Author Topic: Demolish Nissan Pavilion...the Coldplay thread.  (Read 31671 times)

kosmo vinyl

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Re: Demolish Nissan Pavilion...the Coldplay thread.
« Reply #45 on: October 04, 2005, 07:38:00 am »
Traffic in the area is always most horrid on Friday, especially during the summer months...
 And aren't we suppose to be driving less anyways   ;)  
 Traffic here is going the way of LA very quickly where even on the weekend one can get mired in  traffic jams.  Went down to Richmond on Sunday outing and for no apparent reason other than volume,creeped through most of Prince William County.  Of course VDOT could have easily open up the HOV lanes going north to help the situtation...


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Re: Demolish Nissan Pavilion...the Coldplay thread.
« Reply #46 on: October 04, 2005, 07:44:00 am »
Coldplay sucks.
 If you get to Nissan early and listen to the encore at your car, you shouldn't have problems.
 Coldplay sucks.


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Re: Demolish Nissan Pavilion...the Coldplay thread.
« Reply #47 on: October 04, 2005, 09:38:00 am »
I just recieved a link to complete a survey about the Coldplay concert at Nissan Pavilion... I recommend anyone that experienced the hell that is Nissan to enter your complaints... (the website is aptly named)...


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Re: Demolish Nissan Pavilion...the Coldplay thread.
« Reply #48 on: October 05, 2005, 09:21:00 am »
Anyone know where one could find Coldplay's setlist from that night?


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Re: Demolish Nissan Pavilion...the Coldplay thread.
« Reply #49 on: October 05, 2005, 11:30:00 am »
Square One
 Speed Of Sound
 God Put A Smile On Your Face
 White Shadows
 Everything's Not Lost
 The Scientist
 Til Kingdom Come
 Ring of Fire
 Green Eyes
 Swallowed In The Sea
 In My Place
 Fix You


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Re: Demolish Nissan Pavilion...the Coldplay thread.
« Reply #50 on: October 05, 2005, 01:54:00 pm »
Thanks Snapp.
Originally posted by Snapp:
  Square One
 Speed Of Sound
 God Put A Smile On Your Face
 White Shadows
 Everything's Not Lost
 The Scientist
 Til Kingdom Come
 Ring of Fire
 Green Eyes
 Swallowed In The Sea
 In My Place
 Fix You


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Re: Demolish Nissan Pavilion...the Coldplay thread.
« Reply #51 on: October 05, 2005, 02:10:00 pm »
not sure what it is bout these guys but every picture looks like they are constipated or their laxative just kicked in.  
  <img src="" alt=" - " />
 trying too hard to act all serious n stuff. methinks there crap especially when i heard that whiny piano song of theirs im sure it makes all the girls wet but hey so does bon jovi. "next!"


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Re: Demolish Nissan Pavilion...the Coldplay thread.
« Reply #52 on: October 05, 2005, 02:23:00 pm »
as one poster has already mentioned...
 I myself don't mind some of their stuff but I could never go to one of their shows, their music really enduces narcolepsy (puts me to sleep).


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Re: Demolish Nissan Pavilion...the Coldplay thread.
« Reply #53 on: October 05, 2005, 03:24:00 pm »
Originally posted by kosmo vinyl:
  and i'm totally enjoying reading the new post writers concert reviews... bring on the snary comments! i'll bet he gets more than his fair share of hate mail.  comparing Coldplay to Dave Matthews Band was just priceless.  
 he is cool of course until he trashes of my favs, then i'll toilet paper his house...
A friend just sent me this link:  Pop Talk
 Post comments/questions to J. Free


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Re: Demolish Nissan Pavilion...the Coldplay thread.
« Reply #54 on: October 05, 2005, 04:29:00 pm »
Originally posted by amnesiac:
 A friend just sent me this link:  Pop Talk
 Post comments/questions to J. Free
i can't even imagine how tough it would be to be the full-time music critic at a major newspaper ... knowing that most of the lowest-common-denominator stuff that sells out the arenas and amphitheatres sucks balls, but the majority of your readership likes those bands
 so what are you supposed to do?  find a music critic who actually likes those bands and whose tastes mesh with the average dumbass radio listener?  do they exist?
 i guess the broader question is: should a newspaper pop critic's tastes gibe with his readership's tastes?  does that ever really happen?


