Author Topic: For Walky  (Read 708882 times)


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Re: For Walky
« Reply #15 on: April 29, 2012, 02:21:13 pm »
oh, sorry about that.  now i am aware of your situation.  you are deployed
this might go down as the most stupid post of my 930 forum career.  great scott . . .


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Re: For Walky
« Reply #16 on: April 29, 2012, 02:30:18 pm »
aww, you got me.  good for you.  you think if i would have known he was deployed, i would have accused him of caring more about concerts than our security? 

i just assume everybody on here is like azag.  oh, he's going hate me i dragged him into this.

and i'm waiting for your opinion on what the president did.  plus . . . you don't like me do you?   ;D
« Last Edit: April 29, 2012, 02:34:51 pm by walkonby »

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Re: For Walky
« Reply #17 on: April 29, 2012, 02:48:59 pm »
and if you think that is the stupidest thing i have ever said within these walls . . . then girl, you better think again.  i'm sure we could have an entire thread dedicated to the dumb shit i've said. 

"the cunty collection"  it would be called.


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Re: For Walky
« Reply #18 on: April 30, 2012, 10:53:23 am »
Illegal immigration is a very complex issue.

Noticed that many people who get excited about it are haters if not racists though...that is my experience.

Even as an American Latino born here (prefer that term to "Hispanic" which is a made up word that makes little sense) don't see much wrong with the Arizona law.

But I'll take the President on Latino issues any day of the week; during the debates the Republican candidates sounded like lunatics pandering to haters. If you don't support the DREAM Act I don't support you; not because I'm "pro-Hispanic" or something.. its just common sense to me.

But don't see why people get so worked up about Latinos coming to this country and working. People say "Oh but they are here illegally!" Well, there simply aren't many other ways of getting in! But once they get here they, largely, WORK so what is the problem? People got to hate.. the same hate previous generations had for Jews, Italians, the Irish, Germans and on and on and on...

Many people want to have it both ways: they want the cheap Latino labor and then they want to talk about "the horror of these illegal immigrants"...

Too many Americans don't realize that an overwhelming percentage of Latinos in the US are LEGAL.

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Re: For Walky
« Reply #19 on: April 30, 2012, 01:11:03 pm »
what i am talking about has nothing to with immigration.  as long as people follow the rules on how they become a citizen of another country, i'm fine if they come here.  we need immigrants.  we always have and we always will.

i'm talking about people who know our borders are a joke and will expliot them to harm us.  we should have built a fifty foot wall with machine guns every five feet around this country . . . after nine eleven.  that is all.


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Re: For Walky
« Reply #20 on: April 30, 2012, 03:13:28 pm »
what i am talking about has nothing to with immigration.  as long as people follow the rules on how they become a citizen of another country, i'm fine if they come here.  we need immigrants.  we always have and we always will.

i'm talking about people who know our borders are a joke and will expliot them to harm us.  we should have built a fifty foot wall with machine guns every five feet around this country . . . after nine eleven.  that is all.

who is exploiting us?

people talk of securing the border because of terrorism but I can't name and have never heard of one Latino terrorist... they come in and they work .. they take jobs working for people who largely exploit them!

And yet we have to hear about how they come in and have such a great time hanging out in emergency rooms for free!!!!!!! the horror!

I see Latinos in my neighborhood working as contractors, fixing peoples houses.. they work HARD.. I have no idea if they are here legally or illegally.. My guess is a few are here illegally.. so what?

People say: you should come in legally like my great great grandfather did.. well, yes.. I agree but times have changed.. back then you could come in legally.. these days your chances of coming in legally from a Latin American country if you don't have means or much of an education are miniscule .. back then anyone got on a boat and just showed up and that was it. I have family that came to this country over 100 years ago by this mechanism...

