Author Topic: My Journey into Becoming Single Again at Age 45  (Read 104940 times)


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Re: My Journey into Becoming Single Again at Age 45
« Reply #240 on: April 05, 2016, 03:58:05 pm »
My wonderful bed is a top of the line Tempurpedic, with a very sexy frame and exciting sheets and pillows, which themselves cost $200 a pop. It was a luxury that my exwife and I decided to indulge in a few years ago because why skimp on something you spend hours on every day?

Interestingly ironic, for all my crowing about how great it is to ride this bed to Pound Town, it's actually a little hard to get funky on it because the participant on the bottom tends to sink into the mattress, limiting her or his movements, while the participant on the top can find him/herself struggling to maintain a solid base of operations.

I'm just wondering how you and not your wife gets to live in the house and sleep in the bed that you presumably bought together.

Because I bought the house many years before I met her and because it was 90% my money that paid for the bed.


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Re: My Journey into Becoming Single Again at Age 45
« Reply #241 on: April 05, 2016, 04:00:24 pm »
My wonderful bed is a top of the line Tempurpedic, with a very sexy frame and exciting sheets and pillows, which themselves cost $200 a pop. It was a luxury that my exwife and I decided to indulge in a few years ago because why skimp on something you spend hours on every day?

Interestingly ironic, for all my crowing about how great it is to ride this bed to Pound Town, it's actually a little hard to get funky on it because the participant on the bottom tends to sink into the mattress, limiting her or his movements, while the participant on the top can find him/herself struggling to maintain a solid base of operations.

I'm just wondering how you and not your wife gets to live in the house and sleep in the bed that you presumably bought together.

Because I bought the house many years before I met her and because it was 90% my money that paid for the bed.

next thing James Ford will want to know why you didn't give her 10% of your matress, frame, sheets and pillows...

Justin Tonation

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Re: My Journey into Becoming Single Again at Age 45
« Reply #242 on: April 05, 2016, 04:21:35 pm »
😐 🎶


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Re: My Journey into Becoming Single Again at Age 45
« Reply #243 on: April 05, 2016, 04:59:11 pm »
My wonderful bed is a top of the line Tempurpedic

seriously folks: you know you've grown up and made it when you get yourself a TEMPUR-Pedic® mattress.  pure luxury.  their eye-mask is amazing too. 

and maybe i'm not as, ah, acrobatic as relaxer but i've never had any issues with gettin' down on a tempurpedic (or maybe i'm just doing it right OH SNAP).


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Re: My Journey into Becoming Single Again at Age 45
« Reply #244 on: April 05, 2016, 05:01:14 pm »
we have one of those.. the $2000 I was talking about..


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Re: My Journey into Becoming Single Again at Age 45
« Reply #245 on: April 05, 2016, 06:38:46 pm »
and maybe i'm not as, ah, acrobatic as relaxer but i've never had any issues with gettin' down on a tempurpedic (or maybe i'm just doing it right OH SNAP).

That deserves a high five or at least a round of applause.

My wonderful bed is a top of the line Tempurpedic, with a very sexy frame and exciting sheets and pillows, which themselves cost $200 a pop.

Damn. That alone should be in your dating profile. Then again, you'd probably have a lot of late twentysomethings and early thirtysomethings wanting to sleep in your bed. (Real talk - when you're paying student loans, you're most likely sleeping on something not as awesome.)


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Re: My Journey into Becoming Single Again at Age 45
« Reply #246 on: April 05, 2016, 06:52:19 pm »

Interestingly ironic, for all my crowing about how great it is to ride this bed to Pound Town, it's actually a little hard to get funky on it because the participant on the bottom tends to sink into the mattress, limiting her or his movements, while the participant on the top can find him/herself struggling to maintain a solid base of operations.

Pillow under the small of her back in missionary regardless of the bed will provide great rewards for both parties....

And never take them back to your place if you can at all avoid it.


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Re: My Journey into Becoming Single Again at Age 45
« Reply #247 on: April 26, 2016, 05:17:51 pm »
Kinda starting to fuck up here. My issue is that I am biologically incapable of not replying to a message sent to me on these dating sites/apps. My plate is completely full. I had to basically stop seeing this gorgeous, very cool woman who was into me because I just couldn't ever find time to see her (point against her: she lived outside the Beltway). Even now, I'd kind of settled into a groove with a few, where they all seemed relatively cool with getting together once a week as long as I shot them a few texts each night. But

I know this seems like a lot of humble-brag complaining, and I suppose it is, but this thread is detailing my journey into becoming single again at age 45, and this is the dynamic I'm struggling with.

