these newspapers and pundits permanently articulating the conventional idiocy are very annoying..
I would take Trump over any candidate left in the Republican field other than Kasich...... I mean Cruz? Talk about a maniac! He's going to carpet bomb Syria but specific targets? We know Cruz is a maniac.. Trump actually has friends..Or Rubio who KNOWS NOTHING about the world and will be another W as he signs on for the next useless war surrounded by the same neocons that helped show W the way...Really?
The problem for the Republicans is that if Trump wins it will kind of be like when Andrew Jackson.. a whole new different game and players will be in power in DC... the usual "conservatives" who have done a heck of a job over the past decades mucking things up will be out of power.. so its in their interest to paint this Trump doomsday scenario...
I mean lets see some of Trump's actual positions:
1. Trade: essentially try to get a better deal with China.. doesn't seem so crazy to me... we know for too long many nasty things about the Chinese.. of course we need them but they need us too... they want to act tough, expand in the South China seas, etc.. lets see how they like it when we don't just put the interests of the Business Roudntrable or Chamber of Commerce over the interests of the American people.. again I am for free trade but not at any cost.. if China wasn't able to sell us their trinkets I don't think their government would survive to be honest.
2. Syria: Let Russia take care of it.. Sounds good to me! Rubio and Cruz can't wait to get into a war with everyone...Continue with realignment with Iran.. again sounds good to me..
3. Health care: he is for universal health care more so than any Republican.. sounds good to me.. The other Republicans say they will abolish Obamacare and WHAT?
4. Abortion/Gays: we know very well that regardless of what he says to win votes- and yes it is an election and there is a certain level of demagogy- that he couldn't care less about these issues and views them as unimportant..
5. Mexico: build a wall.. now I am not pro-wall but what is the real problem? Israel built a wall and the other candidates and our nation as a whole can't wait to stay in bed with Israel.. there are no issues with them building a wall but if the US builds a wall its terrible? And when he says "Mexico will pay for it" at the end of the day if the US wants them to pay they will.. it will come out of their trade with us..
The essence of it comes down to form/style.. people just object to the way he articulates and expresses himself... its much nicer for some I guess to listen to Rubio's endless "we are the greatest country in the world.. i fucked Reagan when I was a teenager.. we must leave a better country" platitudes ad nauseum...
But on issues? Trump is the best "Republican" to have come along in decades.. the man actually told people what we all know: BUSH LIED.. BUSH did not keep us safe..
I find it refreshing... It seems many others do too