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Re: Demolish Nissan Pavilion...the Coldplay thread.
« Reply #55 on: October 05, 2005, 04:35:00 pm »
I think it's hysterical how J Freedom answered the first question (I haven't even read past that yet).
 Potomac, MD: We're sorry, and we don't mean to be rude, but your reviews lately have been absolutely terrible--most of all, a bit amateurish and unprofessional. First of all, REVIEW THE CONCERTS. Don't worry about tabloid gossip news--it is literallly irrelevant to the concert at hand. No one gives a damn if Gwyneth Paltrow goes to a Coldplay concert. No one. Who cares? What songs did the band play, how were they played, what was the essence of the show? And to say that Coldplay plays music for "dull people" is absolutely childish, amateurish, unprofessional, stupid--and offensive. A stupid comment like that does not belong in a review in the Washington Post. Gee, the sold-out crowd of 25,000 people--from their teens to middle-aged, it should be noted, which it wasn't--at Nissan Friday night must mean that there are a lot of "dull people" out there WHO REALLY LIKE COLDPLAY'S MUSIC. Also, please get past the tabloid stuff and stale jokes about the Rolling Stones--WHAT WAS THE CONCERT LIKE, WHAT SONGS DID THEY PLAY, HOW DID THEY PLAY THEM, GIVE THE DETAILS OF THE CONCERT.
 Please--talk to Richard Harrington for some pointers. He's the best popular music writer the Post has ever had--and he's still in the newsroom!
 J. Freedom du Lac: Thanks, Potomac. Please don't apologize for sharing your opinions. I certainly don't!
 You're right - there are a lot of medium-level dull people out there who like Coldplay's music. "50,000,000 Coldplay Fans Can't Be Wrong," etc. Hey, Celine Dion is popular, too! [/i]
 Look, I don't have anything against Coldplay fans. Some of my best friends are Coldplay fans I'm just saying: It's not the most interesting music out there.
 As for the Stones: The concert was great. I do believe I said as much.
 Thanks for the tip on Richard, who is a veritable pop-music encyclopedia. Reminds me that we're supposed to have lunch this week.
 And later....
 That wasn't a commentary on the popularity of Coldplay and DMB, per se. More of a riff on the middle-of-the-road quality of their muzak. [/i]


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Re: Demolish Nissan Pavilion...the Coldplay thread.
« Reply #56 on: October 05, 2005, 04:43:00 pm »
So when does the U2 bashing start?  They sell a lot of records too.
 I'm guessing Coldplay was just a warm up lap...


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Re: Demolish Nissan Pavilion...the Coldplay thread.
« Reply #57 on: October 05, 2005, 04:43:00 pm »
Originally posted by HoyaParanoia:
 i guess the broader question is: should a newspaper pop critic's tastes gibe with his readership's tastes?  does that ever really happen?
Music criticism has become too polite.  just look at metacritic.  All those albums, and only one (Alanis Morrisette) has a negative rating.  Look at the film and DVD ratings and you see plenty of red.
 So I'm all for music critics getting a little  At the same time, they probably should tread lightly on the fragile egos of the medium-level dull.
 There is plenty of room to be critical without being Pitchfork-snarky also.


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Re: Demolish Nissan Pavilion...the Coldplay thread.
« Reply #58 on: October 05, 2005, 04:45:00 pm »
I hope someone asks him why he goes by the asinine moniker of "J. Freedom" rather than his given name of "Josh."


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Re: Demolish Nissan Pavilion...the Coldplay thread.
« Reply #59 on: October 05, 2005, 04:50:00 pm »
dont any musicians friggin play their instruments anymore?! no, i mean PLAY them, like they would when they r jammin in the garage. or when they were in band practice at skool. where r the zappa's? the steve vai's? dammit, i played the drums and know musicians and the crap i hear is not what muscians CAN do or want to do. that's the reall issue. reminds me zappa singing "...because anyone who would buy this record...nobody gives a fuck if this record has good musicians on it, b/c this is a stupid song"