There's C, who is the head bartender at a very popular, very boisterous bar in Alexandria.  She is a really remarkable woman who is EXCELLENT at what she does. Plus she goes out of her way to be loving and affectionate to me while she's running the bar. Everyone who comes in the door -- and there must be a hundred+ each night -- seems to know and love her. It's amazing to watch her work. I'm not sure there's a long fruitful future for us, but I really do like her a lot.

There's T, who is gorgeous but also pretty crazy, and not in the fun sexy way. She's got like 4 lawsuits pending against various places, she gets fired from one job after another, she can't drive because of a DWI last year, and when she drinks, she gets really shout-y. Still, every time we go out, I end up driving home at 3:30 am shaking my head at the insanity of the night we just had. It's strangely intoxicating.

The Japanese anime fungirl is still knocking around as well. I've been intending to move out of this one, but she's so free and easy that it's like, why would I do that? We haven't gotten together in about a week and a half, and it's going to be at least a week before we're able to again, but she seems completely fine with it. She continues to send me the oddest fucking messages. One was an entire screen filled with alternating chicken and cat emojis. I texted back to say, wtf? And she replied "COCKS AND PUSSIES GO TOGETHER" so that motivated me to try and schedule something with her soon.

And then the evil side of me is still seeing a woman that I absolutely should not be seeing, but I do because she'll come over at the drop of a text and be on her way home 30 minutes later. Going to hell for this one.

Then *just today* an incredibly cute and interesting woman who lives in my neighborhood messaged me and I simply have no choice but to work her into the mix.

What I need to do is figure out what I want, because what I don't want is to be an asshole. I've been honest with everyone when they ask if I'm seeing other people; the thing is, the only one that's asked is Anime Girl and when I said that I was dating around, she smiled, raised her shoulders cutely and said "That ok with me!" God bless her.


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Re: My Journey into Becoming Single Again at Age 45
« Reply #248 on: April 26, 2016, 05:33:47 pm »
What I need to do is figure out what I want, because what I don't want is to be an asshole. I've been honest with everyone when they ask if I'm seeing other people; the thing is, the only one that's asked is Anime Girl and when I said that I was dating around, she smiled, raised her shoulders cutely and said "That ok with me!" God bless her.

No you don't.   This isn't the 80's, 90's or even the beginning of the naughts.

This is dating in the 20-teens and that's how it is now.  Keep enjoying yourself until you find someone you want to be serious with, then act quickly and clear out the pen.

Are you asking them if they are seeing others?  No.  Do you know why?  Because you don't give a shit either.   


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Re: My Journey into Becoming Single Again at Age 45
« Reply #249 on: April 26, 2016, 06:01:09 pm »
^yeah I was going to post the same thing..

don't listen to the puritan in you...or on the board either for that matter


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Re: My Journey into Becoming Single Again at Age 45
« Reply #250 on: April 26, 2016, 08:17:05 pm »
Good perspective guys, thanks.

stangelsin, what do you think? Am I being a stereotypical douchebag male? Be honest and blunt, I wanna hear a woman's perspective.

Cock Van Der Palm

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Re: My Journey into Becoming Single Again at Age 45
« Reply #251 on: April 26, 2016, 11:17:48 pm »
Have you hooked up with Michelle Obama yet?


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Re: My Journey into Becoming Single Again at Age 45
« Reply #252 on: April 26, 2016, 11:35:22 pm »
I still have a few months. I would turn her inside out, respectfully.

Space Freely

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Re: My Journey into Becoming Single Again at Age 45
« Reply #253 on: April 27, 2016, 07:41:20 am »
I don't think you're being an asshole by dating around. That's what being single means to most men and women, until you find someone special.

Though arguably, you are being an asshole by sleeping with married women. Unless they are in an open marriage, or are being denied sex by their spouse.


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Re: My Journey into Becoming Single Again at Age 45
« Reply #254 on: April 27, 2016, 09:15:57 am »
The married thing is a dick move for sure. I know that the husband works 18 hours a day and that their relationship has gone into limbo, but it certainly doesn't help that his wife has a loverman she sneaks out of the house to visit at midnight.

I just have this compulsive need to always be on the hunt. I mean, yesterday I came in here bitching about how I was juggling too many people and then last night after the kids went to bed, I got messaged by this sexy veterinarian and we ended up chatting for two hours and before I went to bed she'd texted me pictures of her boobs and butt. I mean, fuckin technolgy is unreal. And now I have another prospect in the mix. I hate to say it but this may be the death knell for crazy Japanese anime girl.