Author Topic: DC is NEXT!!!  (Read 18408 times)


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Re: DC is NEXT!!!
« Reply #120 on: March 25, 2004, 06:25:00 pm »
Originally posted by Bollocks:
Originally posted by brennser:
  jesus rhett, you have a MAJOR chip on your shoulder because you can't afford to live in DC.....let it go man
Brennser...bollocks is mankie.   ;)  
 I can afford to live in DC...I choose not to. [/b]
I know bollocks is you mank - I was referring more to the whole thread, on which rhett has bloviated prominently, which is starting to resemble another thread from a few weeks ago, and his whole suburbs vs dc whine....

Re: DC is NEXT!!!
« Reply #121 on: March 25, 2004, 06:32:00 pm »
We can afford to live in DC, but choose not to. In some cities in the world, I would choose the city over the burbs, but not DC. Probably for the same reasons that Mankie chooses the DC burbs.
    And Brennser, fuck you. Mankie, Markie, Pollard, Bags, Sonick, and Chimbleysweep all did their parts to bring city vs. suburbs commentary into this thread. Singling me out is pretty gay of you. If you don't like the direction the thread took, fuck off and start a conversation with yourself about such irrelevancies as Lloyd Cole.
Originally posted by brennser:
Originally posted by Bollocks:
Originally posted by brennser:
  jesus rhett, you have a MAJOR chip on your shoulder because you can't afford to live in DC.....let it go man
Brennser...bollocks is mankie.     ;)    
 I can afford to live in DC...I choose not to. [/b]
I know bollocks is you mank - I was referring more to the whole thread, on which rhett has bloviated prominently, which is starting to resemble another thread from a few weeks ago, and his whole suburbs vs dc whine.... [/b]


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Re: DC is NEXT!!!
« Reply #122 on: March 25, 2004, 08:27:00 pm »
Originally posted by raebyddet:
  Look if you want to smoke, go some where you can smoke. If you don't like smoking, don't go somewhere that allows it. Business should make the decisions not the government in this area. If a business wants to cater to people that smoke they should be able to, and vice-versa.
 Money is a much larger motivation than anything else.
 If bars start to fail because all the nonsmokers go some place else maybe the bars that allow it will change their policies on smoking.
Yay for common sense!
 If non-smoking nightclubs were such a great idea, it wouldn't be necessary for the ban to be legislated.


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Re: DC is NEXT!!!
« Reply #123 on: March 25, 2004, 08:52:00 pm »
Originally posted by Bollocks:
Originally posted by Bags:
 Even Mankie's pretty virulent on this one, but is far less...I can't think of the perfect word. [/b]
I beg your pardon? I think bags is the more obnoxious one on this thread....I just do one of these   :roll:   everytime something comes up about DC and the residents end up blaming the suburbanites for all it's woes....bags being the biggest culprit in this case.
 OOH, if you burbanites didn't come in our bars smoking...ooh, if you burbanites didn't come take city jobs but pay burbanite income taxes....blah blah blah...get over yourselves?
Mank, youâ??re nuts.  All you do is roll your eyes?  In fact, looking back, we were talking about tax policy fairly rationally (itâ??s a valid policy discussion to have; itâ??s an option and works other places, itâ??s not about us vs. them, and people disagree on it, but the discussion is viable and necessary).  
 So weâ??re going along talking ONLY about taxes until this post from Bollocks:
All you DC residents are really quite militant aren't you.....remember. MD and VA gave you land for free so you could have your little city..SO SHUT THE FUCK UP OR WE'LL TAKE OUR LAND BACK!
The next post that veered away from taxes and brought up this whole cool factor was from Balls:
Triple the taxes on the condecending, "We're cooler than the suburbanites" city dwellers who insist on having a DC address and ,as payment for the conveniences of living in the city. Call is a Coolness Convenience tax.
And it devolved from thereâ?¦.You were virulent, before anyone else got into the ever-present city vs. burbs discussion, in fact:
 Main Entry:   vir·u·lent
 Pronunciation:   -l&nt
 Function:   adjective
 Etymology:   Middle English, from Latin virulentus, from virus poison
 1: objectionably harsh or strong
 As for me wanting to keep out the burbanites, I plan an awful lot of shit bringing them into the city (not the gay guys; they live in the city by a ratio of about 19 to 1).  I must not realize that I don't want them here! ?!  Surprisingly, I go over the river a  lot as well.  Hmmm.  How crazy of me.


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Re: DC is NEXT!!!
« Reply #124 on: March 26, 2004, 09:10:00 am »
Originally posted by Bollocks:
 Ah yes, it will a case of....."remember the good old days when 15% had the freedom to give cancer to the 85%. I miss the days of freedom of the minority over the majority."
 There was a time when we had the freedom to get shitfaced then drive home....those were the days.   :roll:  
do you have a problem with minorities?  and since when were you FORCED to go to a bar to get home at night? I suppose if driving drunk (or the reprecussions of) didnt kill you INSTANTLY, then it wouldnt seem so bad.  Your comparison is actually very stupid.  But i wouldnt mind seeing a lane especially for drunk people, or people on the phone.


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Re: DC is NEXT!!!
« Reply #125 on: March 26, 2004, 09:23:00 am »
Ahhh, I have the  solution!


