through the show that was also awesome and had the crowd singing

such a treat...

nice seeing Bearman and Sidehatch


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Re: Post Show Banter >>>>
« Reply #1775 on: November 11, 2015, 11:43:47 am »
Completely agree with was one of those shows that was a little hot, a little too crowded, but at a certain point I forgot where I was and started remembering this was the band whose logo I wrote on all my notebooks when I was a kid before I could afford to buy any of their records so I had to resort to taping their songs off the radio whenever I heard them. Lydon's voice was incredibly strong. There were really only a couple of sorta weak moments, but they just made the other songs that much greater. The mind-bending version of "Religion" blew away anything from the 9:30 Club show 5 years ago. Seriously, that was just insane. It was nice to hear stuff like "The Body" and "Public Image", neither of which they did last time. Scott Firth, the bass player, was VERY good. During "Religion" I'm not sure Jah Wobble could have done it better. When they turned the bass down and distorted the hell out of it, that was exactly the sort of thing that makes me so glad that I make the effort to get out and go to concerts even when sometimes I'd rather not. Very glad I got to see John Lydon actually smile and look content too. It was a fun night. Great to see Hutch and Sidehatch too!

Re: Post Show Banter >>>>
« Reply #1776 on: November 11, 2015, 11:57:07 am »
I hope they were better than the Sex Pistols reunion, which was my worst show ever.
that patriot center show was horrid, but I thought the 930 one was rockin'


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Re: Post Show Banter >>>>
« Reply #1777 on: November 11, 2015, 12:02:25 pm »

Re: Post Show Banter >>>>
« Reply #1778 on: November 11, 2015, 02:09:52 pm »
...also saw a mr Ian Mackaye hanging out by the merch table

found this tid bit in an interview with Ian
have you met Johnny Rotten?
 He didn't speak with me, so I didn't meet him, I guess. Minor Threat did open for P.I.L., October 31st, 1982, Ritchie Coliseum. We played for a pizza and a case of Coca Cola. That was our payment that night. When we came off stage, they pulled up in a limousine after us. It was sort of two ships passing in the night.


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Re: Post Show Banter >>>>
« Reply #1779 on: November 11, 2015, 02:29:30 pm »
...also saw a mr Ian Mackaye hanging out by the merch table

found this tid bit in an interview with Ian
have you met Johnny Rotten?
 He didn't speak with me, so I didn't meet him, I guess. Minor Threat did open for P.I.L., October 31st, 1982, Ritchie Coliseum. We played for a pizza and a case of Coca Cola. That was our payment that night. When we came off stage, they pulled up in a limousine after us. It was sort of two ships passing in the night.

Johnny Lydon - Net worth $15mn

Ian Mackaye - Net worth $25mn

Re: Post Show Banter >>>>
« Reply #1780 on: November 11, 2015, 02:42:37 pm »
So who is going to do the boardie net worth chart??

I'm somewhere between John and Ian ;D

Got Haggis?

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Re: Post Show Banter >>>>
« Reply #1781 on: November 11, 2015, 02:50:17 pm »
the skinny puppy / youth code show was great.  it appears skinny puppy are playing the same setlist every night - and its a good one.  I think they played 5 songs from The Process, which I don't ever recall them doing before.  I'm not even sure I've seen them play any songs from The Process before, I don't remember...maybe they played a few on their first reunion tour after dwayne died?  I seem to recall that being a very tough album for them - basically broke them apart.

their stage show did feel scaled down a bit.  ogre dressed up in a white outfit, with a demon that would occasional insert giant syringes into him...and if he pressed down on the plunger, blood would come out somewhere on his body.  and he would occasionally take a drink from one.  

as far as 'new puppy' - nothing from the newest album or mythmaker, 1 from handover


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Re: Post Show Banter >>>>
« Reply #1782 on: November 11, 2015, 02:50:39 pm »
...also saw a mr Ian Mackaye hanging out by the merch table

found this tid bit in an interview with Ian
have you met Johnny Rotten?
 He didn't speak with me, so I didn't meet him, I guess. Minor Threat did open for P.I.L., October 31st, 1982, Ritchie Coliseum. We played for a pizza and a case of Coca Cola. That was our payment that night. When we came off stage, they pulled up in a limousine after us. It was sort of two ships passing in the night.

You should have asked him if he considers "Anarchy in the UK" to be a punk song.

Re: Post Show Banter >>>>
« Reply #1783 on: November 11, 2015, 03:05:45 pm »

You should have asked him if he considers "Anarchy in the UK" to be a punk song.
or maybe this guy

in case you didn't know...One Direction and the Sex Pistols have a lot in common.


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Re: Post Show Banter >>>>
« Reply #1784 on: November 11, 2015, 03:48:24 pm »
...also saw a mr Ian Mackaye hanging out by the merch table

found this tid bit in an interview with Ian
have you met Johnny Rotten?
 He didn't speak with me, so I didn't meet him, I guess. Minor Threat did open for P.I.L., October 31st, 1982, Ritchie Coliseum. We played for a pizza and a case of Coca Cola. That was our payment that night. When we came off stage, they pulled up in a limousine after us. It was sort of two ships passing in the night.

Johnny Lydon - Net worth $15mn

Ian Mackaye - Net worth $25mn

Never thought Ian Mackaye made that kind of $$$. Damn.