Author Topic: the conspiracy theory thread  (Read 229426 times)


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the conspiracy theory thread
« on: August 28, 2008, 03:56:00 pm »
i want my own thread to go on about, in the tradition of the "high life" and "tech. babble" threads we have, that never seem to end.  i will begin small and steady, hoping to continue every once in a while with deliberate, well thought out entries.  not cliche conspiracies, like 9/11 or the location of kennedy's brain, but random off my tongue, head scratchers.
 here is my first.  lindsay lohan and her girlfriend samantha ronson.  i have seen this before.  anne heche in bright bold lights.  but this time we have two of them fighting for the same prize.  for some reason, gay is cool now.  i guess after shoving "will and grace" and ellen down our throats for so many years, and then brokeback mountain, only heightened by sympathy for what's his name, plus the fact that the shit gays have put up with for thousands of years has finally come full frontal to the attention of people who like to care for others to feel better about themselves (or they have finally grown tired of what blacks went through) that we have this thing called the era of "gay enlightenment."  i feel both of these media sluts are vying for the attention of needing attention.  like michael jordon after basketball or madonna after relevance.  on one side you have a dj.  god i'm so sick of everybody being a dj, but that is another rant.  this dj has been quoted by critics as "sucking; having no talent in the medium; and when you invite her to dj your party, you know "why" you do it." (to attract the hollywood warhol like slags that come with her since she hooked up with lindsay.  on the other side, you have a overused, over media fucked starlet, who has nothing else to persue after a year before of dui/car crashes/rehabs (how many times?) . . . and here i thought she was an actress.  
 so give it up girls.  gay is a way of life from conception, not a halloween costume put on to draw attention to yourself, and then tossed aside when the spotlight leaves.


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Re: the conspiracy theory thread
« Reply #1 on: August 28, 2008, 04:44:00 pm »
this next one is short, and i'm not really sure if it is a conspiracy or not . . . or just something for mister navy's new thread.
 shuffle - on cd players, or i guess mp3/ipod players (but i refuse to use those evil things, so i just refer to the cd player.)  i love shuffle; prefer it over just listening straight through the album, unless of course it is pink floyd's "the wall" or other "concept" music requiring a form to appreciate the experience.  but with shuffle, after each song is finished, the player "randomly" chooses another song for you.  how does it choose?  if you hit next instead of waiting for the first song to end and having the player "choose" for you, will you arrive at the same song chosen?  does the player get mad at you for not letting it choose?  do cds have "predestined" songs that stand out to be picked on shuffle?

thirsty moore

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Re: the conspiracy theory thread
« Reply #2 on: August 28, 2008, 05:18:00 pm »
I'm not sure if Samantha Ronson hanging out with Lindsay Lohan is a conspiracy.
 Saying something like Samantha Ronson is illumnati may be more appropriate?  This is your world though.
 Keep reaching for the stars walkonby.


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Re: the conspiracy theory thread
« Reply #3 on: August 28, 2008, 05:24:00 pm »
location of 930 club -  for years i have pondered why oh why would any fool put the club there.  ninth and v., north west?  i mean, i know it could be worse, like anywhere in northeast or southeast, but the location still is shit: the decor of the neighborhood a unapologized tag upon tagged out building rot draped in disgusting states of stoned out window disrepair.  broken glass streets from derelict drunks, vials and small bagggies that make the white suburb kids stereotype.  i know the easy answer could be, "you get what you can in this town and you take it." but i feel there was motive.  plot assignments.  a reason to shine as a beacon club that, besides black cat, stands for the punk, the plastered past and post flyers of epic occurrences, with a do what i want so fuck you mentality.  there is a "can't take the heat, get out of the crowd" mentality that goes with this club and it's location.  just the way it was meant to be.

Chip Chanko

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Re: the conspiracy theory thread
« Reply #4 on: August 28, 2008, 05:42:00 pm »
I think it's where it is because a venue with the amount of space seth was looking for was already there (WUST) and it was by a metro and near an up-and-coming section of DC.


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Re: the conspiracy theory thread
« Reply #5 on: August 28, 2008, 05:46:00 pm »
that is what seth wants us to believe.  he is the warren commission of our time.

thirsty moore

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Re: the conspiracy theory thread
« Reply #6 on: August 28, 2008, 05:48:00 pm »
930 club was put there so they could access the secret documents with ease.

Frank Gallagher

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Re: the conspiracy theory thread
« Reply #7 on: August 28, 2008, 06:14:00 pm »
It's simply a conspiracy between Seth and Howard University Hospital...they needed stab victims with health insurance and this was simply a way to bring white folk into the hood.
 Seth gets a kickback from H.U. hospital.


