Author Topic: TBD  (Read 1219001 times)


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Re: A Various Random Thoughts Thread
« Reply #2670 on: January 14, 2014, 11:45:20 am »
I'm not sure how bragging about one's parenting choices is "trolling". I just wish all future parents were required to take parenting classes before they actually were allowed to become parents.

and there he goes again..

if only everyone was as good a parent as James Ford.


James Ford

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Re: A Various Random Thoughts Thread
« Reply #2671 on: January 14, 2014, 11:47:54 am »
I'm certainly far from perfect.

 But it just seems like we as a society don't make enough effort into making the choices that are best for our children. Would you disagree with that statement?

I'm not sure how bragging about one's parenting choices is "trolling". I just wish all future parents were required to take parenting classes before they actually were allowed to become parents.

and there he goes again..

if only everyone was as good a parent as James Ford.


Re: A Various Random Thoughts Thread
« Reply #2672 on: January 14, 2014, 11:53:31 am »
I'm not sure how bragging about one's parenting choices is "trolling". I just wish all future parents were required to take parenting classes before they actually were allowed to become parents.

and there he goes again..

if only everyone was as good a parent as James Ford.


I was also wondering what classes JF took?
or was he homeschooled?


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Re: A Various Random Thoughts Thread
« Reply #2673 on: January 14, 2014, 11:57:50 am »
You mean change the laws so that one parent can stay home and take care of the young children? How would you propose they do that?

I'm not sure how bragging about one's parenting choices is "trolling". I just wish all future parents were required to take parenting classes before they actually were allowed to become parents.

to me a troll is someone who posts stuff just to get a rise/reaction or get under people's skin...
their posts are often reactive so if you say the sky is blue they'll come in with "what do you mean , the sky is black...." me that's often trolling..

personally i like friendly/ridiculous trolling though whereas what i call personal trolling is detestable...... if i hear one more word about someone's awesome parenting choices and the "guide to why my life is the wiener schnitzel" i'll retch...

Yeah parenting choices.  I guess it is easy to make parenting suggestions when you don't have kids.  Perhaps, I should stop doing that until I have a kid.

What are you going to do prevent people from having sex?  Poor people are going to have a bunch of kids and not take care of them.  That is how things work.  The solution is to change the laws so everyone makes enough money to be able to take care of their kids. 

No I meant raising minimum wage ...lowering day care costs, lowering health care costs, making college free for everyone that scores above a certain level on standardized tests.  You still have to work. 

The problem with lowering taxes and stupid things like these is people just pay more for used houses.  Really doesn't help the economy at all.   

James Ford

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Re: A Various Random Thoughts Thread
« Reply #2674 on: January 14, 2014, 11:58:44 am »
I have a Master's in Education and six years of teaching experience. So at least some training/experience in dealing with children.
However, I would welcome some sort of required parenting classes, as would happily sigh up as soon as they are available.
I'm not sure how bragging about one's parenting choices is "trolling". I just wish all future parents were required to take parenting classes before they actually were allowed to become parents.

and there he goes again..

if only everyone was as good a parent as James Ford.


I was also wondering what classes JF took?
or was he homeschooled?


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Re: A Various Random Thoughts Thread
« Reply #2675 on: January 14, 2014, 12:00:21 pm »
I'm certainly far from perfect.

 But it just seems like we as a society don't make enough effort into making the choices that are best for our children. Would you disagree with that statement?

I'm not sure how bragging about one's parenting choices is "trolling". I just wish all future parents were required to take parenting classes before they actually were allowed to become parents.

and there he goes again..

if only everyone was as good a parent as James Ford.


Lowering crime would help.  I also think allowing to get tax credits or even tax credits for paying for private education would help.  And letting people put their kids into any public school in the state.  Why should kids be forced to go to an awful school just because their parents aren't living in a rich neighborhood.

I never hear you offering suggestions on how to improve things though.  Let us here how you would make the country better.  


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Re: A Various Random Thoughts Thread
« Reply #2676 on: January 14, 2014, 12:02:06 pm »
I have a Master's in Education and six years of teaching experience. So at least some training/experience in dealing with children.
However, I would welcome some sort of required parenting classes, as would happily sigh up as soon as they are available.
I'm not sure how bragging about one's parenting choices is "trolling". I just wish all future parents were required to take parenting classes before they actually were allowed to become parents.

and there he goes again..

if only everyone was as good a parent as James Ford.


I was also wondering what classes JF took?
or was he homeschooled?

