MoCo anecdotal information:
Co-Worker: 50ish, double pfizered, got pretty ill, monoclonals infused, around a week afterwards he no longer tests positive, feels lousy still, lotsa coughing, no sense taste or smell, exhausted, been out of commisson since around 10/29. His wife and 2 schoolage kids, no symptoms, and all negative tests. [I have not seen him in person for at least a month, so no exposure for me from him. We share an assistant, and he interacted in person with her. She has not gotten sick, and continues to test negative].
Client, late 40s: non-vaxed, got pretty ill, monoclonals infused, got better. His top salesperson, 60ish (I am assuming also no vax): in ICU on ventilator for the past week, looks grim.
Friend of Friend: 60ish, fully vaxxed, did a couple of weeks on ventilator, has recovered. Unsure on how is feeling now.