Author Topic: DC is NEXT!!!  (Read 18409 times)


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Re: DC is NEXT!!!
« Reply #135 on: March 26, 2004, 11:10:00 am »
Thanks for making my point in so many posts, mank.  Exactly as I've maintained, I consistantly was talking about the smoking ban and that it should be a city issue decided by the city.  I didn't veer from that discussion until others did and the clamoring began.
 What's funny about this thread's page 4 is that it all started with my saying you *weren't* being a dick even though apparently hot under the collar...
Originally posted by Bollocks:
Originally posted by Bags:
Originally posted by keithstg:
Originally posted by Got Balls?:
  And DC should have no right to tax VA or MD people who work in the District, and pay their own income taxes in their state of residence.
DC does not tax VA or MD people who work in the District. [/b]
Correct, and hence VA and MD folks should ban smoking in their own towns/cities/counties --where they pay taxes. [/b]
Or this?
 BTW..Can someone let me know were I get my sales tax exempt forms for DC please? [/QB][/QUOTE]


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Re: DC is NEXT!!!
« Reply #136 on: March 26, 2004, 11:11:00 am »
I never said you started out crazed, but were the first to get there with the post I noted above.  You know, the one with the screaming...
Originally posted by Bollocks:
Originally posted by Bollocks:
  Why does everything have to be so extreme...if a bar wants to allow smoking then why not? They could generate revenue by charging "smokers bars" a monthy levy of $10,000 or something like that, but only allow 15% of bars smoking permits, seeing as some one came up with the magic number of smokers being 15% of the population. Just an idea from a simple northern boy...who's been a non-smoker for over 25 years. I wouldn't go anywhere near a smoking bar personally, but smokers should be given the opportunity to enjoy a pint and a smoke too.
 I think they should allow smoking in the workplace everytime some twat lights up all us non-smokers can go sit outside and do nothing for 20 minutes out of every hour.    :D  
This was my first comment on the issue...doesn't seem very "virulent" to me, but I apologize if you took it that way. [/b]


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Re: DC is NEXT!!!
« Reply #137 on: March 26, 2004, 11:12:00 am »
Originally posted by brennser:
Originally posted by Bollocks:
Originally posted by brennser:
  jesus rhett, you have a MAJOR chip on your shoulder because you can't afford to live in DC.....let it go man
Brennser...bollocks is mankie.    ;)    
 I can afford to live in DC...I choose not to. [/b]
mankie, not only can you afford to live in DC, you can afford to live in Ireland - not even I can afford that    :confused:  [/b]
I think you mean you can't afford to live the American lifestyle in Ireland.


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Re: DC is NEXT!!!
« Reply #138 on: March 26, 2004, 11:35:00 am »
I think you mean you can't afford to live the American lifestyle in Ireland.  
well strictly speaking I can afford to live anywhere, what with the old trust fund...   :p  
 I know we've talked offline about this mankie but I'm not really talking about the american lifestyle (to be honest I'm not even sure if I'm living that right now)
 I was just chatting with someone from Donegal this morning and we are both here 10 years and were saying how literally everythings more expensive in Ireland, cars, houses, gas, clothes, CDs, DVDs, eating out, cigarettes, drink, even newspapers - you name it - on top of that people make less and are taxed more
 I honestly don't know how my friends who live in Dublin do it


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Re: DC is NEXT!!!
« Reply #139 on: March 26, 2004, 11:41:00 am »
  But i wouldnt mind seeing a lane especially for drunk people, or people on the phone.
giggle...I like that idea!


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Re: DC is NEXT!!!
« Reply #140 on: March 26, 2004, 11:48:00 am »
Originally posted by brennser:
I think you mean you can't afford to live the American lifestyle in Ireland.  
well strictly speaking I can afford to live anywhere, what with the old trust fund...    :p  
 I know we've talked offline about this mankie but I'm not really talking about the american lifestyle (to be honest I'm not even sure if I'm living that right now)
 I was just chatting with someone from Donegal this morning and we are both here 10 years and were saying how literally everythings more expensive in Ireland, cars, houses, gas, clothes, CDs, DVDs, eating out, cigarettes, drink, even newspapers - you name it - on top of that people make less and are taxed more
 I honestly don't know how my friends who live in Dublin do it [/b]
But they do, and go on holiday twice a year as well. (because they get more than 1-2 weeks per year) Personal debt is much higher in the US than over there too, so it's not like they borrow on the never never for all this stuff. I think people live within their means and make it work...I took quite a paycut for this job and haven't missed it really, other than cutting out impulse purchases for fancy watches and all that crap, which isn't important when all said and done.
 As for living the American lifestyle....I did, then didn't, then REALLY didn't, then did and now comfortable. I'd say the only difference is three words, "I'll take it", unless you are at the stage I was at during my  "REALLY didn't" phase.
 I know I'm rambling on but I know what I mean!!! For example...I'd like to switch to digital photography but have a ton of lenses for my Nikon SLR so want a digital camera to fit those... the D100, or the replacement coming out soon D70 I think...anyway it's about $1,000 and in my last job I'd just go buy the damn thing, but now I'll just put the cash aside for a couple of months...what's the big deal? (I don't use credit cards btw.)


