So I thought this was a better than average wilco show full of energy and the sound was awesome
I think I'm in the double digits too...personally I'd prefer those tours with Jay B, but that's never going to happen again
I did really enjoy the new stuff at the beginning of the set..but I did start to get bored around track 7
I was in dead center ...but last row of the orch and it really sounded clean, not the muddy experience I've had previously at DAR
As usual, Tweedy had some great banter and had the crowd cracking up
Box Full of Letters was really great and a much bigger rendition than the original
probably would have liked a few/different tracks from AM/BT/ST
not a single Woody or UT song...but I'm old and like the early stuff
that last acoustic set was really fantastic
Misunderstood->War on War->It's Just that simple (John Stirratt was awesome!)->shot in the arm->Space Oddity
That just blew me away, will Nels on the steel lap just going off
So freaking good. Would have been happy just catching that
I was recently commenting that there are almost no good Bowie covers...this is my new exception
What a great version of Space Oddity...perfect way to end the night
Nels is just bonkers sometimes, just going off in this crazy feedback and speedy licks. Honestly it starting to get a little old...but that's how the songs have been for the last decade
Jeff did get some pretty hard jamming on a few
Glenn is so fun to watch and listen and his stuff on the new album is just great
cool merch and thankfully none said STARWARS (I'm sure they regret the snarky pick for an album title)
they had a great faded green hoodie with this on the back for $50 celebrating 20 years of wilco
if I wasn't broke would have bought

edit...of course the next night
I Got You (At the End of the Century)
Outtasite (Outta Mind)
Red-Eyed and Blue
I'm always in love
But the acoustic set was only 3 songs and no Space Oddity
Edit 2...also saw tix on seatgeek going for $16 before the show and saw a bunch of empty seats (the row I was in only had 5 people out of the 15 seats