Author Topic: Ageing Thread  (Read 17928 times)


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Re: Ageing Thread
« Reply #30 on: February 20, 2013, 05:57:26 pm »
you know you are old when you would rather listen to the oldies ('60s-'70s) radio station than current popular music station

You know you have good taste in music when... never mind...

Justin Tonation

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Re: Ageing Thread
« Reply #31 on: February 20, 2013, 06:02:51 pm »

In case you were wondering, this is known as the "half your age plus seven" rule.
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Justin Tonation

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Re: Ageing Thread
« Reply #32 on: February 20, 2013, 06:05:25 pm »
you know you are old when you would rather listen to the oldies ('60s-'70s) radio station than current popular music station

Well, I prefer the oldies TV stations like Me-TV and Antenna. Except for the damn geriatric commercials  :-\
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kosmo vinyl

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Re: Ageing Thread
« Reply #33 on: February 20, 2013, 06:20:33 pm »

In case you were wondering, this is known as the "half your age plus seven" rule.

aka Smackie's Desktop Wallpaper


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Re: Ageing Thread
« Reply #34 on: February 20, 2013, 06:30:01 pm »
it is weird how at some point 40 something women are hot to you...not the kind of thing you expect...

Justin Tonation

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Re: Ageing Thread
« Reply #35 on: February 20, 2013, 06:33:44 pm »
Now that I am 48 I feel like I have some questions about ageing. And I realize a lot of you guys are quite ancient.  I was told by my eye doctor when I was younger that I would need reading glasses at 44 but no one has told me the more important questions about ageing.  Answer as many or as few of these as you like.   Don't be shy I know you guys know the 411.

1) At what age will my hair start to turn gray?

2) At what age will I need viagra?

3) At what age  will I find women in their 40's attractive?

4) At what age  will I start to bald?

5) At what age  will I get aches and pains?

6)  At what age  will I feel nostalgia for the music of my youth?

7)  At what age will I start worrying about eating enough fiber?

8)  At what age will I take the elevator instead of the stairs

9) At what age will girls in their 20's no longer hit on me in bars?

11) At what age will I need a colonsoscopy?

10) At what age will I need Depends under garments?

12) When will I get dementia and think Bob Dylan can sing well?

13)  When I will tell those kids to get the hell off of my lawn?

I'll be 50 before this year is over, so...

1. Started getting grey in my 20s but it's mostly heredity anyway. Mostly grey now but not as much as Anderson Cooper.

2. Never needed it. Knock wood.

3. Sofia Vergara is 40.

4. Almost everyone's hair recedes some. My brothers are bald but I've still got about 90% of mine.

6. I sometimes feel nostalgic for bands that were nostalgic in their ways, like The Lyres.

8. My gym is four levels: B, 0, 1, 2. The entrance is on 1, the lockers are on B while the cardio machines are on 2. Being a gigantic gym, each level is around 12 feet, so three flights up is more like five (84 steps from B to 2). As I am still not in the shape I aim for, I take the elevator when going up two or more levels (except for that time when the elevator was out for more than a friggin' week  >:( ). When I get down another 20 lbs I'll reconsider.

9. I don't go to bars but about 90% of the women I see on the job are between 18 and 25 and educated. It's nice to get the occasional smile.
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Re: Ageing Thread
« Reply #36 on: February 20, 2013, 06:43:26 pm »
I'm turning 39 in about a week's time, but none of this concerns me. I've always been a believer in "it's not the year, it's the mileage" and must say, I look great for my age. It's probably because I have no children (that I know of).

I'll still answer your questions:

1) I've got a baby face and many people are surprised by my age when I share it, so I've actually embraced the salted sides of my head.  It has helped me professionally for sure. I'm no where near being full gray, and don't expect that for another decade, at least.

2) Not everybody will need Viagra, but she'll tell you when you do.

3) While I've never seriously dated an older woman, I've found many of them 'cute enough' anyway.

4) Different for everyone, but I sleep well at night knowing I will likely never go bald.  I get frequent haircuts because my hair is extremely healthy.

5) I have chronic aches and pains. It's the miles, remember....

6) About 35.

7) Never going to be a problem for me because of an illness, but consult your doctor.

