Author Topic: COVID-19 2020  (Read 435808 times)

Julian, White Poet WARLORD

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Re: COVID-19 2020
« Reply #1065 on: April 29, 2020, 08:58:39 pm »
Dr. Laffer is on my company’s board and he’s a complete piece of shit in person the twice a year he has come here. He demands Ruth’s Chris for every lunch even if the rest of us are having something else delivered, we have to send a second person to get him one sad, massively overpriced steak.

He is also, literally, a person who has his assistant Nicholas write you an email and put “dictated but not read” after his closing salutation which is the most douchey thing imaginable.

Give me two years for the company to sell and I will amuse you all with so, so many Arthur Laffer tales.

One of the good things about COVID was it cancelled a speaking arrangement in DC/MoCo that he was going to do for us this month which I was going to have to sit through while he waxed nostalgic about Reagan in front of the olds.

Shit, I hope he doesn't read this message board.
Unless he’s xneverwherex I think I’m OK.


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Re: COVID-19 2020
« Reply #1066 on: April 30, 2020, 11:20:02 am »

Re: COVID-19 2020
« Reply #1067 on: April 30, 2020, 11:40:38 am »
GWAR Urge Fans to Drink Bleach, Praise Trump for Suggesting People Inject Disinfectants to Combat Coronavirus

"If you wanna stay safe from COVID-19, drink bleach, shoot it, smoke it"

It make sense as this has always been their stance...

With GWAR’s longstanding mission to destroy humankind,
drummer Jizmak Da Gusha gave Trump major kudos before describing different ways to ingest bleach in a new PSA:

“It was really great to hear our president in America say that it was ok to, y’know, use bleach as a cleaner, or as a drug. I mean, GWAR’s been using it as a drug forever, so, y’know, this is the stuff. You can inhale it, that’s a fun way. You can try to smoke it, shoot it. Obviously, drink it is the best. That’s what I like to do, just get the big old bottle and chug away! So if you wanna stay safe from COVID-19, drink bleach, shoot it, smoke it. Like I said before, GWAR does it all the ways.”

Although I have it on good authority that the band is still miffed that Julian survived.  From what I'm hearing, they are trying to rectify that
« Last Edit: April 30, 2020, 11:42:21 am by Blursday, Maypril 49th. ılıl|̲̅̅●̲̅̅|̲̅̅=̲̅̅|̲̅̅●̲̅̅|lıl »

Julian, White Poet WARLORD

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Re: COVID-19 2020
« Reply #1068 on: April 30, 2020, 11:47:54 am »
Although I have it on good authority that the band is still miffed that Julian survived. 
I think they respect me for doing it.

Justin Tonation

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Re: COVID-19 2020
« Reply #1069 on: April 30, 2020, 01:34:04 pm »
GWAR Urge Fans to Drink Bleach, Praise Trump for Suggesting People Inject Disinfectants to Combat Coronavirus

"If you wanna stay safe from COVID-19, drink bleach, shoot it, smoke it"

Mix it with ammonia and cure the whole damn room.
😐 🎶

Space Freely

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Re: COVID-19 2020
« Reply #1071 on: April 30, 2020, 03:32:33 pm »


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Re: COVID-19 2020
« Reply #1072 on: April 30, 2020, 04:25:24 pm »

Re: COVID-19 2020
« Reply #1073 on: April 30, 2020, 06:02:16 pm »
I would be terrified if I worked in the Michigan State House

How is this OK the people show up armed to protest

I’m sorry but this Kind of activity should not be protected
this is insanity

I mean who is the stop one these guys accidentally shooting Off a round and then other people shoot up the place
100s dead because one idiot accidentally shot off a round

Then they say we are nazis when we think this behavior is insane

kosmo vinyl

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Re: COVID-19 2020
« Reply #1074 on: April 30, 2020, 06:18:58 pm »
Seriously display of white privilege on display today.. WTF as you know all these asshats do is “hunt” and watch faux news doubt there is much culture in their lives


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Re: COVID-19 2020
« Reply #1075 on: April 30, 2020, 07:32:24 pm »


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Re: COVID-19 2020
« Reply #1076 on: April 30, 2020, 07:45:51 pm »
Want the government  stepping in to stop all of these people showing up with AK47s at court houses to demand the shut down be lifted?  Have them all be black people; oh it'll end real quick.


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kosmo vinyl

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Re: COVID-19 2020
« Reply #1078 on: May 01, 2020, 11:28:51 am »
it's really great we have such a level headed penn ave resident who is now provided his rubber stamp for more cosplaying ignoramuses to take back their state capitols.  wtf is making a deal with them??? and you know that shit like that would never be said about a red state governor.  everyone of those protesters should have been lead away in zip tie handcuffs and charged with disturbing peace like every other peaceful protester seems to be treated.  so now we will  have more embolden idiots and it will probably not ended well, given you know how the drunk lady judge and the other personalities on faux news will be fanning the flames.  yes livid about how that was allowed to happen, etc.

/rant off

p.s this is result of far to much time on twitter, at least I have listening parties to keep me a bit sane.

Re: COVID-19 2020
« Reply #1079 on: May 01, 2020, 05:36:35 pm »
Not sure if this has changed...but MI has a great law where it's totally OK to bring automatic wepons with live amunition
but illegial to bring a sign
Bring your guns, leave your signs: Michigan Capitol rules in spotlight at Second Amendment rally

Michigan State Police who work at the building regularly enforce the sign rule, but there is no rule or law preventing gun owners from carrying their weapons into the Capitol

This is going to end badly one of these days.  This is the 'hold my beer' crowd.  I really don't trust them at all to safely operate a firearm