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Re: DC is NEXT!!!
« Reply #126 on: March 26, 2004, 10:27:00 am »
Originally posted by sonickteam2:
Originally posted by Bollocks:
 Ah yes, it will a case of....."remember the good old days when 15% had the freedom to give cancer to the 85%. I miss the days of freedom of the minority over the majority."
 There was a time when we had the freedom to get shitfaced then drive home....those were the days.    :roll:  
do you have a problem with minorities?  and since when were you FORCED to go to a bar to get home at night? I suppose if driving drunk (or the reprecussions of) didnt kill you INSTANTLY, then it wouldnt seem so bad.  Your comparison is actually very stupid.  But i wouldnt mind seeing a lane especially for drunk people, or people on the phone. [/b]
I just think the majority should not suffer in preference of the minority....isn't that a democracy, oh right. USA isn't a democracy is it?
 I'll use my driving on the left comparison...I do many things over here that I think are arse-backwards, but the majority do it so I go along with it.
 As for the drunk driving comparison....the only point I was making is laws are sometimes brought into effect after statistics show that they would help the safety/health of people....driving drunk was totally legal until someone realized it was killing folk....smoking is doing the same thing, only slower. If I sit in the same room as someone who smokes I'm basically smoking wether I want to or not. I was the one who said smokers should have the right to smoke and have a drink too, so some bars should be allowed to be smokers bars. I agree it should be up to the owners of the bars wether they go smoking or non-smoking, not the government.


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Re: DC is NEXT!!!
« Reply #127 on: March 26, 2004, 10:29:00 am »
Originally posted by Bags:
Originally posted by cale:
  Does anyone know what someone can do to support a smoking ban in DC?  Who do I have to email, who can I give money to, what do I have to sign, etc?
Are you a resident? [/b]
Remember this one bags?


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Re: DC is NEXT!!!
« Reply #128 on: March 26, 2004, 10:30:00 am »
Originally posted by Bags:
What is going to bother me is if a lot of folks who are clamoring for no smoking bars in DC are VA and MD residents.  As it is, DC residents have little say over what happens in their own city.  This should be strictly a D.C.-decided issue. [/b]
How about this one?


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Re: DC is NEXT!!!
« Reply #129 on: March 26, 2004, 10:32:00 am »
Originally posted by Bags:
Originally posted by keithstg:
Originally posted by Got Balls?:
  And DC should have no right to tax VA or MD people who work in the District, and pay their own income taxes in their state of residence.
DC does not tax VA or MD people who work in the District. [/b]
Correct, and hence VA and MD folks should ban smoking in their own towns/cities/counties --where they pay taxes. [/QB][/QUOTE]
 Or this?
 BTW..Can someone let me know were I get my sales tax exempt forms for DC please?


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Re: DC is NEXT!!!
« Reply #130 on: March 26, 2004, 10:36:00 am »
Originally posted by Bollocks:
  Why does everything have to be so extreme...if a bar wants to allow smoking then why not? They could generate revenue by charging "smokers bars" a monthy levy of $10,000 or something like that, but only allow 15% of bars smoking permits, seeing as some one came up with the magic number of smokers being 15% of the population. Just an idea from a simple northern boy...who's been a non-smoker for over 25 years. I wouldn't go anywhere near a smoking bar personally, but smokers should be given the opportunity to enjoy a pint and a smoke too.
 I think they should allow smoking in the workplace everytime some twat lights up all us non-smokers can go sit outside and do nothing for 20 minutes out of every hour.   :D  
This was my first comment on the issue...doesn't seem very "virulent" to me, but I apologize if you took it that way.


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Re: DC is NEXT!!!
« Reply #131 on: March 26, 2004, 10:41:00 am »
Originally posted by Bollocks:
   I agree it should be up to the owners of the bars wether they go smoking or non-smoking, not the government.
oh, ok. hehe.
  and the US isnt a democracy. but if it was, dont minorities have rights too?
   well, i figured i would move back to Canada when the US smoking bans were too much, but now i presume it will be the whole world soon.


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Re: DC is NEXT!!!
« Reply #132 on: March 26, 2004, 10:54:00 am »
And Brennser, fuck you.
Singling me out is pretty gay of you.  
yeah, but not as gay as calling someone a porky midget


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Re: DC is NEXT!!!
« Reply #133 on: March 26, 2004, 10:58:00 am »
Originally posted by Bollocks:
Originally posted by brennser:
  jesus rhett, you have a MAJOR chip on your shoulder because you can't afford to live in DC.....let it go man
Brennser...bollocks is mankie.   ;)  
 I can afford to live in DC...I choose not to. [/b]
mankie, not only can you afford to live in DC, you can afford to live in Ireland - not even I can afford that   :confused:

Re: DC is NEXT!!!
« Reply #134 on: March 26, 2004, 11:01:00 am »
I apologized for my stupidity surrounding that incident, and still feel regretful.
 Perhaps the gayest thing of all is taking an incident that concerned you in no real way, and that happened eight or nine months ago, and trying to rehash that incident.
Originally posted by brennser:
And Brennser, fuck you.
Singling me out is pretty gay of you.  
yeah, but not as gay as calling someone a porky midget [/b]