Author Topic: My Journey into Becoming Single Again at Age 45  (Read 111009 times)

Re: My Journey into Becoming Single Again at Age 45
« Reply #255 on: April 27, 2016, 11:02:44 am »
I hate to say it but this may be the death knell for crazy Japanese anime girl.
noooo....she's  my favorite

My opinion with here is, she's not looking for much from you
So unless that changes, I'd just keep her in the wings
I wouldn't marry a girl who just went and bought a Tuba because she like's the idea of owning it, but I'm sure she's never a dull moment...we all need more of that in our lives

So looking like the Instagram thing isn't happening


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Re: My Journey into Becoming Single Again at Age 45
« Reply #256 on: April 27, 2016, 12:55:26 pm »

Re: My Journey into Becoming Single Again at Age 45
« Reply #257 on: April 27, 2016, 01:05:56 pm »
I mean, fuckin technolgy is unreal.
never sure if it's a good idea clicking on a VS link at work....


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Re: My Journey into Becoming Single Again at Age 45
« Reply #258 on: April 27, 2016, 01:36:25 pm »
never sure if it's a good idea clicking on a VS link at work....

It's an app that hides photos.  And it's brilliant.

Space Freely

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Re: My Journey into Becoming Single Again at Age 45
« Reply #259 on: April 29, 2016, 08:35:08 am »
Cal Ripken is now 55 and single.

Where can I go to read his blog on hunting pussy?


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Re: My Journey into Becoming Single Again at Age 45
« Reply #260 on: April 29, 2016, 08:43:20 am »
people are not meant to be married to the same person for life...

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Re: My Journey into Becoming Single Again at Age 45
« Reply #261 on: April 29, 2016, 08:48:04 am »
people are not meant to be married to the same person for life...

That sounds like a confession.


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Re: My Journey into Becoming Single Again at Age 45
« Reply #262 on: April 29, 2016, 08:55:28 am »
people are not meant to be married to the same person for life...

That sounds like a confession.

I call the belief two people should be together for life one of the great myths of life/organizing principles.... kind of like the belief in the existence of God.... people have to believe it to make their life bearable..doesn't make it true..

Re: My Journey into Becoming Single Again at Age 45
« Reply #263 on: April 29, 2016, 09:25:30 am »
This guy goes to a psychiatrist and says, Doc, my brother?s crazy. He thinks he?s a chicken. The doctor says, Well, why don?t you turn him in? And the guy says, I would but I need the eggs. Well I guess that?s pretty much how I feel about relationships. You know they?re totally irrational and crazy and absurd but I guess we keep going through it because, uh, most of us need the eggs.


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Re: My Journey into Becoming Single Again at Age 45
« Reply #264 on: April 29, 2016, 09:30:10 am »
This guy goes to a psychiatrist and says, Doc, my brother?s crazy. He thinks he?s a chicken. The doctor says, Well, why don?t you turn him in? And the guy says, I would but I need the eggs. Well I guess that?s pretty much how I feel about relationships. You know they?re totally irrational and crazy and absurd but I guess we keep going through it because, uh, most of us need the eggs.

"keep going through it" is the key to this wonderful Woody Allen least the way I hear it..

Re: My Journey into Becoming Single Again at Age 45
« Reply #265 on: April 29, 2016, 10:19:47 am »
while looking up that one...had to post this one that made me chuckle again

Having sex is like playing bridge. If you don't have a good partner, you'd better have a good hand.


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Re: My Journey into Becoming Single Again at Age 45
« Reply #266 on: June 04, 2016, 01:23:24 pm »
Well now I'm fucked. I'm basically in love with one woman (who feels the same) and wanting to break off all my other goings-on, but I'm just dreading it. There's two other women I've been seeing, and I'm feeling compelled to break it off with them so that I don't fuck it up with my new match.

So here's a question for the chorus: what is the most acceptable and least hassle option of actually delivering a break-up to someone who has admitted, repeatedly, having very strong feelings. Also, sex has been involved with both.

I can't do this via text, can I? Phone call? Face-to-face meeting? Smoke signals? Just go completely ghost? I know face-to-face is optimal, but that involves scheduling and childcare and burning an entire no-kid evening, plus do I deliver the news at the outset and then we just go our separate ways? Do I deliver at the end of the night?

I intend to be completely honest about this, but I also want to break it off with the least amount of drama and hassle for me. Any advice? Fortunately, one of them is married with kids, so she won't have much standing to get all "HOW DARE YOU???" on me. The other lady, the aforementioned bartender, is going to be very tough because we've become very close, but I knew it was never going to really stick.


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Re: My Journey into Becoming Single Again at Age 45
« Reply #267 on: June 04, 2016, 02:14:34 pm »
this thread, went from porn . . . to oprah, real quick.

Space Freely

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Re: My Journey into Becoming Single Again at Age 45
« Reply #268 on: June 04, 2016, 02:40:27 pm »
You're 45, hopefully by now you know the best ways to deal with social situations, even if they're not the easiest route. You made your own mess, now stop being such a pussy and go do the right thing.


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Re: My Journey into Becoming Single Again at Age 45
« Reply #269 on: June 04, 2016, 03:07:45 pm »
wait I lost track and am confused..relaxer you are  in love with the married woman whose husband hangs in the car? or is this somebody else?

do not "do the right thing" necessarily cause its usually "the wrong thing".....