In any case, I support the Arizona law.. I agree people should enter the country legally..but I don't get bent out of shape if they don't.. who cares? people who come here illegally work hard, contribute, etc.  AND if there are no jobs they go back to where they came from (thats what is happening right now actually)
« Last Edit: April 30, 2012, 03:15:52 pm by hutch »

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Re: For Walky
« Reply #21 on: April 30, 2012, 03:16:58 pm »
latino terrorists?

is that some new band you want seth to book?

i'm talking about anybody from anywhere in the world who can walk across our border for any reason and do anything they want, while people remain blind to them because they are too busy talking about immigration. 
« Last Edit: April 30, 2012, 03:19:49 pm by walkonby »


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Re: For Walky
« Reply #22 on: April 30, 2012, 03:21:40 pm »
latino terrorists?

is that some new band you want to seth to book?

i'm talking about anybody from anywhere in the world who can walk across our border for any reason and do anything they want, while people remain blind to them because they are too busy talking about immigration. 

"Do anything they want"??

WHat do they "DO" exactly???

Go to the 930 to catch a show?

You sound like a Republican.. this idea that people are coming in through the borders to rampage and pillage us is just not founded in reality.

The reality is the United States does not want to secure the border and the reason is because it needs those Latinos... they take care of the kids, fix the homes, pick up the garbage and work in construction.. and they do it cheap and well and generally without benefits.


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Re: For Walky
« Reply #23 on: April 30, 2012, 03:25:51 pm »
My dear, deluded MIL (who is no longer with us) was convinced that illegal immigrants weren't just in the country illegally, they had also come here to do illegal things.  Simple in her mind - get rid of immigrants, get rid of crime!  Easy peasy!


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Re: For Walky
« Reply #25 on: April 30, 2012, 03:37:53 pm »
aww  ;D

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Re: For Walky
« Reply #26 on: April 30, 2012, 03:46:35 pm »
latino terrorists?

is that some new band you want to seth to book?

i'm talking about anybody from anywhere in the world who can walk across our border for any reason and do anything they want, while people remain blind to them because they are too busy talking about immigration. 

"Do anything they want"??

WHat do they "DO" exactly???

Go to the 930 to catch a show?

You sound like a Republican.. this idea that people are coming in through the borders to rampage and pillage us is just not founded in reality.

The reality is the United States does not want to secure the border and the reason is because it needs those Latinos... they take care of the kids, fix the homes, pick up the garbage and work in construction.. and they do it cheap and well and generally without benefits.

wow . . . stereotype much?

and you don't think someone could come across our border and blow something up.  you don't think that can happen?  people don't want to kill americans?  nine eleven never happened?  pearl harbor was just a movie?  you think that just because something like that has not happened yet, it never can.  we'll just let the borders be unsafe, because "only people who are probably republicans according to hutch" care about the safety of america?  who cares about protecting america . . . it's easier to turn this arguement about immigration and latino people.  hutch, go form your own thread if you want to continue going on about latino people.  or better yet . . . go move to latin america.   i hear they play latin music artists there all the time.

« Last Edit: April 30, 2012, 03:56:35 pm by walkonby »


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Re: For Walky
« Reply #27 on: April 30, 2012, 04:32:52 pm »
this reminds of the "home invasion" argument people make for owning guns.  the threat is out there!  be scared!  allow me to make society less safe by playing on your fears!  don't think, just do!  feel the fear, it's everywhere!

how many bombers have entered the US illegally?  hint: the 9/11 terrorists were here on student visas.  vs. the tens of thousands of actual illegal immigrants who keep us in fresh fruit and vegetables (among other important work that Americans aren't willing to do).

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Re: For Walky
« Reply #28 on: April 30, 2012, 04:38:16 pm »
but what about empanadas?  do you like them, and should seth sell them?  do you like to say their name in just your underwear (god i hope so)?


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Re: For Walky
« Reply #29 on: April 30, 2012, 04:54:03 pm »
Noticed that many people who get excited about it are haters if not racists though...that is my experience.

There are many haters in racists in any group of society.  Your point is nothing more than a poor and irrelevant ad hominem red herring.

The fact is that most folks who are upset about ILLEGAL anything are so because of just that, it is ILLEGAL.