Could be why Walt re-arranges the bacon on his eggs to shape "52" because it WAS a family tradition....
Also, the color swatch thing is awesome!
The on-going theory of Walt adopting the idiosyncrasies of the people he kills (which I won't recap here, if you're a Breaking Bad fan and have the internet, you can easily find a more in-depth overview of the theory than I would hastily type up yourself) led many to think he killed Skyler and was stealing/adopting her tradition of the birthday bacon numbers. But what if, the Nazis kill her (and perhaps others in the family) trying to find the confession tape and Walt, for the first time, allows himself for the first time to take actual responsibility for the negative things that have happened as a result of his actions? (Which I would argue, up to maybe the midpoint of Ozymandias, he NEVER has.) And then he decides to take out the Nazis and Jesse to avenge her?
(Again, I think him going back for the ricin in the flashforward is important. A gun can kill anyone but it doesn't feel personal. If he wants to take out Nazis, you go machine gun, not a single dose of ricin. If its important to you to kill ONE person in a significant way, you use ricin. Walt is clearly about to do both.)
^^ Usual fanboy wankery disclaimers apply.