Author Topic: Guided by Voices  (Read 46320 times)


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Re: Guided by Voices
« Reply #165 on: September 02, 2003, 08:41:00 pm »
Originally posted by jadetree:
Originally posted by SPARX:
  Not sure what all the hush hush is about this,I hope Tim's Ok.
I hope so to, but it could just be that he wanted to play guitar, they have not even said that Tim is out, maybe Nate is out and Tim will play guitar.  Who knows. [/b]
Tim has vanished from is no longer listed ANYWHERE.What gives?


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Re: Guided by Voices
« Reply #166 on: September 02, 2003, 09:00:00 pm »
Originally posted by SPARX:
  Tim has vanished from is no longer listed ANYWHERE.What gives?
makes me believe there was some kind of major falling out, which is a big deal considering the involvement of his brother with the band as well


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Re: Guided by Voices
« Reply #167 on: September 03, 2003, 01:19:00 pm »
Originally posted by jadetree:
Originally posted by SPARX:
  Tim has vanished from is no longer listed ANYWHERE.What gives?
makes me believe there was some kind of major falling out, which is a big deal considering the involvement of his brother with the band as well [/b]
Yep,i'd have to agree.He always seemed like he enjoyed playing with them and with everything so secre tive,it can't be amicable.Bob could be making a big mistake here,those 2 really helped the band   out in many ways.


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Re: Guided by Voices
« Reply #168 on: September 03, 2003, 03:00:00 pm »
It's got to be a different Tim right?                                                                                               Rock Around the World  
 Newspaper Articles - Issue 13
 -by Stephen Peeples
 Your fleetfooted scribe really had to move this summer to keep up with the ridiculously large number of excellent live sets in town. Next summer I'm going to have ball bearings installed in my bootheels. Meanwhile, on with the highlights.
 Al Stewart and his band rolled back to L.A. with a couple new guys in the lineup -- Robin Lamble has replaced Peter Robinson on bass, and Tim Tobias has been added on keyboards. Stewart's Universal Amphitheater sets were very well-received in spite of the venue's aforementioned volume restrictions. And though it's logistically difficult to use his "Roads To Moscow" slideshow, both the tune and the presentation were sorely missed. But a couple nice surprises made up for it -- new tunes like "Palace Of Versailles" (about the French Revolution) and "Ton Ton Macute" (about former Haitian dictator Papa Doc Duvalier). Also, "You Should Have Listened To Al", a tune from the soon-to-be re-released Love Chronicles LP, originally released in England back in '69. The second LP in the double-pocket repackage is a collection of the best from his other three English albums, by the way.


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Re: Guided by Voices
« Reply #169 on: September 03, 2003, 05:12:00 pm »
GBV's relationship with Todd Tobias will not be
 Circus Devils will still continue.


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Re: Guided by Voices
« Reply #170 on: September 04, 2003, 01:34:00 pm »
I will have an official announcement later on next
 week but the next Fading Captain series release is all
 set. The Circus Devils - Pinball Mars (FCS 29) is
 finished and in the can for its annual October 31st
 release. I truly feel this is #1 of the 3 albums so
 far (I was a fan of the two others mind you). Kind of
 the perfect blend of the jaw dropping stuff from
 Ringworm Interiors with the more song structured
 Harold Pig Memorial. I will have track listings and
 such next week.


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Re: Guided by Voices
« Reply #171 on: September 04, 2003, 04:50:00 pm »
Catch the Asteroid No.4 LIVE this weekend in Philly and New York
 Friday, September 5, AKA Records In-store, Philadelphia, PA
 Going to the Magnet Anniversary Show at the Troc?  Stop by AKA records at 2nd and Market and see a stripped down A4.  Starts around 6ish.
 Rainbow Quartz/Turquoise Mountain


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Re: Guided by Voices
« Reply #172 on: September 04, 2003, 04:57:00 pm »
Originally posted by SPARX:
  Catch the Asteroid No.4 LIVE this weekend in Philly and New York
 Friday, September 5, AKA Records In-store, Philadelphia, PA
 Going to the Magnet Anniversary Show at the Troc?  Stop by AKA records at 2nd and Market and see a stripped down A4.  Starts around 6ish.
 Rainbow Quartz/Turquoise Mountain
Anybody know how close that is to The Troc?  Not sure what time I will be in town, but will consider it.

Venerable Bede

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Re: Guided by Voices
« Reply #173 on: September 05, 2003, 10:27:00 am »
happy gbv day!!!  who's all driving up to philly for the show tonight??


