yawn...so much Monday quaterbacking.. all of a sudden the democratic party is such a disaster... if she'd won you'd all be writing the death knell of the Republican Party. .heck you WERE writing it before the election...
there's no need to over exaggerate.. things are bad enough.
It's true, my buddy and I were talking last night and marveling at the thought that just six weeks or so ago, we thought the GOP was just fucking itself to death over Trump. But I've believed my point on the last page for years -- the GOP is better at mobilizing at the local and state level. That's evidenced by the fact that something like 38 state houses are republican and most governors are. The GOP's demographics might be old and dying out, but they still vote in every election, whereas Hillary couldn't inspire the turnout she needed to win.
I'm not criticizing or Mon morning QBing, just thinking about what happened and some of the reasons why