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Re: the conspiracy theory thread
« Reply #8 on: August 29, 2008, 11:14:00 am »
Originally posted by walkonby:
  location of 930 club
Yeah having the club in a remote location just means there is too much free street parking and not enough traffic back ups. I say move the club to Georgetown or Bristow.

Frank Gallagher

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Re: the conspiracy theory thread
« Reply #9 on: August 29, 2008, 11:35:00 am »
Originally posted by 6949:
Originally posted by walkonby:
  location of 930 club
Yeah having the club in a remote location just means there is too much free street parking and not enough traffic back ups. I say move the club to Georgetown or Bristow. [/b]
or Jupiter FL.  :D


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Re: the conspiracy theory thread
« Reply #10 on: August 29, 2008, 07:02:00 pm »
though i should be jealous of mister old navy's thread by now with it's many posts and clammering . . . about hockey now?  oh well, i like my sanitarium of lost insight.  i was going to sit here and spout of another one, because i have been thinking about it long and hard.  but i am going out and it will have to wait.  damn you, strange attempt at a social life.  well here atleast is the topic when i return.
 the lastest tattoo craze among today's youth lot and how it relates to a larger ufo/native american/eqyptian connection.  i'm sure youknowwho can't wait to hear this one!


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Re: the conspiracy theory thread
« Reply #11 on: August 31, 2008, 12:30:00 am »
Gustav is coming because of Global Warming. That's nice topic to jump off of. Any greenies out there?


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Re: the conspiracy theory thread
« Reply #12 on: August 31, 2008, 12:24:00 pm »
Originally posted by dlcjr1775:
  Gustav is coming because of Global Warming. That's nice topic to jump off of. Any greenies out there?
actually gustav was created by the russian mafia to get us back for the whole georgian mess.  still working on the tattoo idea.  satan does not like the idea that i'm going to tap it out, so i'll have to study more tattoos and wait.
 and when you eat pork rinds before you go to bed they appear in your dreams in the most unusual situations.


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Re: the conspiracy theory thread
« Reply #13 on: August 31, 2008, 01:18:00 pm »


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Re: the conspiracy theory thread
« Reply #14 on: September 15, 2008, 06:45:00 pm »
music - yes.  what could possibly be labeled a conspiracy and then stuck to such a thing as music?  so broad a topic, where as conspiracy needs limitations and the miniscule to work proper.  well, i offer the simple question of who brought this thing to us, this invention called music?  way beyond the fire and wheel; this was one day animal next day artist.  i know we (humans) technically invented it with musical instruments, around 35,000 y.a., which is right after we invented burial and then took to the sea, according to this cool book i am reading called "national geographic 1000 events that shaped the world."  yeah, i know, reading a paper book for reference information.  string instruments came around 2600 b.c.e., right around the time of the establishment of an empire.  also at the same time of the first pyramids being built, where soon to come the great pyramids of giza and khufu.
 there is the connection.  there is the control.  just where did this thing evolve from, this thing glorious as written word to emotion filled speech transference itself.  and was there predestined knowledge of what it would become . . . if you stopped right now and thought about where it is and what it has become?  all television shows, sports shows, commercials, infomercials, everything on television has music as a background score.  even all movies.  without it, it would seem bland and pointless.  when we eat out, there is music, in our car (no matter it be radio/cd/ipod) it is there.  we need it.  without it, what we see and do through the day, whether it work or play or excercise . . . is "bland and pointless(?)".  can you laugh off the assertion and live without it?  that means all forms of it, and i think i have only named a few outlets of it.  no shows or listening to it.  how many people have dreams of being in bands that go nowhere or bands form to wind up in bitter fueds where many people (inside and outside the band) are hurt, and it haunts them/effects them forever?  just how many shows can you be fucked out of because of the "scalpers first" rule of thumb and the price rise of concerts, before you lose it?  the riots at concerts because of types of attitudes clashing with artists too far gone prefuckingmadonna to even show on stage.  classes of people (this is my favourite) forming based on what type of music you listen to.  as if the type of music (punk/rap/country/indie/goth/pop/etc...) was the cult sensation and the music was a demi-god, giving audible connetion to the (god?).  the demise of the empire due to internet thievery, where the artists who provided the music now have to hide that "yes, they were all along and apart of the past rip off process of drinking,drugging,fucking to furious excess," by offering music in a repackaged, repriced "free" for all or in-store, multiple issue, exclusive content up your ass b.s..  
 so just who "invented" this thing we call music, that most people think of as only mere music?  since the days of wigs and white powder moles, there was jealously and there was greed, and that is only two of the better qualities of a thing that people are addicted to as much as any drug, not to be put down so easily. viva musica!