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Re: Guided by Voices
« Reply #174 on: September 05, 2003, 10:45:00 am »
Originally posted by Venerable Bede:
  happy gbv day!!!  who's all driving up to philly for the show tonight??
I will be there, they have added a few pre-propeller songs to the setlist, should be interesting, I will also finally hopefully here a track off of Mag Earwhig, Little Lines

Venerable Bede

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Re: Guided by Voices
« Reply #175 on: September 05, 2003, 10:49:00 am »
Originally posted by jadetree:
 I will be there, they have added a few pre-propeller songs to the setlist, should be interesting, I will also finally hopefully here a track off of Mag Earwhig, Little Lines
pre-propeller?  i guess it's too much to ask for "portrait destroyed by fire," eh?  saw the mag earwhig tour. . .only time i've seen bob's brother out on tour, their version of "i am produced" was excellent.


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Re: Guided by Voices
« Reply #176 on: September 05, 2003, 10:52:00 am »
Originally posted by Venerable Bede:
  pre-propeller?  i guess it's too much to ask for "portrait destroyed by fire," eh?  saw the mag earwhig tour. . .only time i've seen bob's brother out on tour, their version of "i am produced" was excellent.
would love to see I am Produced, one of my favorites, really looking forward to this because I am actually looking forward to hearing the new album live, unlike the last 3 albums
 here is the setlist from Boston a couple of nights ago -
 Mascara Snakes/My Son, My Secretary, My County/I'll Replace You With Machines/My Kind Of Soldier/Little Lines/Red Ink Superman/Bull Spears/Things That I Will Keep/Beg For A Wheelbarrow/She Goes Off At Night/Christian Animations Torch Carriers/Back To The Lake/Starts At The River/Useless Inventions/Dirty Water/Best Of Jill Hives/Game Of Pricks/Mix Up The Satellite/Hey Aardvark/Murder Charge/From A Voice Plantation/Skills Like This/Buzzards And Dreadful Crows/Skin Parade/A Trophy Mule In Particular/Apology In Advance/Secret Star/Fair Touching/Wire Greyhounds/Storm Vibrations/Watch Me Jumpstart/Alone, Stinking, and Unafraid/Glad Girls/Harrison Adams/Everywhere With Helicopter/Drinkers Peace/Cut-out Witch/Of Mites and Men/---ENCORE---A Salty Salute/The Ids are Alright/Lethargy/Teenage FBI/The Brides Have Hit Glass/I am a Scientist/Echos Myron/Don't Stop Now


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Re: Guided by Voices
« Reply #177 on: September 05, 2003, 05:39:00 pm »
Little bit of GBV knews -- Bob Pollard is working on an album with Tommy Keene.  They're hoping for a Spring 2004 release.  How COOL is that?  (If you don't think it's cool, feel free not to comment.)


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Re: Guided by Voices
« Reply #178 on: September 08, 2003, 10:58:00 am »
So the show was fantastic.
 The Shins were great, really looking forward to the new album now.  They were better than I could have hoped.  For all those people who complain about DC crowds though, you should have seen the crowd in Philly for the Shins.  It was quite impressive how perfectly still they stood.
 Guided by Voices played a short set (for them) but it was still a real good time.  The new material sounded great, and even though a bit of the antics were gone since there is a new bassist, he filled in well.
 Missed most of My Morning Jacket because the Troc has this bizarre policy of only having alcohol upstairs.  So we decided to drink through MMJ and be down front for the Shins and GBV.  Being there made me realize how lucky we are for the great venues in DC.  What we saw of MMJ was good though, just not to the level of the Shins or GBV.

Venerable Bede

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Re: Guided by Voices
« Reply #179 on: September 08, 2003, 11:04:00 am »
Originally posted by jadetree:
  Missed most of My Morning Jacket because the Troc has this bizarre policy of only having alcohol upstairs.  So we decided to drink through MMJ and be down front for the Shins and GBV.  Being there made me realize how lucky we are for the great venues in DC.  What we saw of MMJ was good though, just not to the level of the Shins or GBV.
that policy changes on a nightly basis, depending on the show and the expected size of the crowd.  luna played the next night at the troc, and beer was being served on the floor.  puzzling.
 the shins were indeed excellent.  would have liked a full gbv set, but every little bit is worth the price of admission.  loved hearing murder charge live.  but buffalo and that other guy were annoying as hell.