8) I stay in decent shape, and only take the elevator after races. I'll say about 55.

9) I have no experience with this problem, and I hope it never happens. Though I will say I'be stopped "seriously dating" girls in their 20's.  My current SO is on the cusp of 1980.

10) Again, not everyone needs those.

11) I've had multiple colonoscopies, and they're really not that bad. The prep was the worst part, and they've replaced the liquid with a pill so it's MUCH easier. It's the prostate check you should really be worried about.

12) Never.

13) What's a lawn?


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Re: Ageing Thread
« Reply #37 on: February 20, 2013, 06:53:13 pm »

3. Sofia Vergara is 40.

Wait a second.  I had never heard of her before but those things can't be real can they?


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Re: Ageing Thread
« Reply #38 on: February 20, 2013, 07:08:33 pm »
Yeah buddy, it's true, those are her genuine, 100% real feet.


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Re: Ageing Thread
« Reply #39 on: February 20, 2013, 08:31:21 pm »
will come back and read through comments later...first thoughts - good for you making it to 48 with not a lot of those items happening to you. I think I had three grey hairs at 23..anyhow, everyone should be more aware of some things in particular - have a colonoscopy by 40 in my opinion. They say 50 but with American diets (see your question about fiber) and losing a few friends to colon issues and others who have survived illness, it's a plead from my friend who didn't survive to get the word out that people in their 30's and 40's need to be more aware and get a colonoscopy earlier rather than later. p.s. I've done the pill prep and it's not easier just less terrible taste. (one had to take the pills with ginger ale + laxatives. Add carbonation to both of those...? yeah...just use a straw w/ liquid prep it's tolerable until the last slug. Sorry - enough on colonoscopies!)
« Last Edit: February 20, 2013, 08:35:46 pm by eltee »


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Re: Ageing Thread
« Reply #40 on: February 20, 2013, 08:44:28 pm »
I'd lay Helen Mirren, if we were both available and she were game. She's 67.

According to this chart it is acceptable for me to date an 82 year old woman.  That is actually kind of creepy..wait a second that is incredibly creepy.

How come no one is anwering question 2?  Were all friends need to be shy. 
Some reason Cate Blanchett comes to mind..Turns out she's 43...thought she was older...She's hot. And to put it in perspective, Jennifer Aniston is 40 something and I don't think she looks it. Age is the number, it depends on who you are attracted. If you are focused on age, then I'm guessing your answer is who doesn't look over 40.
Have you been to your high school reunion? That will put your mirrored image in perspective or under analysis.

James Ford

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Re: Ageing Thread
« Reply #41 on: February 20, 2013, 09:17:18 pm »
Why is it everyone on the 9:30 board considers themselves young looking and hot, then when you actually meet them, they are total dorks (meself included)? Get over yourselves!  ;D


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Re: Ageing Thread
« Reply #42 on: February 20, 2013, 09:32:20 pm »
Yes, it's nice to meet all you dorks


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Re: Ageing Thread
« Reply #43 on: February 20, 2013, 11:29:20 pm »
9) Has more to do with wealth than age.

gen x, everyone.

Wouldn't this be the Millennials or whatever the 1980 and on generation was termed?  Gen X'ers are what, 34 at a minimum these days. 

im referring to RB (gen x) thinking that twenty-somethings (millennials) are attracted to wealth, not age/appearance.

LOL Me gen-x!  That has to be one of the funniest and most absurd things written on this forum ever.

not to like, call you stupid or anything, but yeah - you're gen x.

Its kind of sad but it is almost getting to that. 56 years old and lets see, three surgeries on each knee, four surgeries on my back, two on my right arm, three abdominal surgeries, one crainiotomy, two cranial gamma treatments, multiple eye surgeries (none cosmetic), several broken bones over the years, plus all the normal childhood things.  The freakiest for me was when they had to do the steroid injections into my eyeball for bleeding around the optic nerve.  Nothing like a hypodermic needle aimed at your eyeball to get you a little nervous.  BTW I trust you had a good time at the show as well?


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Re: Ageing Thread
« Reply #44 on: February 20, 2013, 11:36:39 pm »
^ Except that the same site you source also defines him as a Baby Boomer, born between 1946 and 1964, which is more the traditional terminology for one born in his era.