Sweetcell - Can you just drop the whole "defender of all social niceties" thing? Your broken record is getting maddening. You know, Rhett (and I cannot believe I'm saying this, and trust me I will get to him) actually has some points on the Muslim thing. He takes it way to far, but there is a reasonable Bill Maher-esque view of "hey, look, this is the only religion that today, in the 21st century is doing these sort of things on a widescale" that maybe needs to be discussed. He takes it way too far, admittedly. But there is a certain retrogressiveness that lingers in MAINSTREAM Islam that way it does not in mainstream (insert other religion here). People can have a reasonable discussion about that. Not a discussion about banning immigrants or that shit, but an acknowledgment that of the worlds major religions the only one where 40+% of members actively think people who draw a picture of its figurehead should be killed. But you don't have that discussion. You just resort to a bunch of ad hominem painting Rhett like he's Mengele or something. Which, admittedly, is easy to do, but you should be above that.
Also, your defense of the fats is disgusting. They're our greatest social ill and the idea that the fat acceptance movement (smokers acceptance! heroin acceptance! healthy at any cancer!) should be in anyway normalized is disgusting. Disgusting.