true, but you know that is a satire account
yes, i heard it's a parody of a certain boardee's financial advice... <hides>
Tuberville: Putin and Trump will decide future of Ukraine, not Zelensky
there has been a lot of that going around. i think it was watters, on fox, who said "ukraine is a vassal state, we own them, and we decide when the war is over, not them".
this comes directly from trump. as a NYC developer, he believed there were two types of people/companies:
1) subordinate suckers who should be taken advantage of; or
2) powerful types that you buddy up to and make deals with.
the lowly plumbing contractor will be paid a third of what was agreed to after the work is complete, while other rich magnates are wined and dined. this thinking permeates trump's political thinking too: either a country (or its leader) is below the US, in which case you take everything and give back nothing (ukraine, panama, canada, greenland, gaza); or it's a "real country"/"real leader" with power, like ruzzia or china, that trumps aspires to pal around with.
clearly trump is done with the inconvenience that is ukraine, and his disciples are parroting the message: ukraine shouldn't even have a say in its own future. what word is worse than disgusting? reprehensible?