Author Topic: Comic Books, Slacks, Herpes, and Parenting Advice  (Read 66788 times)

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Re: Comic Books, Slacks, Herpes, and Parenting Advice
« Reply #45 on: February 07, 2014, 12:59:57 pm »
people put babies, under one, in daycare?  i remember when i was a kid, pre school days and maybe even during school days, i went to something called kindercare.  we got nice snacks and had blasts on cool play grounds and made neato friends with the other kids we met that we normally would have never met in our inclusive lives. but the place smelled like dirty baby diapers sometimes and one time this kid escaped and the police were called. the memories.


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Re: Comic Books, Slacks, Herpes, and Parenting Advice
« Reply #46 on: February 07, 2014, 01:01:13 pm »
My wife's parents didn't pay a dime toward her college. They did, however, give 10% of their earnings to their church. Crappy parenting.

If someone can afford expensive concert tickets AND healthy contributions to your kid's college fund, then that's great! If someone is putting a INFANT (less than one years old) in daycare, making two incomes, and using the extra second income on concert tickets, wouldn't you think maybe they have mixed up priorities?

Why is it wrong to think a baby (under 1) should be with its mother all day? Ultimately it's the choice of the mother, and the man needs to respect that choice.

you are reducing your point to nothing: "the sun coming up tomorrow will be a good thing!" um, yah.. i think we can agree with that..

ultimately parents can always do more for their kids..  as I have repeatedly stated I find your comments on parenting offensive... you are nobody to be passing judgment on anybody but yourself yet you specialize in judging others that you don't know- on parenting no less- seemingly in order to puff up the great job you're doing...

have a little class and some self confidence and do your parenting job and stop worrying so much about what others do..

in the end few things will impact your child as much as their genes anyway; something one is entirely powerless to control....


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Re: Comic Books, Slacks, Herpes, and Parenting Advice
« Reply #47 on: February 07, 2014, 01:02:40 pm »
Best parenting advice ever


I didn't watch the video but "Trying to have kids" is the best part. 

What made you change your mind about having a child atomic? Weren't you anti kids about a month ago or so or was that just schtick?

I was just joking around.   I have always wanted kids. 

why did you wait until 56?


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Re: Comic Books, Slacks, Herpes, and Parenting Advice
« Reply #48 on: February 07, 2014, 01:03:30 pm »
Best parenting advice ever


I didn't watch the video but "Trying to have kids" is the best part. 

What made you change your mind about having a child atomic? Weren't you anti kids about a month ago or so or was that just schtick?

I was just joking around.   I have always wanted kids. 

why did you wait until 56?

49 and  I don't have to discuss every facet of my personal life on the board.

i am gay and i like cats

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Re: Comic Books, Slacks, Herpes, and Parenting Advice
« Reply #49 on: February 07, 2014, 01:03:54 pm »
dont most kids nowadays, just grow up hating you, and become like justin beiber; sans the part where they have fuck you money?  im talking about the part where they commit felonies and smoke pot all day.

i am gay and i like cats

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Re: Comic Books, Slacks, Herpes, and Parenting Advice
« Reply #50 on: February 07, 2014, 01:04:30 pm »
Best parenting advice ever


I didn't watch the video but "Trying to have kids" is the best part. 

What made you change your mind about having a child atomic? Weren't you anti kids about a month ago or so or was that just schtick?

I was just joking around.   I have always wanted kids. 

why did you wait until 56?

49 and  I don't have to discuss every facet of my personal life on the board.

yes you do, or get out.


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Re: Comic Books, Slacks, Herpes, and Parenting Advice
« Reply #51 on: February 07, 2014, 01:05:58 pm »
Best parenting advice ever


I didn't watch the video but "Trying to have kids" is the best part. 

What made you change your mind about having a child atomic? Weren't you anti kids about a month ago or so or was that just schtick?

I was just joking around.   I have always wanted kids. 

why did you wait until 56?

49 and  I don't have to discuss every facet of my personal life on the board.

do you think some children will think you're the grandpa rather than the father?


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Re: Comic Books, Slacks, Herpes, and Parenting Advice
« Reply #52 on: February 07, 2014, 01:06:19 pm »
people put babies, under one, in daycare?  i remember when i was a kid, pre school days and maybe even during school days, i went to something called kindercare.  we got nice snacks and had blasts on cool play grounds and made neato friends with the other kids we met that we normally would have never met in our inclusive lives. but the place smelled like dirty baby diapers sometimes and one time this kid escaped and the police were called. the memories.

many people in the US do it...they have to as its typically not enough with one income these days...

daycare has some pluses though... the child gets exposed to other children more just as you did...the early socialization can be quite beneficial for baby's development... in some cases that additional exposure to other kids could even be critically important actually...why o why do i always use so many adverbs..

i used to be very down on daycare... we've never done it with our kids... i'd be uncomfortable.. but i don't judge my sister because they had to put their infant in daycare.. i don't think she's a bad parent.. and actually their daughter is doing great...

James Ford

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Re: Comic Books, Slacks, Herpes, and Parenting Advice
« Reply #53 on: February 07, 2014, 01:07:45 pm »
I'm going to venture to say that his first (17 year)marriage wasn't conducive to starting a family and he wisely waited until he was at the right point in life to do it right. Bravo Atomic!

