Author Topic: Billy Corgan - "I want my Smashing Pumpkins back&qu  (Read 16168 times)


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Re: Billy Corgan - "I want my Smashing Pumpkins back&qu
« Reply #60 on: July 28, 2005, 02:13:00 pm »
I really like some of the Pumpkins' music, but Billy Corgan is a twat. Being from Chicago and having met him on several occasions, I can say that. He hangs out with Courtney Love. Need I say more??


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Re: Billy Corgan - "I want my Smashing Pumpkins back&qu
« Reply #61 on: July 28, 2005, 06:18:00 pm »
I know I probably stand completely alone in this but from the little I've heard of his new album, I actually like it, which completely surprised me. I want to hear the rest but not sure if I really want it. Still thinking about that one. Now, here's the strange part for me. In the past, I've never, ever liked any Smashing Pumpkins, Zwan, Billy Corgan, whatever. None whatsoever at any time with the exception of the song that he did with New Order which I love.
 Guess that means that everyone hates the new material.

Julian, Alleged Computer F**kface

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Re: Billy Corgan - "I want my Smashing Pumpkins back&qu
« Reply #62 on: July 28, 2005, 06:28:00 pm »
Originally posted by Jaguär:
  I know I probably stand completely alone in this but from the little I've heard of his new album, I actually like it, which completely surprised me. I want to hear the rest but not sure if I really want it. Still thinking about that one. Now, here's the strange part for me. In the past, I've never, ever liked any Smashing Pumpkins, Zwan, Billy Corgan, whatever. None whatsoever at any time with the exception of the song that he did with New Order which I love.
 Guess that means that everyone hates the new material.
New Order is cited as a major influence on his new album. It's all mostly the same "Style" except for one or two songs, so if you like what you've heard, you'd prolly dig it.
 FYI - I like a few songs immensely (DIA, camera eye, mina loy) and think it has a few stinkers, but overall think it's merely "eh".


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Re: Billy Corgan - "I want my Smashing Pumpkins back&qu
« Reply #63 on: July 28, 2005, 08:38:00 pm »
Originally posted by Julian, faux celeb-porn CONNOISSEUR:
 New Order is cited as a major influence on his new album. It's all mostly the same "Style" except for one or two songs, so if you like what you've heard, you'd prolly dig it.
So, I guess Billy Corgan is the Wynonna Ryder to New Order then. Considering NO's last album, he sucked the talent right out of them.


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Re: Billy Corgan - "I want my Smashing Pumpkins back&qu
« Reply #64 on: July 29, 2005, 02:35:00 am »
Didn't Ryan Adams do the same thing when asked to play BRIAN Adams songs?


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Re: Billy Corgan - "I want my Smashing Pumpkins back&qu
« Reply #65 on: July 29, 2005, 11:34:00 am »
Actually, I like the Pumpkins' early stuff and I got the new CD, surprised to find that there are some pretty darn good songs on it. The whole thing isn't great, but it's decent.

Sage 703

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Re: Billy Corgan - "I want my Smashing Pumpkins back&qu
« Reply #66 on: July 29, 2005, 12:47:00 pm »
First, I think that was a great interview with Corgan - Mitchum writes well.  And I don't think you can argue with his point that Billy Corgan is just going to do whatever the hell he wants, and doesn't really care what anybody else thinks of him.  And I think that's always what has made me a fan - whether or not you like the music, I think that's respectable.
 And the new album is pretty good - I'd say five very strong tracks - Mina Loy, The Camera Eye, A100, Walking Shade, Now (And Then) - and some okay stuff - DIA, All Things Change, To Love Somebody.  Then I'd say the rest of fairly worthless.  But I'd say check it out.
 Then again, I'm a devotee.
Didn't Ryan Adams do the same thing when asked to play BRIAN Adams songs?  
Actually, there was an interview in Pitchfork this week about this:
 "Pitchfork: Do you ever wonder if people go to Bryan Adams shows and yell out the names of your songs?
 Adams: I don't know! I think the only reason that they do that-- I mean, they don't really do it much anymore, I hear it once in a very long while-- is because they think that it actually makes me mad. They think that the song name is what makes me mad, which is absurd. I don't care what they were yelling. The problem is that the guy who was yelling that song title out, the time I got really mad, was yelling it over and over again. And Gillian Welch and David Rawlings were on stage with me, and we were singing a three-part harmony to "Bartering Lines", with no musical accompaniment, except a banjo and his Archtop guitar.
 So when the breakdown happens, it's just three voices, and the guy yells it out. And I'm so honored to be onstage with those guys, you know? And this guy screaming over them? "Summer of '69"? It's like, you know what, it wasn't fucking funny the first time you did it, which is why nobody laughed. But after eight or nine times? At the Ryman? I was just like, this sucks. These are my friends. Just stop. So when I kicked that guy out, everybody thought it was because he was confusing me with Bryan Adams. But it was more a matter of respect. I mean, come on, there are these bluegrass musicians up here, the best out there that I know of."
 I apparently like musicians that throw fits, because I love Ryan Adams as well.  And you know, I don't think he (or Corgan) is totally out of line for being insulted and reacting this way.


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Re: Billy Corgan - "I want my Smashing Pumpkins back&qu
« Reply #67 on: March 27, 2016, 11:26:45 pm »
billy got his wish:

Watch Smashing Pumpkins Reunite With James Iha at Los Angeles Concert

Guitarist rejoins former bandmates for first time in 16 years to perform 'Siamese Dream' classics

i imagine that Julian hasn't posted this yet because he's still busy cleaning up the mess he made when he heard about this.


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Re: Billy Corgan - "I want my Smashing Pumpkins back&qu
« Reply #68 on: March 28, 2016, 02:33:12 pm »
Wow.  Even I think that's incredible and wish I had been there.


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Re: Billy Corgan - "I want my Smashing Pumpkins back&qu
« Reply #69 on: March 28, 2016, 03:38:40 pm »
I'd like to see them unite with Jonathan Melvoin. That would be amazing.


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Re: Billy Corgan - "I want my Smashing Pumpkins back&qu
« Reply #70 on: March 30, 2016, 10:33:18 am »
I'd like to see them unite with Jonathan Melvoin. That would be amazing.

I actually saw the last show he did with them when he was alive. It was a shambolic mess. In 1993/1994 the Pumpkins were actually a better live band than Nirvana (I saw them a week apart). But by 1996 it was clear there was something pretty wrong.

An interesting blurb. Sadly, no mention of Wax Trax Records, which was still a fundamental part of Chicago's music scene. But they're correct that the 3 biggest local names that year were the Pumpkins, Liz Phair, and Urge Overkill. I think Albini just hated having Nash Kato as his roommate for a while.