Author Topic: DC is NEXT!!!  (Read 18407 times)


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Re: DC is NEXT!!!
« Reply #105 on: March 25, 2004, 05:00:00 pm »
Originally posted by nkotbie:
 [QB] I only just started reading this thread, so I apologize if this is back-tracking or whatever, but I have two comments:
 1) Where the hell is keithstg hanging out in NYC?  Every time I've been out up there, the bars have been doing the same level of business as I've ever seen up there.
 2) Rhett's follow-up has to be the biggest laugh-out-loud moment I've had on this board in a long time.  

 Rhett's follow up was pretty damn funny. I am in NYC every weekend, mostly going out downtown, but occasionally on the UES. There really has been a discernable drop off at bars in general. Search the NY Times or Post for articles...


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Re: DC is NEXT!!!
« Reply #106 on: March 25, 2004, 05:04:00 pm »
Originally posted by Got Balls?:
  Be careful, or you're going to have to start paying commuter taxes to Howard County, or whereever it is you work.
 I'm shocked they's even let a freak like you into the suburbs.    :)


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Re: DC is NEXT!!!
« Reply #107 on: March 25, 2004, 05:05:00 pm »
Originally posted by El Tee:
  Go smoke a cig.    :D  
them's fightin words.  I'll meet you in Arlington tonight. Just, after you beat me up, help me get back home!!!!

Bombay Chutney

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Re: DC is NEXT!!!
« Reply #108 on: March 25, 2004, 05:07:00 pm »
NYC seemed to recover just fine after they raised the drinking age to 21 (with no grandfather clause).  I imagine they'll survive a smoking ban.


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Re: DC is NEXT!!!
« Reply #109 on: March 25, 2004, 05:08:00 pm »
Originally posted by Bags:
 Even Mankie's pretty virulent on this one, but is far less...I can't think of the perfect word. [/b]
I beg your pardon? I think bags is the more obnoxious one on this thread....I just do one of these  :roll:  everytime something comes up about DC and the residents end up blaming the suburbanites for all it's woes....bags being the biggest culprit in this case.
 OOH, if you burbanites didn't come in our bars smoking...ooh, if you burbanites didn't come take city jobs but pay burbanite income taxes....blah blah blah...get over yourselves?
 My opinion of DC has never's very nice, but not a city I would call 'cool', that's not putting the place down for crying out loud.


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Re: DC is NEXT!!!
« Reply #110 on: March 25, 2004, 05:13:00 pm »
Originally posted by pollard:
Originally posted by Bollocks:
  Apart from one of the best concert venues in the country..what else does it have that you can call "COOL"?
please tell how any of what you said applies to me, I don't ever talk about how DC is cool, I have said I love it before many times, not in comparison to anywhere else, but as the place where I live and like to live, but all that does is gets lots of comments about how bad it is [/b]
Did you or did you not make this post....
 "thank you for making my point, that most of the people bringing up "dc is cool or not" issues on this board are the suburbanites, rarely do I see city dwellers on this board talk about how cool life in the city is unless somebody has talked bad about it first, and I for one hate the 4 P's, but we have been through that before "
 I was just disagreeing with your point that it's the suburbanites how make the "cool/not cool" comments. I think it's the city dwellers who can't let it go.
 4 P's couldn't pour a pint of guiness if their lives depended on it.  ;)  (but I think we agree on that one)


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Re: DC is NEXT!!!
« Reply #111 on: March 25, 2004, 05:32:00 pm »
Originally posted by Skeeter:
  NYC seemed to recover just fine after they raised the drinking age to 21 (with no grandfather clause).  I imagine they'll survive a smoking ban.
I HARDLY think that is the same thing. close maybe, but not quite.
  You are right in a way. I am sure 100 years from now no one will even miss all of the freedom's we once had


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Re: DC is NEXT!!!
« Reply #112 on: March 25, 2004, 05:41:00 pm »
Originally posted by sonickteam2:
Originally posted by Skeeter:
  NYC seemed to recover just fine after they raised the drinking age to 21 (with no grandfather clause).  I imagine they'll survive a smoking ban.
I HARDLY think that is the same thing. close maybe, but not quite.
  You are right in a way. I am sure 100 years from now no one will even miss all of the freedom's we once had [/b]
Ah yes, it will a case of....."remember the good old days when 15% had the freedom to give cancer to the 85%. I miss the days of freedom of the minority over the majority."
 There was a time when we had the freedom to get shitfaced then drive home....those were the days.  :roll:


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Re: DC is NEXT!!!
« Reply #113 on: March 25, 2004, 05:54:00 pm »
Look if you want to smoke, go some where you can smoke. If you don't like smoking, don't go somewhere that allows it. Business should make the decisions not the government in this area. If a business wants to cater to people that smoke they should be able to, and vice-versa.
 Money is a much larger motivation than anything else.
 If bars start to fail because all the nonsmokers go some place else maybe the bars that allow it will change their policies on smoking.


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Re: DC is NEXT!!!
« Reply #114 on: March 25, 2004, 05:54:00 pm »
Originally posted by sonickteam2:
Originally posted by Skeeter:
  NYC seemed to recover just fine after they raised the drinking age to 21 (with no grandfather clause).  I imagine they'll survive a smoking ban.
I HARDLY think that is the same thing. close maybe, but not quite.
  You are right in a way. I am sure 100 years from now no one will even miss all of the freedom's we once had [/b]
if anything, taking away the legality of serving 3 years worth of people would seem much worse than banning smoking. my sister lives in hoboken, and now goes to the city much more. i would be much more willing to go into dc if there was no smoking. what they should do is ban smoking, but let bars stay open until 5 or 6. then they can make back lost cash, and the drinkers that flock to arlington to smoke will come back to dc after 1:30


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Re: DC is NEXT!!!
« Reply #115 on: March 25, 2004, 06:06:00 pm »
Originally posted by god's shoeshine:

  You are right in a way. I am sure 100 years from now no one will even miss all of the freedom's we once had [/b]
i would be much more willing to go into dc if there was no smoking.  [/QB]
But that's the whole point...bags and her crew don't want your kind in her city.

ratioci nation

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Re: DC is NEXT!!!
« Reply #116 on: March 25, 2004, 06:08:00 pm »
Originally posted by Bollocks:
  But that's the whole point...bags and her crew don't want your kind in her city.
talk about not letting it go, who is this "crew" you speak of


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Re: DC is NEXT!!!
« Reply #117 on: March 25, 2004, 06:16:00 pm »
jesus rhett, you have a MAJOR chip on your shoulder because you can't afford to live in DC.....let it go man

Re: DC is NEXT!!!
« Reply #118 on: March 25, 2004, 06:18:00 pm »
Must be her posse of 51 gay male friends. Smoking, drinking, dancing and fucking their way to complete freedom. And wearing cool shoes while they're doing it.  ;)  
Originally posted by pollard:
Originally posted by Bollocks:
  But that's the whole point...bags and her crew don't want your kind in her city.
talk about not letting it go, who is this "crew" you speak of [/b]


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Re: DC is NEXT!!!
« Reply #119 on: March 25, 2004, 06:19:00 pm »
Originally posted by brennser:
  jesus rhett, you have a MAJOR chip on your shoulder because you can't afford to live in DC.....let it go man
Brennser...bollocks is mankie.  ;)  
 I can afford to live in DC...I choose not to.