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Re: DC is NEXT!!!
« Reply #141 on: March 26, 2004, 01:59:00 pm »
I don't have the time or desire to read the entire thread, but the smoking ban has been in effect for nearly ten years in the entire state of California, and yes, the bars took an initial hit for the first few months, but nearly all have overcome.  The bars and clubs are as crowded as they ever were and most owners and their employees are making money hand over fist.  
 The live music scene is fantastic in LA and SF without smoking in the clubs and the music scene in the suburbs of SF and LA are doing just fine as well so it's not a Big City vs. Suburb thing either.  The fact is smoking bothers nonsmokers and the people have spoken, the legislature listened and took action despite the big money tobacco lobby.  And frankly, I much prefer the ban.  I don't smoke, but have many friends that do, and they've gotten used to it.  Some of them are even still friends with an outspoken nonsmoker, especially after I tell them the horror stories of my times in hospitals due to numerous lung ailments.


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Re: DC is NEXT!!!
« Reply #142 on: March 26, 2004, 03:05:00 pm »
"A bill has been introduced in the Maryland Legislature to permit dogs in Maryland restaurants â?? at the restaurant owner's discretion â?? but there has been little support for the measure. Letters to the editor of The Baltimore Sun are overwhelmingly against it."
 - USA Today
 Hmmm, so they outlaw smoking because smokers are in the minority, but will allow restaurants to *decide* about dogs in eating establishments, to appease the minority?  
 Yuck.  Hopefully the citizens of Maryland (and Maryland alone) will decide and prevail!    ;)

Re: DC is NEXT!!!
« Reply #143 on: March 26, 2004, 03:08:00 pm »
I remember being in a restaurant in Venice a few years ago, and an old guy came in with a dog, and I thought it was pretty cool, even though I'm allerigic to animal fur. I guess my animal allergy doesn't bother me nearly as much as cigarette smoke does.


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Re: DC is NEXT!!!
« Reply #144 on: March 26, 2004, 03:09:00 pm »
In Virginia, not only can you smoke in restaurants, you can also carry a concealed weapon in the restaurant.
 I *heart* Virginia.


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Re: DC is NEXT!!!
« Reply #145 on: March 26, 2004, 03:11:00 pm »
And, again, in case you didn't read the whole thread...
 supporters of a ban on smoking in DC bars can donate, volunteer, or get involved with Smoke Free DC
Originally posted by vansmack:
  I don't have the time or desire to read the entire thread, but the smoking ban has been in effect for nearly ten years in the entire state of California, and yes, the bars took an initial hit for the first few months, but nearly all have overcome.  The bars and clubs are as crowded as they ever were and most owners and their employees are making money hand over fist.  
 The live music scene is fantastic in LA and SF without smoking in the clubs and the music scene in the suburbs of SF and LA are doing just fine as well so it's not a Big City vs. Suburb thing either.  The fact is smoking bothers nonsmokers and the people have spoken, the legislature listened and took action despite the big money tobacco lobby.  And frankly, I much prefer the ban.  I don't smoke, but have many friends that do, and they've gotten used to it.  Some of them are even still friends with an outspoken nonsmoker, especially after I tell them the horror stories of my times in hospitals due to numerous lung ailments.


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Re: DC is NEXT!!!
« Reply #146 on: March 26, 2004, 03:16:00 pm »
Originally posted by chimblysweep:
  And, again, in case you didn't read the whole thread...
 supporters of a ban on smoking in DC bars can donate, volunteer, or get involved with Smoke Free DC
Thanks for the heads up.  
 I've left that smoke infested city and have since moved to smoke free SF, CA (But the smoking ban really had nothing to do with it).
 Good luck with passing the ban though.