The reason you have a masters in education is you have six years teaching experience.  Everyone knows the reason people get masters in education is not to help be better teachers , they get it because they are paid more to teach.   I have read an article that says the only master degree that help teachers become better at teaching is Masters in Mathematics.

James Ford

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Re: A Various Random Thoughts Thread
« Reply #2677 on: January 14, 2014, 12:02:15 pm »
I think they should do away with day care altogether and pay people parental leave (one parent anyway) for the first two or three years of the child's life.

Who in their right mind really thinks it's a good idea to hand over a three month old baby to  strangers to raise all day?

You mean change the laws so that one parent can stay home and take care of the young children? How would you propose they do that?

I'm not sure how bragging about one's parenting choices is "trolling". I just wish all future parents were required to take parenting classes before they actually were allowed to become parents.

to me a troll is someone who posts stuff just to get a rise/reaction or get under people's skin...
their posts are often reactive so if you say the sky is blue they'll come in with "what do you mean , the sky is black...." me that's often trolling..

personally i like friendly/ridiculous trolling though whereas what i call personal trolling is detestable...... if i hear one more word about someone's awesome parenting choices and the "guide to why my life is the wiener schnitzel" i'll retch...

Yeah parenting choices.  I guess it is easy to make parenting suggestions when you don't have kids.  Perhaps, I should stop doing that until I have a kid.

What are you going to do prevent people from having sex?  Poor people are going to have a bunch of kids and not take care of them.  That is how things work.  The solution is to change the laws so everyone makes enough money to be able to take care of their kids. 

No I meant raising minimum wage ...lowering day care costs, lowering health care costs, making college free for everyone that scores above a certain level on standardized tests.  You still have to work. 

The problem with lowering taxes and stupid things like these is people just pay more for used houses.  Really doesn't help the economy at all.   

James Ford

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Re: A Various Random Thoughts Thread
« Reply #2678 on: January 14, 2014, 12:04:31 pm »
I see what you are saying, but in my case I actually went into a masters in education program and completed it before actually setting foot in a classroom (except for a short unpaid student teaching assignment that was part of my classwork).

Not that it matters.
I have a Master's in Education and six years of teaching experience. So at least some training/experience in dealing with children.
However, I would welcome some sort of required parenting classes, as would happily sigh up as soon as they are available.
I'm not sure how bragging about one's parenting choices is "trolling". I just wish all future parents were required to take parenting classes before they actually were allowed to become parents.

and there he goes again..

if only everyone was as good a parent as James Ford.


I was also wondering what classes JF took?
or was he homeschooled?

The reason you have a masters in education is you have six years teaching experience.  Everyone knows the reason people get masters in education is not to help be better teachers , they get it because they are paid more to teach.   I have read an article that says the only master degree that help teachers become better at teaching is Masters in Mathematics.


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Re: A Various Random Thoughts Thread
« Reply #2679 on: January 14, 2014, 12:04:50 pm »
I think they should do away with day care altogether and pay people parental leave (one parent anyway) for the first two or three years of the child's life.

Who in their right mind really thinks it's a good idea to hand over a three month old baby to  strangers to raise all day?

You mean change the laws so that one parent can stay home and take care of the young children? How would you propose they do that?

I'm not sure how bragging about one's parenting choices is "trolling". I just wish all future parents were required to take parenting classes before they actually were allowed to become parents.

to me a troll is someone who posts stuff just to get a rise/reaction or get under people's skin...
their posts are often reactive so if you say the sky is blue they'll come in with "what do you mean , the sky is black...." me that's often trolling..

personally i like friendly/ridiculous trolling though whereas what i call personal trolling is detestable...... if i hear one more word about someone's awesome parenting choices and the "guide to why my life is the wiener schnitzel" i'll retch...

Yeah parenting choices.  I guess it is easy to make parenting suggestions when you don't have kids.  Perhaps, I should stop doing that until I have a kid.

What are you going to do prevent people from having sex?  Poor people are going to have a bunch of kids and not take care of them.  That is how things work.  The solution is to change the laws so everyone makes enough money to be able to take care of their kids. 

No I meant raising minimum wage ...lowering day care costs, lowering health care costs, making college free for everyone that scores above a certain level on standardized tests.  You still have to work. 

The problem with lowering taxes and stupid things like these is people just pay more for used houses.  Really doesn't help the economy at all.   

I think in Norway businesses are required to give a year paid leave to mothers.  But Norway also has a million dollars of governement surplus per person.  