Best parenting advice ever


I didn't watch the video but "Trying to have kids" is the best part. 

What made you change your mind about having a child atomic? Weren't you anti kids about a month ago or so or was that just schtick?

I was just joking around.   I have always wanted kids. 

why did you wait until 56?

49 and  I don't have to discuss every facet of my personal life on the board.

yes you do, or get out.

James Ford

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Re: Comic Books, Slacks, Herpes, and Parenting Advice
« Reply #54 on: February 07, 2014, 01:12:12 pm »
How much socialization does an infant under one need? They are not even aware of the other infants.

If you're referring to the socialization the daycare workers who no doubt give them as much individual attention, cuddling, breastfeeding, and unconditional love as their mommy would, well I guess you got me on that one.

people put babies, under one, in daycare?  i remember when i was a kid, pre school days and maybe even during school days, i went to something called kindercare.  we got nice snacks and had blasts on cool play grounds and made neato friends with the other kids we met that we normally would have never met in our inclusive lives. but the place smelled like dirty baby diapers sometimes and one time this kid escaped and the police were called. the memories.

many people in the US do it...they have to as its typically not enough with one income these days...

daycare has some pluses though... the child gets exposed to other children more just as you did...the early socialization can be quite beneficial for baby's development... in some cases that additional exposure to other kids could even be critically important actually...why o why do i always use so many adverbs..

i used to be very down on daycare... we've never done it with our kids... i'd be uncomfortable.. but i don't judge my sister because they had to put their infant in daycare.. i don't think she's a bad parent.. and actually their daughter is doing great...
« Last Edit: February 07, 2014, 01:18:11 pm by James Ford »


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Re: Comic Books, Slacks, Herpes, and Parenting Advice
« Reply #55 on: February 07, 2014, 01:12:56 pm »

and I don't know who you are surrounded by... here in Arlington and with my friends in the area having kids all I see is child-obsessed parenting... kids being shuttled from one activity to another...some kids being taken to 4 or 5 events on one weekend day!..parents freaking about what preschool their kid gets into..i just got back from the storytime at westover public library and you could not fit one more kid or parent/nanny in the place... i don't believe that in the history of mankind we have ever seen such an all consuming focus on parenting... i don't say its a bad thing or a good thing but in general in our society today it is all about the kids.. .even the whole "when you have a kid your life is over..." mantra people are told when they're expecting....

Cheers for this.  I strive to be as far from that kind of parent as possible.

James Ford

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Re: Comic Books, Slacks, Herpes, and Parenting Advice
« Reply #56 on: February 07, 2014, 01:17:34 pm »
Hey, a parenting thing I can agree with Hutch on! Props to Hutch!

and I don't know who you are surrounded by... here in Arlington and with my friends in the area having kids all I see is child-obsessed parenting... kids being shuttled from one activity to another...some kids being taken to 4 or 5 events on one weekend day!..parents freaking about what preschool their kid gets into..i just got back from the storytime at westover public library and you could not fit one more kid or parent/nanny in the place... i don't believe that in the history of mankind we have ever seen such an all consuming focus on parenting... i don't say its a bad thing or a good thing but in general in our society today it is all about the kids.. .even the whole "when you have a kid your life is over..." mantra people are told when they're expecting....

Cheers for this.  I strive to be as far from that kind of parent as possible.


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Re: Comic Books, Slacks, Herpes, and Parenting Advice
« Reply #57 on: February 07, 2014, 01:23:55 pm »
How much socialization does an infant under one need? They are not even aware of the other infants.

If you're referring to the socialization the daycare workers who no doubt give them as much individual attention, cuddling, and unconditional love as their mommy would, well I guess you got me on that one.

well as you no doubt know autism spectrum disorder is a big thing these days...

I could see early exposure to other kids being beneficial for kid with asd as part of an "early intervention" scenario....about 1 in 40 boys these days and growing are on the spectrum..

like i said...its a case by case thing... a parent may do one thing, make one choice, and realize that their choice ended up not being helpful... you do the best you can and the chips fall where they fall... but its all so complex, with every kid being different that i don't think there is one great way of parenting

moreover, do you ever wonder about how 300 years ago the consensus on parenting was very different from what it was 200 years ago and 100 years ago and now?  what people as a whole think is the right way of parenting is not necessarily "right" because i would argue there i no "right" least not the same "right" way for everyone.

only 50 years ago in certain societies kids were sent to boarding schools, dads were very aloof and unloving.... yet people in the main turned out ok...

i'm' not passing judgment one way or another.. just saying that i definitely observe a "this is the way you should parent" undercurrent going on...

i realize the issues may be getting mixed up and we're probably in agreement on a lot.. i got to run though


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Re: Comic Books, Slacks, Herpes, and Parenting Advice
« Reply #58 on: February 07, 2014, 01:31:59 pm »
I am glad I chose not to have kids.

Can someone change the title of this to just parenting?  I am going to start an actual comic thread for people to talk about comics and not have to wade through pages of "my kid this" and "parenting that." 

James Ford

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Re: Comic Books, Slacks, Herpes, and Parenting Advice
« Reply #59 on: February 07, 2014, 01:38:38 pm »
Should we have individual threads for both herpes and slacks as well Who has the ability to rename threads?

I've always thought the ones odds of having herpes are probably inversely proportional to number of comic books read as an adult. Can anybody provide data on this hypothesis?