James Ford

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Re: A Various Random Thoughts Thread
« Reply #2680 on: January 14, 2014, 12:13:02 pm »

Central European countries have the longest parental leave regulations in the world regarding parental leave. In the Czech Republic and Slovakia, it is standard that mothers stay at home for 3 years after a child's birth, which may extend with additional children. Mothers can decide to take 2, 3 or 4 years of maternity leave. It is also possible for the fathers to take the leave instead of the mothers but it is not common. For the whole period mothers are supported by the state . In Slovakia the standard duration of parental leave is 3 years; for a child with a disability it is up to 6 years. The state pays support of 256 euros per month for the child's first 2 years, reducing to 164.22 euros per month thereafter. A similar model is also used in Austria where mothers can choose between 1 and 3 years.

Sweden provides working parents with an entitlement of 13 months paid leave per child at 77.6% of the employee's monthly salary (up to a ceiling of about $3,400 per month (2013)), the cost being shared between employer and the state. In addition, parents also are entitled to an additional 90 days of leave at approximately $25 per day. Out of the total of 480 days paid parental leave, 60 days are reserved exclusively for each parent and are lost if not utilized. It should be noted that the paid days include weekends. Thus, 480 days is equal to about 16 months. Some Swedish political parties on the political left argue for legislation to oblige families to divide the 480 days equally between both parents. Norway has similarly generous leave. In Estonia mothers are entitled to 18 months of paid leave, starting up to 70 days before due date. Fathers are entitled to paid leave starting from the third month after birth (paid leave is however available to only one parent at a time).

In the UK, female employees are entitled to 52 weeks of maternity (or adoption) leave, 39 weeks of which is paid, planned to rise to 52 weeks paid, with the first six weeks paid at 90% of full pay and the remainder at a fixed rate (£128.73/week as of 2011). Employees have to follow notification rules and might also be entitled to Statutory Maternity Pay, depending on their length of service and average earnings by the 15th week before the expected week of childbirth. Most employers offer a more generous policy. Annual leave continues to accrue throughout the maternity leave period. A spouse or partner of the woman (including same-sex relationships) may request a two week paid (at a fixed rate) paternity leave. Both the mother and her partner can additionally request non-paid parental leave, which can be for up to 4 weeks annually, with a current limit of 13 weeks.

I think they should do away with day care altogether and pay people parental leave (one parent anyway) for the first two or three years of the child's life.

Who in their right mind really thinks it's a good idea to hand over a three month old baby to  strangers to raise all day?

You mean change the laws so that one parent can stay home and take care of the young children? How would you propose they do that?

I'm not sure how bragging about one's parenting choices is "trolling". I just wish all future parents were required to take parenting classes before they actually were allowed to become parents.

to me a troll is someone who posts stuff just to get a rise/reaction or get under people's skin...
their posts are often reactive so if you say the sky is blue they'll come in with "what do you mean , the sky is black...." me that's often trolling..

personally i like friendly/ridiculous trolling though whereas what i call personal trolling is detestable...... if i hear one more word about someone's awesome parenting choices and the "guide to why my life is the wiener schnitzel" i'll retch...

Yeah parenting choices.  I guess it is easy to make parenting suggestions when you don't have kids.  Perhaps, I should stop doing that until I have a kid.

What are you going to do prevent people from having sex?  Poor people are going to have a bunch of kids and not take care of them.  That is how things work.  The solution is to change the laws so everyone makes enough money to be able to take care of their kids. 

No I meant raising minimum wage ...lowering day care costs, lowering health care costs, making college free for everyone that scores above a certain level on standardized tests.  You still have to work. 

The problem with lowering taxes and stupid things like these is people just pay more for used houses.  Really doesn't help the economy at all.   

I think in Norway businesses are required to give a year paid leave to mothers.  But Norway also has a million dollars of governement surplus per person.  

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Re: A Various Random Thoughts Thread
« Reply #2681 on: January 14, 2014, 12:13:40 pm »


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Re: A Various Random Thoughts Thread
« Reply #2682 on: January 14, 2014, 12:15:07 pm »
making college free for everyone that scores above a certain level on standardized tests. your logic this would just produce a generation of weaklings. 


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Re: A Various Random Thoughts Thread
« Reply #2684 on: January 14, 2014, 12:21:57 pm »
making college free for everyone that scores above a certain level on standardized tests. your logic this would just produce a generation of weaklings. 

Oh I just wanted to seem stronger than James Ford.  I think college should be free for everyone.  It is an investment in our nations future.